
Chapter 204 Shocking News

Chapter 204 Shocking News
It's still raining.

Xianyang, on the bank of the Yellow River.

The strong wind came, stirred up a river of yellow water, and rushed fiercely onto the long embankment.

Those yellow turbid currents exploded in an instant, and large flowers bloomed in the air.

The water is yellow, the earth is yellow, even the rainstorm that falls is yellow.

There was nothing on the bare ground, only two figures trudging through the mud.

Both of them were wearing coir raincoats and bamboo hats.The rain splashed and splashed on their heads and shoulders.

The two were tall and the other short, the taller one was tall and straight like a poplar tree growing in the north, but the shorter one was swayed by the wind and rain.

It was really difficult to walk on the muddy ground soaked by the rain. The short man slipped and fell to the ground.

"Aunt Liu, be careful." The tall man reached out and grabbed her. Under the bamboo hat was a fair and dignified face, showing a compelling beauty in the rain.

The short one was an old woman, very ugly.She shook off the tall man's hand and shouted angrily, "Let me go, the old woman will not die!"

"Aunt Liu, are you still unwilling to forgive me?" the tall slender woman asked lightly.

The elderly woman named Liu: "Why do you forgive me? This foundation belongs to Miss Yun. You don't cherish it yourself. What else can I say?"

The woman named Yun's tone was even more dull: "I don't beg your forgiveness, there is a house three miles ahead, go there and have something to warm up before leaving!"

After all, I didn't care about Aunt Liu and went straight.

That's right, these two women are exactly Yun Mole and Aunt Liu, master and servant.

In the battle of the granary in Xi'an City, Lian Le died in the battle, and all the people in Wuwei Zong, who was newly recruited by Yun Mole in the west of Shaanxi, were wiped out in that battle and became lonely.

There is nothing to do, I am afraid that the government will search and arrest, and I am afraid that people without Weizong will rush over after hearing the news.The two had no choice but to get out of the city and fled to the bank of the Yellow River.

Yun Molei is indifferent and doesn't talk much. Seeing her back, Aunt Liu sighed and shook her head: "Girl, wait for me, wait for me. Don't you want an old woman... You have been used to being served since you were a child." I can't do it without me."

However, Yun Mole went very fast, and when Aunt Liu caught up, she saw that she had already lit a bonfire in a ruined temple, and she was fascinated by the flames.

It turned out that the house they saw from a distance earlier was an earth temple. The place was extremely small, and there was only a small empty room. More than half of the tiles on the head had fallen off, and grass was still growing on the mud floor in the house. .

"It's raining heavily, and it's cold." Aunt Liu hurriedly took off the bundle from her back, and took out a cotton towel from inside.He took off Yun Mole's hairpin, and lovingly wiped her hair and face.

While wiping, he said in a low voice: "Girl, the old woman is sad and her words are not pleasant, but don't take it to heart. Although we martial arts practitioners say that we are strong and not afraid of the wind and cold, but we have been tortured all our lives, and we are old. , may not leave hidden diseases. Therefore, it is better to take care of it more during the day, and don't regret it when the time comes."

Yun Mole just closed his eyes and looked at the fire, letting the fire heat him up, but he gritted his teeth and did not say a word.

After wiping Yunmole's hair clean, Aunt Liu pulled her hair back and fastened it with a hairpin: "Girl, we've been walking for a day, and we're hungry. How about I bake some steamed buns for you, old lady."

Yun Mole still didn't speak, Aunt Liu took out two cold steamed buns from her bag, roasted them on the fire for a while, and then handed one over.

Yun Mole shook his head: "Not hungry."

Aunt Liu said: "Girl, you haven't had any water or rice for a day, so you should eat some! But you don't think this simple food can get into your mouth?"

Yun Mole bit his lip lightly, with an impatient expression on his face: "I told you, I'm not hungry."

Aunt Liu suddenly got a little annoyed: "Girl, your body is your own. I know that you have recovered thousands of congregants these days, and you have become such a bullshit leader. It's easy to go from simplicity to extravagance, but it's hard to go from extravagance to frugality, and you can't look down on this vulgar food. But whoever is to blame for this, you can blame yourself, and you have to believe in the bastard surnamed Gao."

"The mouth of the surname Gao seems to have been anointed with oil, and none of the ten sentences is true. Who is he, an untrustworthy heretic, why did the girl believe him? He looks greasy and looks pleasing to the eye? You can kill him obviously, why are you so soft?"

Aunt Liu's words were hard to hear.

Yunmo Lena frowned on the spirit's rough flat eyebrows: "Gao Wen is not greasy."

