Chapter 263: Dark Abyss
Li Qing rushed down to the city wall first, followed by the knights of the Holy Knights, then the knights led by the nobles, and the ordinary cavalry and soldiers at the end.

The majestic and mighty mahjong, densely packed like an ant colony, filled the open space in front of the city wall. Dark soldiers shot down arrows at every crenel on the city wall. The arrows fell like rain, causing clanging sounds.

The knight's armor weighs forty to fifty catties, only the eyes are exposed. This full body armor is made of fine iron, and arrows cannot penetrate it. This is the power of the knight. Unless it is a knight, it is impossible to break their defense.

Li Qing rode his horse and approached quickly. The knight's spear waved his phantom in the sky, and swept the arrows he had shot to the ground, thinking that the city wall was quickly approaching.

The chip scanning function was used to the extreme, reminding him like a radar that any cold arrows or arrows would never be able to hide from his perception. When he came to the gate of the city, he pointed his spear forward.

With a bang, the suspension bridge landed on the ground, and he rode his horse and continued to rush to the city gate. The spear in Li Qing's hand was shining with golden light, sliding on the city gate like sword energy, and the city gate cracked open with a crack.

The city gate was shattered, revealing the true face inside, and Li Qing's eyes became even colder. It turned out that the city gate had been blocked by bricks and stones, and it was impossible to pass through. It would take a long time to move the boulder away.

The dark knight commanding on the city wall is Li Lechi, the chief knight under the devil's seat, looking at Li Qing coldly. When fighting among nobles of the human race, they often don't close their own way out, so as not to be trapped to death.

But they are the darlings of darkness, they don't need ordinary food, and there are so many people in the city, wouldn't it be better to feed on them, so I don't have any concerns about this.

Li Qing took a few steps back and looked at Li Lechi on the top of the wall. He saw the expression of a cat playing with a mouse in the eyes of the other party, no wonder the other party was worried about their gathering.

I sneered slightly in my heart, so I wanted to block him!wishful thinking!
"Goddess Glory, Drive Out Darkness"

Li Qing groaned softly, and a golden light appeared from his body, transforming all the accumulated power of faith into divine power. The golden light was dazzling, and the dark knights and soldiers on the city wall squatted on the ground screaming and wailing.

"Avoid the golden light, wait for the golden light to dissipate before coming out"

After getting used to the golden light, Li Lechi began to expel the Dark Knight and soldiers back to the defensive position. The master had already speculated that the god who had just arrived was not very powerful, and it was impossible to wipe out the Dark Knight on the top of the city.

The dark knight was forced to return to the crenel, his eyes showed fear, and there were layers of golden stairs on the city wall below, and the knights outside were stepping on the stairs to return to the city wall.


It was only then that Li Lechi realized that he had been fooled. The divine power just now was not aimed at them, but to create this kind of ladder. Looking outside, hundreds of knights led an army close to the top of the city. With the help of golden ladders, their charge was as smooth as walking on the ground. .

Li Qing led the Holy Knights to rush up the city wall first, and the knight's spear in his hand was twitching quickly, blood was scattered in the air, and no matter the dark soldiers or dark servants had no resistance wherever they passed.

The parameters of his body are infinitely close to 10, which is the standard of a great knight. With his fighting skills far beyond this world, there are damaged corpses everywhere in a radius of tens of meters.

Behind them, the knights and soldiers rushed up the city wall like a tide, fighting with the dark knights and soldiers of the god of the city, and quickly occupied the commanding heights of the city, buying time for the army behind.

"court death"

Li Lechi was furious, and held a spear in front of Li Qing himself. He had been promoted to a great knight, and he hadn't met an opponent who could be his enemy for a long time. After seeing Li Qing, his eyes became more bloodthirsty.

The two long spears attacked and collided with each other, and the two of them seemed to be entangled with two balls of light, one gold and one black.

Shaking his numb wrist, Li Qing became more and more serious. The dark knight in front of him was the strongest knight he had ever seen since he entered the fallen world. Both his strength and combat skills had reached a state of perfection.

The black energy on his body is thick, attached to his body like the purest darkness, baring his teeth and claws, constantly interfering with his vision, hesitating on the battlefield like a dark field.


Li Qing knew that it would be very difficult to defeat this great knight relying on his fighting skills alone. He was not a fighting maniac, and he insisted on single-handedly fighting with the opponent, but he had hundreds of knights as his wings.

More than [-] holy knights left the battlefield and surrounded Li Lechi in the middle, chanting and praying, and the golden light of the knight's spear in their hands was the most effective against the dark forces.

"Array, kill"

Li Qing stepped back slightly, and commanded the knights to attack. He combined the world's knights' joint attack method with the luck world's army formation, and developed a formation unique to the knights.

With the continuous blessing of divine power, the encirclement gradually narrowed, Li Lechi's resistance became more and more difficult, and even the knight's spear was dropped in the siege just now, leaving only his bare hands.

At this moment, the expression on his face finally changed, and his eyes looked out from time to time. Most of the dark knights on the city wall turned into corpses on the ground, and their heads were being harvested by the opponent.

He once thought that he would fail, but it was still beyond his expectations to lose so badly.

Among them, the biggest change is that the opponent's knights and soldiers are covered with a faint divine light. In front of this divine light, their invincible dark power is also restrained, and they cannot exert their due power at all.

"The gods are indeed the enemies of darkness"

Li Lechi desperately resisted the siege of the knights, with more and more injuries on his body, despair began to appear in his eyes, and he couldn't help but see the face of his master in his heart, with a sad smile on his face, he finally understood that he had been abandoned by his master.

A long spear passed through the besieging knight with lightning speed and accurately shot into his head. Li Lechi's entire head was penetrated by the long spear, and he fell to his knees with a common sound, his eyes full of resentment.

"No matter why you fell, this result is also worthy of the human beings who have died at your hands for hundreds of years"

Li Qing sighed softly, and ordered: "Collect all the corpses of the dark knights and soldiers and send them to the Wangyou Empress Temple in the city. I will hold a grand sacrifice and officially crown you as Juren."

It was inevitable that Ye Chang had many dreams, and he no longer planned to engage in public elections. Anyway, with the prestige of conquering Nanyu City, who would dare to oppose it at this time.

Outside Nanyu City, a black shadow silently watched the changes on the city wall. When Li Qing started to sacrifice to the gods and prepare for the coronation ceremony, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"Is it finally about to start? An alien god, I'm really looking forward to it"

After speaking, he turned into black smoke and disappeared under the city. When he reappeared, he was already outside the Nanyu Temple of Wangyou Goddess, quietly waiting for the long-awaited moment.

(End of this chapter)

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