Chapter 286 Frozen Miles
All the way east.

I have crossed mountains and seas, and I have seen crowds of people. At one moment, it is still a vast ocean, and at the next moment, it is fertile fields, with men farming and women weaving.

Li Qing was amazed by the changeability of the dream world. Although they are all dreams, they are all real in the dream world. How can one not marvel at the wonder of the Creator.

Li Qing stayed above a grassland, and below was a lion pride, stretching for hundreds of miles, at least hundreds of thousands of lions were marching in groups.

This is impossible in other worlds. Due to food constraints, the lion group can only maintain a few hundred at most, and any more will starve to death.

What surprised Li Qing even more was that there was only one male lion in the lion pride, and the others were lionesses and cubs. This was a lion pride led by a lion king.


The male lion also found Li Qing who was staying in the air, let out a roar, and flew out groups of lions from all directions to surround Li Qing.

These lions had a pair of gray wings on their backs, and they moved as fast as lightning. They quickly told Li Qing to escape from the blocked road and prepare for a fatal blow.

"All the gods pay homage, use thunder; ghosts and demons are frightened, and ghosts die"

Li Qing chanted the divine mantra, pinched the spell with his hands, and formed a huge thunder altar with him as the center, and the surging thunder power gathered in the sky.

With an order, thousands of thunderbolts descended in unison, and every thunderbolt fell was like a lion turning into a flying back, and the rumbling thunder resounded through the sky.

"Ho... hoo"

The male lion soared hundreds of feet, flapping its wings and appearing in front of Li Qing in an instant, it opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Li Qing.

The mountain-like body seemed to swallow the entire sky into its stomach, the sky and the earth began to change color, and the energy flow even began to stagnate.

With a creak, Li Qing's figure escaped from the lion's mouth, and the lion realized that there were only a few hundred-foot-tall flags left in its mouth, which made it unable to bite off.

"Long" Li Qing shouted violently.

The Zhoutian Xingchen Banner continued to grow, stretching the lion's mouth upwards, blood began to flow from the lion's lips, and a big crack appeared, exposing the flesh and blood to the air.

The male lion suffered from pain, his heart was ruthless, he closed his mouth abruptly regardless of his physical injury, and the star flag pierced through his nose and cheeks.

The entire head was stained red with blood, which made the lion even more furious. His body continued to grow to a thousand feet, and he chased after Li Qing.

Regardless of whether it is a high mountain or a big river below, everything becomes deformed with one foot, the mountain collapses, the river overflows, and a thousand miles around is a mess.

"Trouble, Starlight Infusion"

Li Qing frowned and raised the Zhoutian Star Flag, connecting each other through the golden light, completely sealing the lion's mouth, just like the bridle on the mouth of a cow and a horse.

"Book of life and death, seal"

The golden book of life and death flew into the sky, automatically turned to a blank page, and drew the lion into the book of life and death with infinite attraction, driving a picture of a male lion.

The book of life and death fell into Li Qing's hands, and he found that the lions were facing each other and roaring. Although it was a static picture, it seemed to have an indescribable majesty.

"Come out, Lord Credentials"

A white light flew out from the ground and fell into Li Qing's hands automatically. This is a white token, one of the credentials of the dream lord. With this token, you can control all the rules in the territory.

Open the mouth and swallow the token into the mouth, and the god will automatically swallow the token, and at the same time, the divinity of the dream in the god's information will increase rapidly.

"Is this the origin of the dream world? It represents the world's recognition of domination"

Li Qing pondered, and continued to fly forward. There was such a big commotion just now, and he would never be able to hide it from the Lord of Stormwind. Now he has only returned to the fourth-rank priesthood, and is not yet an opponent of the Lord.

I secretly calculated in my heart that the strength of the dream lord is strong or weak, ranging from the level of the earth fairy to the level of the heavenly fairy, so the dream lord is definitely the strength of the golden fairy level.

According to the speculation about the dream world, the dream world is boundless and boundless, and the number of masters it has is a terrifying number.

"There must be something wrong with the dream world that has such a large number of rulers, but it doesn't unify the heavens and the world."

Li Qing took a breath, and continued to fly eastward, but he became more cautious on the way, flying at low altitude, and try to detour whenever he encounters a strong aura.

If the cultivation of the emperor is restored, maybe he can run wild for a while. For now, it is better to be a man with his tail between his legs. According to probability, the dream world definitely has the existence of masters and above.

Of course, he was not idle along the way. When meeting weaker lords, Li Qing would sneak attack those lords and snatch the lord certificates.

The lord certificate is not necessarily a token, but also has various shapes such as command flags, stone tablets, dream crystals, etc. Li Qing has even seen the form of an altar, and the local lords walk a road similar to a mansion.

Flying bored, the dream world is too big, and he has been flying at the speed of his instantaneous potential for half a year and has not yet flown out of the territory dominated by the storm.

On the contrary, his horizons have become extremely broad, and he has seen all kinds of creatures and powers. These are the projections of the heavens and worlds. This trip to the dream world, just gaining such information is already considered rich.

The experience from his previous life told him that no matter when the information is always the most important, no matter whether the enemy is strong or weak, wrong information is fatal.

Looking up, I found that it was a snow mountain. According to the information I got from the last dream lord, beyond this snow mountain is the boundary of the City of Sages.

"According to the rules of previous lives, this is the time when you are most likely to encounter danger"

Li Qing became more careful, avoiding the top of the mountain and flew quickly from a nearby valley, feeling the coldness of the snow-capped mountain during the flight was quite interesting.

The biting cold wind was blowing on his face, but at the speed of his instantaneous potential, the cold wind didn't affect his divine body, instead it was like a breeze.


"Damn Murphy's Law"

Li Qing cursed secretly, increased his speed to the extreme and turned into golden light and flew rapidly. When the speed reached a certain speed, except for the strong wind generated by the speed, it was impossible for ordinary cold wind to have an impression on him, but he felt the cold wind .

Then there is only a possibility, the surrounding wind speed is faster than his flying speed!
An ice wall suddenly appeared in front of him while flying. If it was an ordinary ice wall, he would naturally rush over it, but he felt the power of extreme cold from the ice wall.

Even the divine body would be damaged in the extreme cold, the golden light turned suddenly in front of the ice, drawing a [-]-degree right angle in mid-air to avoid the ice wall.

"Ice Storm"

A woman with a crown on her head and a face as clear as snow stood in front of Li Qing. Snowflakes fell in clusters from the sky, piling up thousands of miles into a snow mountain.

Li Qing turned into a golden light and quickly put it on in the snow mountain. Every time he flew a foot in the snow, he grew a foot taller, as if it was endless.

More serious things were yet to come. The white snow began to condense together, forming an ice layer that spanned thousands of miles, completely freezing Li Qing inside.

 There are 2 more chapters in the afternoon, starting to explode

(End of this chapter)

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