Chapter 208
The queen is known as the mother of a country, and she travels in the same car and lives in the same bed with the emperor. Even after death, she is buried in the mausoleum with the emperor, and she is equal to the emperor in terms of political status.

Reflecting on the luck, the queen can also borrow the luck of the dynasty, and the phoenix seal to manage the harem is also a kind of luck expenditure. Li Qing's luck is a real dragon, while Hanyue is in the shape of a phoenix.

Li Qing looked at the clouds above Hanyue's head, and a colorful phoenix spread its wings and flew. The overall personality was the same as that of a real dragon, all of which were blue in color, and the feathers were dotted with five colors, shining brightly.

"The mother of a country is the mother of all the people in the world, regardless of age, poverty or poverty, these five colors represent the common people of Li people"

Li Qing's eyes are brilliant, and the Queen's Fengge is all a lie, Hanyue has become a real Fengge after gaining the Kun Dao Qi Luck mastered by Xiyue, and shares the Great Ming Qi Luck with him.

Along the way, the maids and eunuchs performed their duties, and the entire imperial palace was well-organized, unlike the general Qianlong who took several generations to develop royal rules after seizing the country.

Soon came to Kunning Palace, this is the Queen's bedroom, there was a maid serving tea, and there was a maid holding a fan at the back. It didn't feel hot in the midsummer of June, and everything was very comfortable.

"There is an old saying, a good wife in the family, the husband will not suffer misfortune, the truth and the truth of the famous saying"

Li Qing sighed, Hanyue never made him worry about being in charge of the harem, nor did she urge him to avenge his mother and the young emperor. This is not only her intelligence, but also her deep love.

"The emperor doesn't accept concubines, and the harem is still full of concubines, and the concubines are terrified," Hanyue said with tears in her eyes.Then he said: "Since ancient times, there has never been a dynasty with only empresses and no concubines. Your Majesty should also choose a few beautiful women."

Li Qing saw that Hanyue's eyes were reddish, and he knew what he was thinking after thinking about it for a while. This is the reason why she has not been pregnant since her wedding. As a queen, she has the responsibility to spread the branches and leaves for the royal family, not to mention that it is only the beginning of the dynasty.

There must have been rumors from the government and the public that spread to the palace, which made Hanyue feel wronged.

Thinking of this, Li Qing suddenly felt helpless. It wasn't that he and Hanyue couldn't have a child, but that there was no need for it. He was the Lord of the Underworld Yin Division, so no one would want to be reborn in his family, but he had been hesitating.

Since you haven't made up your mind yet, just ignore it and say with a smile: "It's my fault that the queen hasn't been happy so far, and I'll take care of it now."

After finishing speaking, she picked up Hanyue by the waist, but she saw her shy face buried in his chest.

Immediately burst out laughing, entered the bedroom, little farewell wins newly-married, naturally the spring night is short.


In Jinling City, Hong Wenmin and others rushed into the city before the city gate was closed in the dark. After nearly half a month of driving, they finally arrived at Jinling City. What they saw and heard along the way shocked him greatly.

Xuzhou has not yet been realized. Entering the boundary of Yangzhou, every household lives in prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment. What's even more amazing is that the governments at all levels are very responsible and fully considerate of the people. It is rare to see corrupt officials like those in the north.

"I should write to Your Majesty to let Taiyi Dao Palace clean up the lonely souls and wild ghosts everywhere as soon as possible."

Although he knew the benefits of not having evil spirits to cause disasters, he realized that the benefits were beyond imagination after he saw it. There were an endless stream of merchants along the way, and how much tax would be provided.

Daqin has lagged behind in this aspect, how can it maintain a million-strong army with land tax alone, and how can it compete with the Ming Dynasty in the long run.

"My lord, the He family's old store is in front of it. It was opened by our secret agents. Wait for me to arrange it."

Hong Wenmin looked forward and found that it was the student Zhou Xin. He murmured: "The secret agent is the focus of Jinyiwei's attention, and our goal is too big." Gathered inn dwelling".

