Chapter 302 Cake
"Elder-in-law, I am loyal to you, and this is all for you."

"Shut up, in order to show your loyalty to me, you can kill your own father? Could it be that this is what I asked you to do? You really disappointed me."

Er Zhe knelt in the middle of the big tent, with his hands tied behind his back, and Ye Xun sat high on it. On Ye Xun's left and right besides Chaohua and Sanghe, there were several other leaders of Neikalkha.

In order to gain the support of these tribal leaders, Ezhe secretly released them after Lin Danhan left, and then went to this camp together.

The leaders of these four ministries understood that Lin Danhan had already been betrayed by his son, so the position of Chahar Khan would definitely not be possible. If Ye Xun supported Ezhe to succeed Khan, then it was all right for them to support Ezhe.

The strong is respected, and it has always been the law of survival in the grassland. Because Lin Dan Khan suffered a terrible defeat in the battle with Jurchen, the leaders of various ministries have questioned his leadership ability, so the internal struggle between Lin Dan Khan and E Zhe , have chosen to remain silent.

But no one thought that Er Zhe would kill his father in public, which is not very good. No matter how damn Lin Danhan should die, he couldn't die in the hands of his son!

There are witnesses and physical evidence, and even Ezhe himself admitted that now the leaders of the various ministries are not thinking about punishing Ezhe, but whether it is time to carve up Chahar.

How could the small thoughts of the leaders of the ministries be hidden from Ye Xun, but with him around, the leaders of the ministries were destined to be happy for nothing.

"Come here, first tie this beast that murdered your father to the pillar outside."

Ye Xun summoned the guards, and then pushed E Zhe, who was still pleading, out like a fly. Before reaching the tent, E Zhe's mouth was blocked by Ye Xun's guards, because he was too noisy.

"Everyone, according to your Mongolian customs, how should you deal with this beast?"

Chaohua immediately responded: "Such villains really hurt the face of our Mongolians. I think they should be divided into five parts. What do you think?"

"Yes! Divide the five cows into pieces, and light the sky lantern."

As soon as the words of Chaohua fell, Qi Sai from Hongjila Department jumped out and said, Chahar's big cake is really too big, and he should show his attitude early so as to win more benefits.

In fact, the happiest of these people is Sang He. He never expected such an ending. Not only is Horqin already in his pocket, but it seems that it is not impossible to bring the Chahar Department under his banner. Yes, who let him have a good daughter?
Following Chao Hua and Qi Sai's proposal, everyone also agreed, as if E Zhe had killed their father.

Ye Xun nodded and said: "Let's do this! Let's take Ezhe back to Chahanhot first, then announce his crimes in front of all the herdsmen in Chahar, and finally impose the death penalty, so that no one will say that my father is a criminal in the future. Indiscriminate use of lynching”

"My father-in-law's move is extremely wise, and I firmly support it."

After hearing what the tribal leaders said, Ye Xun nodded again, but then frowned again, and said, "What happened to Lin Danhan and his son, what should the Chahar tribe do? Do you know if Lin Danhan has any descendants?" ?”

Hearing Ye Xun's question, everyone's breathing became rough involuntarily, because this was what they were most concerned about.

Sang He said first: "Lin Danhan is just such a son who has grown up, but he also has a good-for-nothing brother. It is definitely not acceptable to hand over hundreds of thousands of people to such a person."

After Sang He finished speaking, he looked at Ye Xun eagerly, and almost pointed to his nose and told Ye Xun, uncle, elder brother, ancestor, I can do it, give me Chahar
Does Lin Dan Khan have any other sons?

Ye Xun remembered that Lin Danhan seemed to be E Zhe's son, and he had a younger brother who knew about it, but as Sang He said, his younger brother was indeed a helpless guy.

His eyes scanned the eager expressions of the tribal leaders, and then he pretended to be embarrassed and said: "This is not easy to handle, do you have any suggestions?"

Chaohua once escorted Ye Xun, and felt that her relationship with Ye Xun was closer than others, coughed dryly, and said: "Actually, this kind of thing is not difficult to handle, there are hundreds of thousands of tribes in Chahar, a tribe must be If you can’t manage it, you might as well let several departments jointly manage it, and if you have something to discuss, everyone will sit down and discuss it, and there will be no problem.”

The people present are not stupid, and the meaning that the fried flowers did not express is obvious, that is, everyone should not fight, the benefits come together, and eating alone is not enough.

"Brother Zhuoli Ketu has a good idea, Eunuch Ye, let's do it this way!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's not hurtful."

I don't know what Ye Xun was thinking. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Let's do this! Don't rush to make a decision on this matter. There are still many nobles in Chahar. When we arrive in Chahanhot, we will call everyone together. Let's hear what they have to say."

Hearing Ye Xun's arrangement, everyone was dumbfounded, wondering why they were asking for their opinions on this matter?At that time, the army will gather around and see who dares to disagree?

Although they wanted to speak out against it, everyone had a small calculation in their hearts. After seeing that Ye Xun had no other orders, they hurriedly said goodbye and left.

The leaders of the four tribes of Neikalkha have always advanced and retreated together, and they have always had the deepest connection with the Chahar tribe. If Ye Xun's words are followed, they will definitely benefit in the end, so after leaving Ye Xun's tent, immediately Get together to study countermeasures.

Chaohua walked around outside, and after seeing that everyone had left, she went back to the big tent alone to look for Ye Xun.

Sang He also had the same idea, but he didn't want to be preempted by Chaohua. He watched Chaohua's back entering the big tent, frowned and thought about it, then turned and walked towards the big tent where the girls lived.

Hongxiu had always been by Ye Xun's side to prevent him from being poisoned, but it turned out that her worries were not superfluous, but fortunately everything came over without any danger.

Just now, the guards of Hongxiu ordered E Zhe to pour a bowl of potion for losing his mind, so that he would not talk nonsense, and after drinking this potion, he would take the initiative to tell all the bad things he had done, and he couldn't stop him.

As soon as he returned to the big tent, he heard Sanghe calling Da Yuer outside. Da Yuer, who was helping Hongxiu change clothes, heard the call and was about to go out, but was grabbed by Hongxiu.

"Little sister, have you always wanted to marry Brother Ye?"

Da Yu'er's thoughts, I guess there are no people on earth who don't know, but now she was pointed out by Hongxiu face to face, her little face blushed, and she nodded firmly.

Hongxiu stroked Da Yuer's hair, and said softly: "My sister likes you very much, but you have to remember, if you want to marry Brother Ye, you should not help your father to join Brother Ye, otherwise no one will be able to help you." you"

Hongxiu had just left Ye Xun's side. She used to have a very high status in the White Lotus Sect, and she had seen a lot of fights for power and profit.

Now that Lin Danhan and his son are finished, the grassland forces must be reorganized. Da Yuer's father came to her at this time, and it must be for this reason, so Hongxiu reminded Da Yuer.

No woman is willing to share her man with others, but a person like Ye Xun, even though he is a eunuch, usually has a lot of women in the back house, and there is no such thing as Ye Xun who only has three or four women around him.

As the eldest sister of Ye Xun's back house, how could she not think of Ye Xun for things like this?
(End of this chapter)

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