Chapter 279 Horror Dreamland

Move your body, and then you can see the whole house clearly. The house is very dilapidated, it seems that no one has lived in it for a long time, and there are spider webs in the corners.

The whining wind, the sound of water dripping, the sound of rats moving under the floor, all became normal, without the sense of horror just now.

The mirror in front of him has been broken, and the self in the mirror seems to be divided into countless pieces, giving people a particularly unreal feeling.

The burnt candle has only the last fat left, and the dark wick seems to have a meaty smell, which makes people's throat move.

"It's over"

Infinite golden light emanated from Li Qing's body, and everything around him was annihilated in the golden light, especially the mirror in front of him, which was reduced to ashes under the impact of the golden light.

Every move has the power to destroy heaven and earth, this feeling of regaining what has been lost makes Li Qing's heart agitated, and he wants to vent his anger.

The dilapidated house was turned into ashes as early as the moment the golden light came out, exposing the true face of the whole world. This is a gray world.

There are high mountains, rivers, canyons, and market towns. There are all kinds of human scenes. It seems normal on the surface, but Li Qing is becoming more and more vigilant in his heart.

It's so perfect that you can have a panoramic view of everything in the world within a radius of a hundred miles, which is completely impossible in the normal world.

Walking along the country road all the way, analyzing calmly in my heart, expanding my consciousness to the limit, quickly scanning everything around, and then gathering it in the god's seat for concentrated analysis.

And Li Qing was looking at the video recorded in the closed house in the god table, and many problems that were not discovered just now were presented to his eyes one by one through the record of the god table.

Everything is normal, water droplets, candlelight, and wind are all normal phenomena, but in the situation just now, it seems extremely frightening.

"The Grand Duke of Fear absorbs the fear of creatures. The stronger the creatures, the stronger the power of fear. This is also the reason why the Grand Duke of Fear invades the worlds."

While Li Qing was thinking, while looking at the image recorded in the god table, suddenly, his pupils dilated suddenly, as if he saw something unbelievable.

It is clearly recorded in the image of the god position that when he observed the surrounding environment, he in the mirror did not synchronize, but looked at him deeply.

And after the mirror was finally broken, a gleam of light flew out of the mirror and entered his body, but the god didn't notice any abnormalities.

What is even more frightening is that he clearly remembered that he lost his mind for a moment at the time, but the image recorded by the god was that he was in a daze for a full 15 minutes, and he did not have any memory during these 15 minutes.

"Fear the world, well-deserved reputation"

The source of fear in countless worlds, the deepest fear in the hearts of all beings, the so-called world of fear is composed of this emotion.

Li Qing walked very fast, he could cover hundreds of miles in one step, and saw the pattern of the world of fear in his eyes.

Every ten miles, there is a house or a dangerous place, or a market town, where all kinds of life live.

A certain thing is repeated day after day, and these are the most feared places, and they are also the nodes that constitute the world of fear. These nodes are connected to various worlds, absorb the power of fear, and spread fear emotions.

In all the worlds involved in the Grand Duke of Fear, all fearful things, environments, and characters will be reproduced in the fearful world, forming a fearful world.

Li Qing stopped and rolled up his sleeves. White hairs began to grow on his white arms at some point. According to monitoring by the gods, the growth speed of white hairs gradually accelerated.

And these white hairs gave him an ominous feeling.

"The body of a god is the most important part of a god except for the position of the gods. Every detail is under the control of the gods. It is impossible to be out of control. Only when the gods cannot control their bodies will there be various abnormalities."

Li Qing's face was sinking like water, his divine position was normal, and his divine power was running as before. Obviously, there was no problem in controlling his body. This kind of problem occurred under normal circumstances.

A deep sense of ominousness welled up in his heart. There has been no problem yet. After he exhausted all means and was unable to control the growth of the white hair, Li Qing's heart instantly sank into underestimation.

"You must leave the world of fear as soon as possible, where everything is controlled by the Grand Duke of Fear"

The only solution Li Qing could think of was to leave the world of fear. As long as he escaped from here, the fear rule of the Grand Duke of Fear would be infinitely weakened.

"Fortunately, I left a trace of breath at the beginning. The golden fairy in the fairy world will definitely follow the breath to catch up to the world of fear. If there is a third party disrupting the situation, it will be easier to escape from the world of fear."

It took three months to search a thousand miles around, and sure enough, every node is a horror plot, and with his current strength, he is not afraid at all.

"What the hell is the Grand Duke of Terror trying to do? These horror scenes may be scary to ordinary creatures, but they are useless in front of me. What is he thinking?"

Li Qing stopped in front of a maze-like house, closed his eyes and meditated. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't find the reason, and he couldn't help becoming more and more anxious in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, a ball of fire burned the maze in front of him to ashes. At this moment, Li Qing froze, staring blankly at his hands.

At the moment just now, he felt that the power exerted by divine power was decreasing. Although his personality had not decreased, the power he could exert continued to decline.

Originally, the power of the emperor level is currently only equivalent to the fifth-rank god, and the power of the rules has begun to become obscure. The sudden change made his face change drastically.

Suddenly, Li Qing turned his gaze to the white hairs all over his body, and he suddenly became enlightened.

White hair can reduce the display of divine power!
"No, if you let the white hair continue to grow, I'm afraid you won't even be able to use your divine power in the end."

Li Qing's face was gloomy and terrifying, the situation has reached a shocking point, the skin on his body has been completely covered by white hair, but there is no abnormality, is warmer.

"The rules of the world of fear are roughly understood, but how to break through the world and leave?"

Li Qing was pondering, and walked into a node at random. This was a thatched hut. Inside the hut was a young man in his 20s, lying on the dilapidated straw mat and sleeping soundly.

There are some rusty farm tools piled up scattered on the ground, which seem to have not been used for a long time. There is no separate kitchen, and an earthen stove is placed in the corner of the house.

"Broken farm tools, a dirty environment, and a thin body, this young man is a lazy kind of person, even if he has a few acres of thin land, he is unwilling to cultivate it by himself."

It's not surprising that there are many such people in any world. What Li Qing wonders is that there is nothing to fear here, is it messy?

This young man doesn't look like a clean freak, the mess is entirely caused by himself, how can a clean freak not clean up the house.

When Li Qing turned his gaze back to the sleeping young man, he realized that he was suspicious. He saw that the sleeping young man's forehead was deeply wrinkled, and his face was full of surprise, as if he was in the midst of a demon.

"Fear comes from nightmares"

(End of this chapter)

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