Zhou Xin arrived at Jinling University one day earlier, thought for a moment and said, "Then it must be the Zhuangyuan building, but the first room has already been booked."

"It doesn't matter." Hong Wenmin waved his hand and said, "The goal of living in the upper house is too big and it's not beautiful."

After making up their minds, a group of people rushed to Zhuangyuan Building, the examination would start immediately, and the inn closed late, when they arrived, there were still three middle rooms, so Hong Wenmin made a reservation directly.

It's just that the room fee is staggering, three hundred yuan a day, and they have seen the high prices in Jinling.

The shopkeeper saw the strange expressions on the faces of several people, looked them over and said, "You are also candidates for the exam in Beijing."

Hong Wenmin grabbed Zhou Xin who was about to answer, and said with a smile: "Exactly, we are from Xuzhou."

The shopkeeper suddenly realized that Xuzhou had just been conquered, and the students there were naturally struggling after several wars, so he introduced with a smile: "Your Majesty has a decree that half of the room fee will be waived for students from other places who come to Beijing to catch the exam."

"Are there no complaints from the merchants in various places under the imperial court's decree?" Hong Wenmin asked curiously.

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Sir, you may not know the situation in Jinling when you come from other places. Your majesty is wise and powerful, and he is light on domestic affairs. The people's life is getting better every day. They are all grateful for your majesty's kindness. What is this little money? I will give it to you immediately." A few arrange the room."

Speaking of this, the tone is much colder. The current peaceful life is bestowed by His Majesty, and these Xuzhou officials do not appreciate His Majesty's kindness. They really are rural fools. It would be strange if such people can pass the exam.

Hong Wenmin took the house card and returned to the room, thinking about it along the way, this is what the people want, it cannot be achieved by a few simple policies, and Qin has already fallen behind in this respect.

After setting up the entourage and guards, Zhou Xin came to Hong Wenmin's room alone and knocked on the door lightly.

"come in"

Hong Wenmin was washing up, Zhou Xin poured himself some tea and waited with peace of mind.

"Will there be any reply from the people who have been sent to gossip in various palaces of Ming Dynasty this time?" Hong Wenmin asked as he sat down.

Zhou Xin sorted out his thoughts and replied: "This time, with the cooperation of Taiyi Taoist Palace, the news has been spread to all states and counties in the Ming Dynasty. It is still fermenting at this time, and the specific effect is not yet known."

Hong Wenmin shook his head and said: "This is not a message. We set up Taoist palaces in all counties and counties, and everyone can cultivate immortality regardless of their origin. Just because everyone has the opportunity to become immortal is enough to influence public opinion in the Ming Dynasty."

Who in the world does not want to live forever, as long as the news spreads that everyone in the Qin Kingdom can cultivate immortality and even live forever, the entire Ming Kingdom will surely fall into chaos, this is human nature.

With a sneer on his face, he seemed to have seen a storm rolling up all over the Ming country.

These news are half-true and half-false. They do give everyone the possibility to practice, but whether they can become immortals depends on the nature of the individual. He is in a high position, so he knows the inside story, and becomes an immortal?It's not that easy.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Qing woke up from his sleep, next to her was a jade body lying beside her, with a faint smile on her face, and she could be tormented enough after finishing the work.

Without disturbing Hanyue, she got up softly to take a shower, and just after she walked out of Kunning Palace, a female official reported that Tian Boyuan, the Commander of Jinyiwei, asked to see him urgently.

"Let him wait for me in the royal study"

Li Qing's expression became serious, he had just returned to Jinling, and Tian Boyuan would not bother him at this time.

When he came to the Imperial Study Room, Tian Boyuan immediately reported after sitting down: "Your Majesty, thousands of households from all over the country sent urgent reports, and messages in the southern states and counties that everyone in the Northern Qin Kingdom can become immortals appeared. I thought this news was only in a certain place. It was circulated, but as time went by, news came from thousands of households all over the place that this matter is very important, and I dare not deal with it lightly, so I ask Your Majesty to make a holy judgment."

 The first chapter at night is estimated to be around 10 o'clock. If you can't wait, you can go to bed first and read it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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