
Chapter 148

Chapter 148
"Finally this day has come." Gao Wen clenched his fists fiercely.

It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.The unwarranted crimes that he had borne had also come to an end. No matter what the result was, he had to face it eventually.

When he got out of the cell, he saw two horses parked outside, and there were already a dozen guards in brocade clothes waiting there.

Yu Yi also arrived, sitting on a horse, with a strange red light on his pale face.Seeing Gao Wen, he reversed his indifferent expression that day, and pointed to another horse that was empty: "Gao Xiucai, can you ride a horse?"

Gao Wen: "Jiujiu, old Qin, you can even ride a war horse."

Yu Yi: "Yes, yes, you are interesting, let's go! After a few days, we may have a day to get closer."

Gao Wen jumped on his horse, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Qianhu for taking care of me these few days, Xiaosheng will remember it in my heart."

Yu Yi laughed: "Let's go!"

A group of people followed him and escorted Gao Wen towards the direction of the Criminal Division.

But he couldn't walk two steps, but found that the front was very lively, and the people on both sides of the street stretched their necks and looked forward.In the distance, there were gongs and drums, cheers, and firecrackers.

Moreover, there were government servants patrolling on both sides of the street. Seeing Jin Yiwei coming out, a leading officer rushed over.Knowing Yu Yi himself, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "So it's Yu Qianhu, but you can't go here."

The guards in Jinyi are used to domineering in normal times. Seeing this situation, a hundred households immediately stepped forward and scolded: "Since you know my thousands of households, you dare to stop those unscrupulous things? Is there something serious in front of you?" The characters, even you and others are dispatched."

The officer apologized and said with a smile: "Today is the grand master Liang Ma Kua Street sent by the imperial court to preside over the rural examination in our province. Not only Li Jijiu, but also the chief minister will accompany him. If you bump into them, you will be in trouble."

Hearing that it was the Great Master Liang Ma Kua Street, the hundred households were shocked and cursed: "You bastard, why didn't you tell me earlier, if something happens, I will never end with you."

After finishing speaking, he ran to Yu Yi and whispered.

Yu Yi is just a rich and well-clothed household, so when he met Guozijian Jijiu and Shaanxi Chief Envoy, he naturally had to avoid it.There was no way, Jin Yiwei was scary, but compared with them, Yu Qianhu's rank was too low.

He nodded: "Okay, avoid it for a while. Wait..."

He jumped off his horse and stood on the side of the street: "Look and talk...Gao Xiucai, didn't you also sign up for the Jinke Township Examination, and dismount together to meet your future chief examiner."

Gao Wen was also curious about the future examiner, but he said verbally, "Yu Qianhu, isn't Xiaosheng going to court?"

Yu Yi said indifferently: "I have already read your pleadings, it was framed by thieves. You are not a criminal, so you are in a hurry to go to the criminal department to do something, let them wait!"

Gao Wen was overjoyed, and walked to Yu Yi's side: "Thank you Qianhu."

According to the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", in the year of the Great Competition, the chief examiner must show up on Ma Kua Street before the provincial examination to show that the imperial court attaches great importance to the imperial examination.This was such a big event that almost all the people in Xi'an City flocked to the streets, vying to see the grand master's demeanor.

For a while, the streets were full of people, more lively than New Year's Eve.

After standing for a while, I saw a group of people approaching in front of me. The first one was the advocacy class, blowing bowls, drums, and suona loudly.Behind the advocacy class was the silk class, with signs "Quiet" and "Avoidance" in their hands.

After the silk class, there are three eight-carrying sedan chairs with woven cloths removed. Because of this, the people in the sedan chairs can be seen clearly.

Yu Yi pointed to the sedan chair at the front and said to Gao Wen: "This is Li Zhen and Li Changqi, the Jijiu of the Imperial College. When I was working in Fusi, South Town, Beijing, I met Li Jijiu once because of business, but I recognized him. However, After so many years, I don't want Mrs. Li to be like this."

Gao Wen looked intently, but saw that Li Jijiu in the sedan chair was already very old, his face was full of wrinkles, his hair and beard were all white, and his whole body looked shriveled.Yu Yi was already old enough, and compared to Li Jijiu, he looked barely healthy.

It's not surprising to think about it, Master Li, a veteran of the Five Dynasties, is in his early eighties, and it is estimated that he will retire and go home to take care of himself in a year or two at most.

Because he was too old, his energy and blood had weakened, and the weather was hot, Li Zhen couldn't stand being bumped in the sedan chair for a while, and barely opened his eyes, but he looked extremely tired.

To be honest, it is not a good thing for Shaanxi scholars to have such a great master.Officials of the imperial court who were sent to the localities to preside over the rural examinations could of course recruit students and accumulate contacts, thinking that they would be of help in the future.But this old man Li is so mature, and he came to Shaanxi to take the exam because of money, wanting to make a reasonable and legal profit before retirement.Even if the Shaanxi scholar is taken by him, don't expect the old man to be of help in the future.

Speaking of which, everyone is really unlucky this year, especially the scholars who take the college and township exams.First he met Xu Youzhen, a down-and-out examiner, and now he met Li Zhen, an old man with a vegetarian diet.

The sedan chair behind Li Zhen was the deputy examiner, a middle-aged man in his early forties with an average appearance.

