
Chapter 78

Chapter 78
The convoy left the city slowly, and after a while, the dark city behind was getting farther and farther away, gradually shrouded in a thin white mist.

Gao Wen sat in the car, looked at Han Cheng quietly, clenched his fists, and secretly swore in his heart: Goodbye Han Cheng, if I don't do well, I won't come back.

After watching for a long time, he lay back in the car and looked up at the white clouds that came and went in the sky, as if he wanted to see through it all.

After lying down for a long time, Yun Molei suddenly remembered in his heart, and he jumped for no reason.

I can't remember exactly what happened last night.Ordinarily, he took this kind of men and women very lightly, and never cared about it.But this tall, long-legged woman is not like other women. Once her body is broken, she will either look for death, cry bitterly, or make herself responsible.Instead, he waved his sleeves and left in such a cool way.

It seemed that this matter was just a small wave in her life, or it was just to leave a deep memory for Gao Wen.

That's right, Gao Wen could never forget her again.

It is already spring, and there is still snow everywhere on the ground, but there is a little bit of green on both sides of the road and on the hillside in the distance.

In the middle of the night last night, I clearly dreamed on my pillow.Talk a lot.Still peach blossom face, low frequency willow leaf eyebrows.Half ashamed and half happy, wanting to go and clinging.I know it's a dream...

Spring sorrow welled up in his heart, and Gawain knew that this was not the trouble of young Werther.



After leaving Hancheng, it has been seven days.

The convoy traveled north of Hancheng, entered the central county of Yan'an Prefecture, passed through Yijun County, bypassed Yuhua Mountain, and then entered Ningzhou, Qingyang Prefecture. It followed a straight line.

This official road can be regarded as the shortest road from Hancheng to Pingliang, but it is very difficult to travel because of the mountainous areas along the way.

Fortunately, after Ningzhou is the boundary of Pingliang Prefecture, the errands can be handed over within two days at most.

Seeing that they were about to reach the ground, everyone was a little slack after being tired for so many days.

In front of him is the rolling loess area, the top is a flat platform, but the surrounding area is cut into deep valleys by the annual summer floods, and the terrain looks very fierce.

It was also Gao Wen's luck that during this journey, every day was sunny, the temperature suddenly rose, and all the snow on the ground melted away without leaving any traces.As soon as people and vehicles pass by, they will roll up dust in the sky.

The thick padded jackets on their bodies could no longer be worn, and the sweaty Min Zhuang and the porter took off the jackets and threw them on the car, gasping for breath.Sweat made white marks on the black face.

However, everyone still held the weapons in their hands tightly.

It was already around five o'clock in the afternoon Beijing time in later generations. The sun gradually moved to the western sky, embedding a golden edge on the mountains over there, and most of the sky turned red.

The saddle may not be a big deal in later generations, but it was an incredible military item in ancient times, which was labor-intensive and time-consuming.Especially this kind of high-quality saddle decorated with white copper and steel nails, each worth more than ten taels of silver.Three hundred pieces are more than 5000 taels.If there is a mistake, I can't afford to sell everyone.

Gao Wen walked to the edge of the small river, buried his head deeply in the water, it took him a long time to stand up dripping wetly, and called out: "Shuangli!"

At this moment, Gao Wen saw a mouthful of green phlegm in the water in front of him, and looking back, Han Kui, upstream, was spitting out a mouthful of saliva loudly, his face full of provocation.

The fire in Gao Wen's heart suddenly surged: "Who the hell is shitting and pissing indiscriminately, and doesn't even look at the ground?"

Along the way, Gao Wen was very unhappy.According to the arrangement in the yamen, I am the leader of this team and fully responsible for escorting military supplies, which means that this group of people is under my own jurisdiction.

But the yamen is full of people who follow the trend, and there are many who add flowers to the cake, but few who give charcoal in a timely manner.Seeing that Gao Wen was losing momentum, he gradually stopped obeying orders and went to Han Kai for instructions when encountering problems.

It can be seen that all of these people are Han Kui's people. Gradually, the command of the entire team was transferred to the surname Han.

Han Kui is a real villain, once he has the power in his hands, he will carry out the orders, boss around him, and he is so proud that he seems to go to heaven.

On weekdays, he also spoke sarcasticly to Gao Wen, trying his best to be sarcastic.

Although Gao Wen hated it in his heart, he secretly endured it.I just sat in the car all day, looking over and over again the Four Books annotated by Zhu Xi and the anthology of the Pingliang Mansion Examination in previous years.

Han Xiaogui wants the command of the team, so let him go.Compared to the upcoming imperial examination, compared to his own fame, everything else is just a cloud.

However, now he couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"Murderer, murderer!" Han Kui had suffered a lot from Gao Wen back then, and he knew that this kid could do what he said.Once you annoy him, with your own ability, you are no match for him, and you might be punished.Immediately, he yelled sharply: "Someone is here, help!"

Just get into the crowd.

Several minzhuang rushed over at the same time and hugged Gao Wen: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't do it!"

This embrace, however, held Gao Wen in the middle.Even though Gao Wen was very strong and was squeezed in by so many people, he couldn't get away for a while.

"Killed, killed!" Han Kui was still shouting, but moved forward with a grin.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Wen was hit several times, and the pain was severe.Because the scene was too chaotic, it was impossible to tell the difference between south, east and north.

He was bleeding with anger: I guessed correctly, these people are all subordinates of Han Kui and Huang Wei.I think I am a dignified scholar, but today I have to suffer under the hands of this group of bastards, I am not reconciled!

Seeing that he was about to be beaten violently, suddenly, there was a booming sound in the distance.That sound turned out to be the sound of galloping war horses trampling the ground, which made people's blood boil.

Then someone shouted: "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The few people were stunned, and then let go of Gao Wen.

Everyone looked intently, but they saw a group of men and horses suddenly rushing out from the valley in the distance, the number of them was about thirty.All of them have one person and two horses, and their faces are covered with black scarves.The big knife in his hand gleamed in the sun.

Judging by their attire, no need to ask, they must be bandits who came to rob the way.

Gao Wen's cold sweat immediately broke out, so many enemies, but cavalry, too bad!

Military history is not divided into families. In his previous life, he often wandered around military history forums, and he had some common sense about cold weapon warfare.According to online analysis, raising one cavalry is equivalent to raising seven infantry.It can be inferred from this that the combat effectiveness of cavalry should be more than ten times that of infantry.

Of course, war matters cannot be quantified with data.After all, numbers are dead, but people are alive.Gao Wen didn't think much of it before, but when he met the thirty knights directly today, he felt a sudden chill in his heart, knowing that this battle was impossible to fight.

First of all, thirty enemies and sixty war horses have already begun to trot.The sound of horseshoes is really earth-shattering, and the situation is like forty high-displacement three-wheelers rushing towards you at full power, which is no longer something a mortal body can stop.

What's more, riding a horse with steps requires one mind and iron discipline.

These folks are all Han Xiaogui's people, and they don't listen to Gao Wen's command.

"The convoy is over!"

For a moment, this idea suddenly came to my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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