Ming Dynasty fake eunuch

Chapter 604 Wolf Tactics

Chapter 604 Wolf Tactics
Waiting has always been a painful torment, especially when a team with high morale is ready to meet the enemy, waiting for the enemy for a long time.

It was not a well-disciplined army at all. After waiting for a while without seeing the shadow of the warships of the Ming army, the attention began to disperse. After waiting for a while, there was still no movement, and soldiers began to desert.

James on the flagship is also full of doubts, what exactly does the Ming army want to do?Are you still fighting?
Because he thought that the Ming army fleet would arrive soon, James did not send out patrol boats.

Seeing that the sun had begun to drift westward, James finally realized that something was wrong. At this time, he must not take the initiative to go out to find the decisive battle of the Ming army fleet, and according to the analysis of the current situation, the Ming army might not have the intention of turning the tiger away from the mountain.

Thinking of this, James immediately ordered someone to send out a patrol boat, and then the fleet here was ready to pull anchor and return.

Fighting at night at sea is a big taboo. James asked himself if he didn’t have the guts, and it was even more impossible for the Ming army to launch an attack at this time. He turned around and set up a defense line in the offshore. If the Ming army really attacked at night, they would never return.

Before the patrol ship could leave, the watchman on the mast suddenly shouted.

"Look, Your Excellency, there is a boat coming, a lot of boats"

James couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this. His eyes were fine. Could there be any ships on the sea that he couldn't see?
Frowning, he took the binoculars from the attendant's hand and put it in front of his eyes to look at the distant sea.

Sure enough, many small boats floated from the sea in the distance, but there were not many real boats among them, most of them were wooden rafts tied up temporarily. It's not clear how many there are.

At this time, the sun had already begun to tilt to the west, affected by the light, if you didn't pay attention, it was really not easy to find these small boats at such a long distance.

There was no one on the boat or raft, and they were drifting with the current in the direction of the Spanish fleet.

When James saw this, a sneer flashed across his mouth. Needless to say, the boats and rafts must be loaded with gunpowder or flammable objects. It is ignited, so as to achieve the purpose of burning its own warship.

Is the chief general of the Ming army so capable?
"Send down the order to move these small boats and wooden rafts to the sides, and don't let those small boats get close to our ship"

There are too many boats and rafts, and they are not clustered together. If you use artillery, it is not easy to aim and it is too wasteful of gunpowder.

According to James' idea, the speed of the boat and the raft is not fast. The Ming army was hidden on the wooden raft, and under the strict monitoring of their own soldiers, there was nothing wrong with it.

There was still no sign of the warship of the Ming army in the distance, and the Spanish soldiers had completely relaxed their vigilance. After receiving James' order, they dropped their weapons one after another, and happily prepared their long poles, ready to fiddle with the boats and rafts that came with them. .

Soon, the boat and the raft floated in front of them. Some soldiers stretched out their long poles, put them on the boat, and swung them aside.

But something unexpected happened. After the boat was forced to swing sideways, the boat or raft on the other side directly hit the warship.

Only then did the Spanish soldiers discover that the boats or rafts were connected by ropes. Not only that, the boats or rafts that collided with the warships were firmly attached to the warships after they collided. open.

"There are nails on it!"

The voices one after another quickly shouted and quickly reached James' ears.

In fact, James has already discovered the problem. It is conceivable that once these dog-skin plaster-like boats or rafts catch fire, his battleship will definitely suffer.

In desperation, he couldn't help shouting: "Go down and get those damn boats out of the way, you idiots."

Before James finished speaking, the exclamation of the sentinel came from the mast again.

"Look, Governor! Ming warships are coming!"

This is really what you are afraid of. Most of my warships have been entangled by these plaster-like boats. Let alone maneuvering, it is difficult to turn around. If there is a war in a while, won’t it become a target for the Ming army?

Without James' order, the soldiers in charge of looking out on each ship also found the Ming warships, and harsh sirens rang out on each ship. The regiment didn't have time to take care of these dog skin plasters, and climbed back to the ship to prepare for battle.

Seeing the Ming warships getting closer, James almost vomited blood. Although he was aggrieved by the trick, he was also shocked by the Ming fleet.

It turned out that what Jack said was right, the Ming army fleet was really much stronger than he imagined, especially the first battleship, was that a ship?Could it be that the Ming army built a moving castle on the sea?

Just as the Spaniards' attention was focused on the galloping Ming army fleet, countless water ghosts got out of the boat, lit the boat, and plunged into the sea.

There were ships all around, so there was no need to worry that those water ghosts sent by Jack yesterday would turn into real water ghosts.

"Fire! It's on fire!"

An exclamation suddenly interrupted James' contemplation. When he saw the Ming army fleet, he was thinking about what tactics to use to deal with the enemy.

Hearing the exclamation of the subordinates beside him, he turned around in astonishment, and saw that several small boats or rafts beside the warship had already caught fire, and the fire quickly spread to his warship by the wind.

In order to defeat the Ming fleet in World War I, James brought out all the main warships in the port.

Although the plaster boats that floated over just now did not trap all the warships, there were still nearly ten warships affixed. In this way, the combat effectiveness of our own fleet will be greatly reduced. How can we fight this battle?
Before the shot was fired, James had already started to retreat. Like Ye Xun, he couldn't afford to lose this battle.

Even if Ye Xun is defeated, after returning to the mainland, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

Otherwise, if James can't beat Luzon, it's okay to say that if the fleet is gone, then he will really be sent to the gallows.

"Order the warships that are not on fire to move forward and set up an attack formation to buy time for the warships that are on fire"

In a short while, James had decided to fight with his back. According to his idea, while the fire was not too big, he tried to put out the fire under the protection of other warships, so as to restore combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

The idea is very good, but James forgot that the fire on the boat was not ignited by himself, but was ignited by the water ghost of the Ming army. The distance was too far, and the water ghost of the Ming army could not return to his warship, so at the beginning, these The task of the water ghosts is not only that.

The warships that were not caught were just like that. Now that they have been entangled, they still want to put out the fire and join the battle?Go dreaming!

I have to admit that the response of the Spanish warships was really fast. Following the order of James, within a short period of time, all the ships unplugged and set sail to enter the combat state. There is a bang.


James turned his head and followed the sound in astonishment, only to see that a large hole had been blasted into the side of a warship, and sea water was pouring into it at a speed visible to the naked eye.
(End of this chapter)

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