"It's at this time, and you are still speaking good words for him. It's okay now, the power we finally gathered was completely wiped out by those bastards. Now, I'm afraid the government has sent experts to arrest us. I'm afraid of you in Shaanxi. I can't stand it any longer. It's all his fault, all his fault." Aunt Liu gritted her teeth and her eyes were full of anger: "Gao Wen, don't you fall into my hands, otherwise you will be forced to die. cannot."

Yun Mole still had the same plain look: "So what if Shaanxi was wiped out, you and I came to Shaanxi empty-handed. It's a big deal to leave here and start from scratch in another place. It's not a big deal."

"The girl said it lightly." Aunt Liu was so angry that the wrinkles on her face were trembling: "When you and I came to Shaanxi, we were forced to be helpless by the ancestor of Shenquan. There is no way. Since we escaped all the way, we gave birth to that old beast. Still refused to give up, followed and chased. You and I had no other choice, so we pretended to be beggars and sold ourselves to bury our father. In this way, we managed to hide the old rascal. Now, you have taken Shaanxi, and you must have alarmed that person , will be killed."

"Without those men under Lian Le, what do you and I have to fight against? If we leave Shaanxi, I'm afraid we won't be able to go very far before being surrounded by others."

"Yeah, you and I were pretending to be beggars, and we were really in a state of panic at that time! But I didn't want to, I asked Gao Wen to buy it and become a maid." Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of Yun Mole's mouth.

Seeing the smile on her face, Aunt Liu felt bitter: "You, you, do you have him in your heart?"

Yun Molei: "You are asking this question again, haven't I answered you before, so what?"

Aunt Liu was speechless by her words.

Yun Mole: "Okay, what are you talking about. With that spirit, why not think about the next step?"

"How else can we go? We can't fight again and again, so we have to run away. If we delay any longer, that old beast will come after us." Aunt Liu: "Girl, why don't we go all the way south, via Hanzhong to Sichuan. There are high mountains and Far, not afraid of being hunted for a while."

Yun Mole shook his head: "I can't go to that place."

Aunt Liu: "But why?"

"There is a saying that goes like this, if you are young, you will never go to Sichuan, and if you are old, you will not go to Sichuan. That place is too far away from the Central Plains, so how will there be troubles in the future?" Yun Mole's eyes suddenly lit up: "Even if I want to go, I have to wait until that day The bottom line is the most important place. Aunt Liu, why don't you and I go to Beijing."

"Ah, go to the capital?" Aunt Liu whispered, "This, this... that place is too close to the main altar of the Wuwei Sect, and the eyes and ears are heavy, isn't it appropriate?"

"That's the decision." Yun Mole said lightly: "If you want to do great things, you must go to the capital. The ancestor must never have thought that I would go there later. This is the darkness under the lamp. I will make a decision, so you don't need to say more. "

Aunt Liu had no choice: "Okay, since the girl has already made up her mind, the old woman can only go to the capital with the girl... Girl, I don't know if I should ask or not?"

Yun Mole: "You are the person I trust the most. If you have something to say, just ask."

Aunt Liu: "Girl, that old bastard is also good to you. Not only did he teach you all the martial arts, but he also appointed you to teach me the saint. After a hundred years from that old thing, my Wuweizong's foundation will be yours. However, you don't want such a great future, but you want to go out of the sect, I don't understand."

Yun Mole: "Aunt Liu, you witnessed my mother's death at the hands of the ancestors back then. Isn't this revenge for killing my mother enough? By the way, I was just born, and you were the one who brought me back to Wuweizong. For the past 18 years, you have kept it from me and told me to recognize a thief as my father. But today you say these things, don’t you ask what you know?”

Aunt Liu's face suddenly turned pale, and she knelt down on the ground with a plop: "Girl...the ancestor was so powerful back then, if I don't carry you back to the sect, you and I will die!"

"Get up, don't kneel. People in our divine religion are too forgetful, and we don't care about family affection in the world. Besides, I haven't seen my mother since I was in trouble, and the mother-daughter relationship is naturally out of the question." Yes. My mother rebelled against the divine religion back then, and my ancestors conquered and rebelled, and handled business as usual. My mother died under his hands, and I can only blame her for not being good at learning." Yun Mole had no expression on his face: "Speaking of which, the ancestors treated me It's also very kind. He is willing to take in an enemy's daughter, and he has a big heart. At least, I thought so before. But in the end, I was wrong."

Aunt Liu stood up and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with your thinking? Girl, the old woman has never asked why you betrayed Wuweizong, and I'm still very confused."