Yu Yi said to Gao Wen: "This person's surname is Shu, his name is Richang, and he is a co-editor of the National History Museum. He was sent to Taiyuan Prefecture, Shanxi Province to preside over the Yijie Academy Examination before, and this time he came to assist Li Changqi. Li Gong has studied the history of the country before, and Shu was the deputy chief examiner. I'm an acquaintance."

While talking, the third sedan chair came again, and Gao Wen said, "This must be my chief envoy of Shaanxi."

Yu Yi nodded: "It's Gao Linghan, the chief envoy of our province, the left chief envoy of Si Yamen, who is your family, Mr. Gao."

Hearing him talk about the highest official of the province, Gao Wen regained his energy and looked over.But he saw a middle-aged fat man with a huge body, fair face and a red official robe sitting in the third sedan chair.

At the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Yuan system was adopted and provinces were established.During the Hongwu period, the province was changed to the chief minister, but it was still called "province" by custom.There are one left and one political envoys, and the left and right participate in politics and the left and right counselors.In the year of Xuande, that is, the dynasty of Ming Yingzong's father Zhu Zhanji, the country was divided into thirteen chief envoys.The chief envoy is very powerful and is in charge of the administration of a province.

The Secretary of Political Envoys, the Division of Prosecutors in charge of punishments and prisons, and the Division of Capital Commanders in charge of the army are the so-called three envoys.

Zuo Chazheng is the highest official in a province, equivalent to a senior official in later generations.In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the imperial court sent high-ranking officials to serve as governors, with greater power than participating in politics.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was another governor who was in charge of a province's military, political and criminal laws.During the war, there were even high-ranking officials in charge of the military affairs of several provinces, such as Yang He, Yang Housichang and his son, and Yuan Chonghuan. This official position was generally held by cabinet members, called supervisors.

Gao Wen: "It turns out that Gao Zuo's participation in politics is the proctor of the undergraduate provincial examination." The proctor is the proctor who prevents the chief examiner from cheating for personal gain.

"The imperial court system is like this." Yu Yi nodded, seeing the sedan chairs of the three adults passing by, he said, "Gao Wen, let's go. I'm not in good health. I've been standing here for a long time, and I feel tired."

Gao Wen: "Yes, Yu Qianhu." He was very strange in his heart, when Yu Yi rescued him last time, his attitude towards him was extremely cold. I was locked in there for a few days.But today he is so enthusiastic, "It seems that Yu Qianhu is determined to protect my Gao Wen when I go to the Criminal Division."

Thinking of this, Gao Wen felt much more at ease.

After the three sedan chairs passed, followed by the team of long followers, and then the team of full cavalry with guns and flags, which was quite impressive.

The so-called long-term follower refers to the attendants and servants that Li Zhen and Gao Linghan brought from the capital to take care of their food and daily life.

Gao Wen was about to leave as he wished, but he saw a person in the long-term team, if that person is not Huang Wei, who is it?
Unable to restrain his anger, he rushed upwards, and unconsciously stroked his hand towards his waist, intending to draw a knife to kill someone.

This touch was empty, and then he remembered that he was still a prisoner in name, but he was unarmed.

Only then did he calm down, rushing forward rashly at this time, not only could he not kill the beast, but at worst he trapped himself.

Seeing Gao Wen's expression changed, Yu Yi asked, "What's wrong?"

Gao Wen: "It's nothing. When I went back to Qianhu, I just saw an acquaintance."

Yu Yi: "Let's go, dawdle any longer, I'm afraid there will be a lot of nonsense on the side of the Criminal Division."

"Yes, Yu Qianhu." Gao Wen was full of doubts: How did Huang Wei, a bastard, sneak into the leader's team? By the way, why did he want to come to Xi'an to take the imperial examination...could it be...he got it What kind of promise, I will definitely be able to pass the exam... It's hard to say!

Hehe, if Huang Wei really bribed the examiner to get the exam questions, it would be a decapitation deal!

I really can't see that this beast has such a wrist, is it possible for a little master to be weak?

This matter is how can not think through.


Gao Wen hid among the crowd, so naturally Huang Wei, who was in the team, couldn't see him.

At this time, he was following Gao Linghan Gao's political sedan chair step by step, holding a folding fan in his hand and fanning Mr. Gao's vest incessantly.

The fat man was afraid of the heat, so Gao Linghan only felt comfortable for a while, turned his head to look at Huang Wei, and scolded in a low voice: "Huang Wei, you are a scholar, you are a seed of reading, and you are so good at seeing people, so why don't you put your fan away quickly?" stand up."

"Yes, Gao Shenzheng, the villain can't help but express his feelings." Huang Wei had a flattering face, not at all like the third master who was dismissed by prestige when he was in Hancheng.

Seeing his appearance, Gao Linghan snorted, feeling more and more unhappy: "Stand back, go and go!"

A master of the chief envoy's yamen hastily grabbed Huang Wei's sleeve, pulled him to the back, and complained in a low voice: "Huang Wei, what are you doing, you are not afraid of being laughed at? But I know you want to curry favor with the chief envoy, But I don’t even think about your identity, here is where you can get close? Also, you want to curry favor with Mr. Gao, we also want to, but if you do this, it’s too naked, it makes people blush.”

(End of this chapter)

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