Ming Dynasty fake eunuch

Chapter 588 New News

Chapter 588 New News
Leaving Ye Xuna, Tian Ergeng went back to Beizhen Fusi to explain, and was about to send someone to tell Hei Teng, but Hei Teng came to the door by himself.

Giving himself money, and being able to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight through this person, Tian Ergeng felt that Hei Teng was his nobleman.

While ordering his subordinates to pack up their things, at the same time, he went to inform his family that he was going to travel far away, and at the same time invited Hei Teng in.

After Hei Teng came in, he saluted, and before he could speak, Tian Ergeng spoke first.

"Mr. Hei Teng came at the right time. I have been sent to Japan by the order of my father-in-law. I am not familiar with Japan. Who should I ask to get this done? Tell me quickly."

When Hei Teng heard that Tian Ergeng was going to Japan, he couldn't help but said happily: "So, Eunuch Ye won't use troops against our country for the time being?"

Tian Ergeng smiled proudly, and said: "Based on the relationship between the governor and Ye Gonggong, isn't this a trivial matter! But I also have to say the ugly things first. If your emperor doesn't cooperate and finally anger Ye Gonggong, then I will There's nothing I can do to help"

"No, my emperor is the most peace-loving, and will definitely do his best to facilitate this matter, and after the matter is completed, the emperor will definitely reward the commander-in-chief, but just now the villain has been thinking that this matter is really Princess Yoshiko Why?"

Tian Ergeng frowned, thinking how I knew that Fangzi must have done it, but since Eunuch Ye said so, he must be right.

"Hei Teng-kun, is there nothing going on recently? Why don't you accompany me for a walk, and if you can avoid a war, your emperor will definitely reward you."

Not to mention, Hei Teng also felt that Tian Ergeng's words were very reasonable, so he nodded and said: "Even if the commander-in-chief doesn't say anything, the villain also plans to go back to Japan with the commander-in-chief."

Tian Ergeng is the commander of Jinyiwei, and there are two colleagues below him, two commanders and other officers.

Since Tian Ergeng came to power, he has vigorously promoted his confidantes. Two official positions are second only to his acquaintances. One is his absolute confidant Chang Fuchen, and the other is not his confidant, but he absolutely dare not replace him. People, because another conductor is Wu Chengxu, the grandson-in-law of the British public Zhang Weixian.

Needless to say Zhang Weixian's status, just based on his relationship with Ye Xun, Tian Ergeng would not dare to move him!

However, although Tian Ergeng did not dare to touch Wu Chengxu, most of Jin Yiwei's daily affairs were carried out by Chang Fuchen. To put it bluntly, Wu Chengxu had been emptied.

Now that Tian Ergeng is leaving, the family affairs will naturally be handed over to his hardcore subordinates.

Taking advantage of the time when Hei Teng went back to tidy up, Tian Ergeng called Wu Chengxu over and gave instructions.

In Tian Ergeng's mind, with Ye Xun around, his position is unshakable, so there is nothing special to explain.

The commander of Fusi in Nanzhen is Tian Ergeng's sworn brother. It can be said that as long as there is no special reason, no one can shake his position.

It's just that Tian Ergeng didn't know that from the moment he accepted Heiteng's gift and acted for the Japanese, he was destined to end in tragedy.

Some people may think that Ye Xun is extreme, but in Ye Xun's heart, other things may be forgiven, but as long as he does things for the Japanese, it is the same as betraying him, and there is only one end for those who betray him.

After Tian Ergeng joined Heiteng, he set out on the road with only a dozen guards. He didn't go to Japan to fight a war, and it's useless if there are too many people.

When Tian Ergeng left, the court meeting at Ye Xun's house had already finished, and the sky had already darkened.

Before the housekeeper came to ask for instructions on what to eat for dinner, Baozhu ordered someone to cook some Ye Xun's favorite meals in the imperial dining room and delivered them over.

There are some things between husband and wife that don’t need to be said too clearly, just understand.

Looking at the food on the table, Ye Xun couldn't help being moved, ashamed, and at the same time, a little angry.

Of course, the anger was not directed at Baozhu, but at the person who took Xiaoluo away, and it could even be said to be directed at Yunniang, because this move really slapped him in the face of a big man.

Things in Beijing have been pretty much arranged, and Ye Xun plans to go south again in the next few days. The matter of the Xingminghui must be resolved as soon as possible, and he must not be given a chance to revive.

Something was on his mind, and Ye Xun didn't have the habit of going to bed early, so he came to the study and began to review the various reports of the past few days.

First of all, I took the memorial of Sun Chengzong of Liaodong, and the content of this memorial can be regarded as good news.

Ye Xun used the commander of Nurgandu Division as a bait to successfully mobilize the enthusiasm of the savages and the Jurchens of the Haixi tribes. At present, the reconstruction of Nuergan City has been completed, and the road is also being repaired. If the project goes well, it can be repaired next year. to Shenyang.

In addition, the construction on the Chahawei side is much slower due to geographical restrictions. It may take three years at the fastest to scale up.

Ye Xun knew that Liaodong was too severely damaged by Nurhachi before, and it was already fast to recover in three years.

It must also be said that Sun Chengzong and his resettlement measures were very effective, and many people living in poverty in the pass have already gone to the east of the pass.

Food needs to be eaten bite by bite, some things cannot be rushed.

In North Korea, although Huang Taiji has recovered, he has begun to vigorously cultivate his son Hauge, and he seems to be retiring, but he can deceive others, but don't try to deceive Ye Xun. Ye Xun believes that this guy may be in the What kind of bad water is there in the dark!

After successive incidents in Liaodong, Sun Dong learned from the pain and has increased his attention to all parties, especially Huang Taiji.

So Ye Xun is not too worried about what kind of moths Huang Taiji can make.

Putting down the Liaodong Memorial, I read some other memorials. It's okay to talk about other places, but He Guangxian's memorial caught Ye Xun's attention.

He Guangxian was stationed in Jasa, and his army had increased to [-], half of which were Han soldiers, and the other half were Tibetans and Mongols.

This is impossible, due to the limited climate, Han soldiers alone cannot guard the huge Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of money in the imperial court's new policy, and the supplies are in place. Moreover, the policy of abolishing serfs has also won the support of most Tibetans. Some nobles dare not make trouble easily.

This is not what Ye Xun paid attention to. According to He Guangxian's report, Dusong Mangbu, who slipped through the net in the last battle of Jasa, fled to the Mughal Empire and did not stop. It is said that he is agitating the rule of the Mughal Empire. Those who sent troops to Qinghai-Tibet.

The Mughal dynasty, the predecessor of India, was founded by Babur, a descendant of the Turkic Mongol Timur. It has a history of more than [-] years, and it is currently in its heyday.

Ye Xun didn't know much about the situation of the Mughal Empire, but he knew that He Guangxian was cautious, and being able to report this information to himself showed that the problem might be serious.

In later generations, Ah San had always coveted the Qinghai-Tibet region. Now it seems that in ancient times, Ah San had already had this idea.

The matter on Luzon's side is not over yet, and Mughal's side is not stopping anymore. It really complied with that sentence, the house leak happened to rain all night!
(End of this chapter)

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