Yun Mole said softly: "Yeah, you must be confused. Didn't you just say 'the old bastard is also good to you, not only taught you all the martial arts, but also appointed you as my teacher. In the future, that old thing will be a hundred years old. After that, my foundation of Wuweizong will be yours.' I really have no reason to apostate."

Aunt Liu: "Yes, it is very unwise for the girl to do so."

Yun Molei: "It's a pity. After a hundred years, he may not be willing to pass on the position of suzerain to me. In his mind, there is another person for the throne under his ass."

Aunt Liu was even more confused: "It's impossible for other people. The old thief only accepted you as an apprentice, and no one in the Wuwei Sect has higher martial arts and prestige than you. To pass on to others, the Pope of the head sect will not Convinced. Girl, don't be a fool, who is that person?"

Yun Molei: "That man is the son of the old thief."

Aunt Liu: "Where does the old thief have a son?"

"There will be a few births. The old thief told me about this and wanted me to help with this." Yun Mole seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Ah!" Aunt Liu was so shocked that her face turned pale: "Girl, you... the old thief wants to marry you... Master marrying an apprentice, isn't this messing up the rules?"

"No, the old thief just wants to sleep with me. Tell me, can I agree?" Yun Mole suddenly giggled when he said this: "Of course—the sky is struck by lightning and it will be reversed!"

Aunt Liu was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth: "Old bastard, this old bastard! Girl, you can do whatever you want, the old woman will give you her life at worst, and fight that old thief!"

"You are kind to me, I know it." Yun Mole: "By the way, why did my mother rebel back then?"

Aunt Liu: "I vaguely know something about it. It seems to be because of your father. He broke your mother's body. I taught that a saint must be a virgin... That's why I offended that old bastard and killed your father. .Your mother was pregnant, but she couldn't fight him, so she had to flee to Henan. Later, she was besieged by people from the Jianghu in Henan, and fled to Shaanxi..."

"Oh, that's it!" Yun Molei nodded, the summer rain came and went quickly.Suddenly, the sound of the rain stopped, and there was silence: "This matter is complicated, but I don't care about it. At worst, I will kill the old animal in the future and give them an explanation, so that their spirits in heaven will not be able to rest in peace. It's getting late and the rain has stopped, let's go!"

Aunt Liu: "Wait, girl, you're all soaked, you'd better change into dry clothes, or you'll get sick."

Yun Mole: "No need."

Aunt Liu: "It doesn't matter if you change your clothes." Saying that, she stretched out her hand to untie Yun Mole's clothes.

Yun Mole raised his eyebrows: "No need, I said - no need."

Aunt Liu exerted her strength on her hand: "Girl, what are you so stubborn about?"

Yun Mole was caught off guard for a moment, and she took off her belt, leaving her large coat open to one side.

There is a cool wind blowing, fluttering gently.

Aunt Liu saw that Yun Mole's waist was wrapped tightly with a few white cloths, and they all strangled into the flesh.

Suddenly, she felt that she couldn't take another breath of air, and she covered her mouth tightly with her hand.

Yun Molei: "I've seen it all. Yes, I'm pregnant. I'm afraid that my subordinates will find out, so I wrapped it with cloth. Otherwise, how can a mother and child be the leader of a person for a month. However, at this time, there is no need for it."

After that, with a pull of the hand, the cloth belt about two meters long was untied and thrown on the ground.

In an instant, her stomach protruded, and there was a cinnabar hemorrhoid the size of a red bean beating slightly under her navel: "It's really refreshing!"

"Heaven!" Aunt Liu whispered, tears streaming down her face.

"You know why I let Gao Wen not kill him. Yes, the child belongs to him. If the mother kills the father, if my child asks about it in the future, it will be difficult to explain." Yun Mole continued to frown: "Don't cry, it's no big deal. You will have to take care of this child in the future. Don't you like children?"

"Girl, girl!" Aunt Liu couldn't help but nod with tears streaming down her face.

Yun Mole: "Okay, I'll tell you not to cry, and change my clothes for me. Let's go to Beijing, where the conditions are pretty good. By the way, what kind of sect do I teach in Beijing?"

Aunt Liu hurriedly stood and walked over, quickly changing Yun Mole's dry clothes, sobbing, "It's a branch of the Jingkong Sect."

"Well, let's go there first and give birth to the child with anonymity. When I'm healthy, I'll seize that sub-altar to accumulate strength. The Jingkong Sect doesn't seem to have any important figures, but it occupies a treasured land like the capital. , are you not afraid that the heroes of the world will not be convinced?" Yun Mole looked disdainful.

(End of this chapter)

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