Chapter 125 There is a problem here
In the evening, the Shrek people rushed to the gate of the fighting spirit field and met Zhang Hong.

"Boss, next time you go shopping, take me with you?" Xiao Wu whispered in Zhang Hong's ear.

Then Flan Baoer heard it, and slapped him on the head: "Play, play, you can play with your mind, if you can also rise to level 57 at your current age, I don't care about you, you can do whatever you want Play!"

Xiao Wu covered his head and lamented: "Let me have a good time!"

Dai Muyun said with a cold face, "I didn't expect the blood bat to appear again, I really didn't expect it!"

Back then, the last blood bat lair was found in the territory of the Star Luo Empire and then cleaned up, but now there are blood bats again, Dai Muyun, as Princess Xing Luo, felt very upset.

There is a feeling that I have already cleaned up, but I just got into the bed but my stomach hurts again.

Flan Baoer said: "The city lord has already organized the masters in the city to actively deal with it, so we don't need to think about that, just play well."

Speaking of the city lord, Dai Muyun felt even more upset.

"Dean, is there anything unusual about the college and the village?" Zhang Hong asked.

"No." Flan Baoer lifted her glasses, "The guards sent by the city lord have arrived and are stationed outside the village. They will not withdraw until the blood bat crisis is resolved. There should be no need to worry too much about safety."

As she said that, Flan Baoer glanced at Yu Xiaoshang intentionally or unintentionally. She probably knew that Wuhundian had also sent people to protect the village.

"That's good."

Everyone entered the soul fighting arena silently, even Xiao Wu and Ning Rongguang, who were lively on weekdays, seemed a little heavy.

Xiao Wu himself is a soul beast. He didn't just hear about blood bats. He personally experienced the extinction of blood bats back then, but he didn't participate in it, because he was still a serious 10 man back then. Year soul beast boss.

Xiao Wu couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed, although I'm hot now, I can only be cute and mischievous now, but I think back then, Xiao Ye, I was also a domineering president!

With the two big sisters, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, we are at ease. Although we dare not go to the core area, we are also the ones who walk sideways in the inner area!

"What's your expression?" Ning Rongguang suddenly asked Xiao Wu with a puzzled expression.

Xiao Wu immediately coughed a few times and activated the expression management master: "Ah? What's wrong?"

"You just looked very wretched just now, as if you were playing a hooligan without being noticed."

Xiao Wu rolled his eyes wildly: "What do you mean, when did I play a hooligan?"

"Describe it, describe it!" Ning Rongguang said, "In short, your expression just now gave me that feeling."

"Do you remember the glorious deeds of playing hooligans in the past?" Dai Muyun asked.

Xiao Wu broke out in cold sweat instantly, but his face was still innocent, arguing to himself: "How can you defile people's innocence out of thin air? When have I played a hooligan before? I have always been very pure. If you don't believe me, ask my boss!"

As he said that, Xiao Wu looked at Zhang Hong: "Boss, we grew up together at Notting College, tell me, have I ever played a hooligan?"

"No." Zhang Hong said.


"But before I knew you, I didn't know if you had played tricks before." Zhang Hong said.

Everyone: .
Xiao Wu: "...That's outrageous. We met when we were six years old. Before I met me, I was less than six years old. Are children under six years old playing hooligans?"

"You may not be six years old." Zhang Hong suddenly wanted to tease him.

Sure enough, Xiao Wu's face and eyes changed: "Boss, uh, what do you mean by that?"

"He has cold sweat on his ball now." Sword Spirit said, "Master Sword Master, you really scared him."

"Some people," Zhang Hong said with a smile, "on the surface they may only be six years old, but in fact, their mental age may be more than six years old, and it's even harder for children to be found playing hooligans, don't you think so?"

Xiao Wu was obviously relieved, and rolled his eyes wildly: "Boss, you know how to bully me! Calling you boss every day doesn't help me!"

"What's wrong with calling the boss, I still call him big brother every day! Isn't it big brother?" Ning Rongguang blinked at Zhang Hong.

Tang Xian'er almost blurted out, 'I still call my husband every day!isn't it husband? '

Then she broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and died as soon as she said it!
"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and sign up for the competition." Flambauer said.

Tang Xian'er raised her hand suddenly: "Teacher, Mr. Dean, I have reached level [-]."

Everyone was taken aback, and both Flan Baoer and Yu Xiaoshang were surprised: "Really?"

"Yes, I broke through this morning. I planned to tell you at noon, but after the dean came back and talked about the blood bat, I didn't bother to say it."

As she said that, Tang Xian'er glanced at Zhang Hong quietly.

Then Dai Muyun caught him, and said with a smile: "Sister Xian'er, I'm afraid it's not because the dean said about the blood bat and you didn't bother to talk about it? I'm afraid it's because Zhang Hong was away all day, so you kept holding back, just It’s like waiting for Zhang Hong to be present, let him share your happiness, isn’t it?”

Everyone smiled, and Tang Xian'er's fair face blushed, "No way! No, it is."

"Admit it." Xiao Wu said, "I came here with you two. Others don't know, how can I not know? If you have any good things, you must tell the boss. The first person who knows must be It’s not shameful to have a boss, let’s just admit it.”

"That's right, that's not ashamed." Ning Rongguang and Oscar followed suit.

Oscarli and Tang Xian'er slept in the same dormitory, and they had a very good relationship.

Ma Hongying and Dai Muyun were also smiling, but they felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but what could they do, they were childhood sweethearts who were well matched, so strictly speaking, they should be regarded as a third party.

But it doesn't matter, I'm not married anyway.

"Good news, good news!" Flan Bao'er laughed loudly, "Then finish the fight quickly, go back early tonight, and go to the Star Dou Forest together tomorrow morning to hunt for Tang Xian'er's soul ring!"

Yu Xiaoshang was also very happy, smiling all over her face.

But Tang Xian'er was most concerned about Zhang Hong. Of course, Zhang Hong was also very happy and congratulated him repeatedly, but Tang Xian'er, who had a good eye, keenly noticed that there was a hint of doubt in Zhang Hong's eyes.

deep doubts.

Zhang Hong was indeed puzzled.

Tang Xian'er's level [-] is more than a month behind the original plot!

Couldn't it be because the sex has changed, so the speed of cultivation has also slowed down?
It stands to reason that Tang Xian'er should have reached level [-] the last time she accompanied Oscar to the Star Dou Forest, and then hunted for a soul ring, but she didn't, and was more than a month late.

I don't believe that there is no problem here.

Then Zhang Hong remembered that last time in the Star Dou Forest, he hadn't met Meng Yiran after his sexual transformation, so will he meet him this time?

Most importantly, there is that man-faced spider
(End of this chapter)

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