Chapter 351
Later, when everyone was stunned by the speed of Lan Xi's promotion, what surprised them even more was that Lan Xi's subsequent promotion speed was no worse than before.

Four years later, Lan Xi has achieved the position of the left servant of the household department, and Sun Dinghong's grandfather, Sun Shizhong, has been promoted to the secretary of the household department.

An dignified third-rank official, Lan Xi is only seventy-seven this year, especially in the court hall, among the middle-aged and old people with unshaven beards, the fresh and handsome Lan Xi, who is facing the wind in the jade tree, is particularly eye-catching.

Not to mention the lavender official robes, the thin yet powerful body, the cheeks like white jade, and the faint smile, which made Emperor Wei Qing feel at ease when he faced all the sharp-eyed ministers all day long. Wash your eyes.

Therefore, Emperor Wei Qing intentionally or unintentionally arranged Lan Xi's position to be conspicuous.

At this time, it was the time of the court meeting, and a censor remonstrated, "Report to the emperor, now the merchants below are making a fuss, dissatisfied with the imperial court's participation in regulating the prices of grain and other items. Although this can strengthen the control of commerce, it also gives them a great The great convenience increases their arrogance even more."

"That's why Weichen suggested that these systems should be abolished, and at the same time, taxation on merchants should be strengthened to prevent them from being so ignorant."

Yu Shi's attitude was tough, and after speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Emperor Wei Qing, who was above him, and then secretly glanced at Lan Xi. This policy was proposed by the newly promoted Zuo Shilang Chang.

But this is the emperor's confidant, so he didn't directly call the name.

Emperor Wei Qing, who was at the top, was obviously a little mentally ill, his temples were already stained white, and Emperor Wei Qing was over fifty, and his energy and body naturally declined, especially in the past two years, the decline was particularly severe.

Emperor Wei Qing cheered up slightly, sat up straight, and looked at Lan Xi with wide eyes.

Lan Xi took the initiative to stand out and said, "My Majesty, if the price of grain is not regulated, profiteers below will maliciously buy low and sell high, and the people below will have a high harvest of grain, but their income has not changed, or even lower. Naturally, they will complain.

And if we just blindly suppress the merchants, there will be no merchants to transport and sell intermediate seeds and pesticides, and then the food production will naturally decrease in various places. "

"In the face of this policy, it is normal for some people to oppose it. Gaozu ruled the world at the beginning, and then His Majesty, we are constantly groping forward. As subjects, we can't just give up at will because of a little obstacle."

Lan Xi's powerful voice spread throughout the palace, leaving no room for others to refute.

After Lanxi entered the household department, she has been preparing policies for merchants. The imperial court will participate in the price of grain in various places. On the one hand, the imperial court will adjust the demand and supply of grain according to the internal law formed by the internal price of grain and the law of market supply and demand.

At the same time, the laws on farmers will be improved, and the government will issue decrees, which will have the effect of regulating grain prices.

Of course, this cannot be oppressive blindly, and some benefits need to be given to merchants, such as increasing the number of official positions, donating officials, and so on.

The main reason why Lanxi did this was that he discovered that merchants in some places made malicious purchases to lower the price of farmers' grain in order to obtain huge profits.

In this way, although the grain harvests in various places have increased, the silver taels in the hands of the farmers below are not much, which is not much different from before.

If things go on like this, it will discourage farmers from planting and make them resist the use of new products.

That's why he was preparing for this matter. He had been planning it for a year, and it had just started to be implemented recently. Emperor Wei Qing had also agreed, and the imperial court was already drafting a decree.

It was not easy for Lan Xi to convince Emperor Wei Qing to agree. After all, Emperor Wei Qing was a person in power, and what he wanted was for everyone to be under his rule.

As the common people are getting enough to eat, they start to think about wearing new clothes, and their desires start to drive them to develop into merchants. Of course, this is not a bad thing, but it is not a good thing for those in power. After all, too many merchants are not easy to manage and govern.

But Lan Xi is pointing out that although some people intend to develop into merchants, agriculture is not impossible to develop.

Especially now that there are large tracts of wasteland in many parts of Wei State, by encouraging land reclamation and strengthening agricultural planting, I believe many farmers will choose this method to improve their family standards. After all, farming is what they are good at.

In the end, Emperor Wei Qing was persuaded by Lan Xi.

Lan Xi predicted before that this matter will definitely encounter resistance at the beginning, not only those merchants, but also those forces that become the support behind the merchants.

After all, in this way, merchants can't collect money unscrupulously for them, and those forces will definitely be anxious.

Today's court meeting is just a trial, the big move is still to come.

The censor of Shang Cambodia didn't say anything after that, and the court meeting ended in Emperor Wei Qing's careless mind.

After the court meeting, Lan Xi was walking behind, and suddenly his pace quickened, and the two caught up with Lan Xi, and it was Kang Wang and Jing Wang.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, but one was not smiling, and the other was sincere.

Kang Wang's eyes were gloomy, his peach blossom eyes were narrowed, and he showed a very standard smile,
"Master Chang is really a great talent. Not long after he was promoted to the left servant of the household department, he made such a big noise. It's amazing, but the steps are too big, so don't worry about falling down."

Lan Xi cupped her hands and said, "Prince Xie Kang for your guidance."

No matter what the other party said, Lan Xi still had the same expression, looking at Kang Wang with a smile, with a little respect on his face.

But this appearance made Kang Wang even more angry, obviously the other party didn't listen to what he said.

The incident four years ago not only caused him a heavy loss, but also lost many of his courtiers, and even exposed one of his trump cards.

This made him dare not act rashly in the past few years, the private army was even more afraid to move, and even part of it was encircled and suppressed, with heavy losses, and he still didn't dare to show it, only dared to make some moves secretly, which made his strength Development is seriously lagging behind.

Moreover, his father became wary of him. In the past few years, he could only watch the performance of the second and third children in the court, and he was still anxious after all.

Before the accident, he wanted to take action against Lan Xi, but before he could do anything, that incident happened. Now he is going to start the merchant policy again. He is food now, and it will definitely infiltrate into other aspects later.

In this way, the merchants under him naturally couldn't help him as much as they did before, but instead seemed to be alienated from him. How could he not hate Lan Xi again.

So he couldn't help stabbing Lan Xi today. Unexpectedly, Lan Xi's indifferent attitude made him even more angry.

Afterwards, Kang Wang flicked his sleeves and left a sneer, "I'm just waiting to see Master Chang's results."

Lan Xi still had that respectful look, which made King Jing laugh out loud.

A clear voice blurted out, "Master Chang, isn't he afraid of King Kang?"

Lan Xi raised her head and glanced at Prince Jing, "It's natural to be afraid in the court."

Prince Jing smiled knowingly, and his eyes were full of smiles, "Then Mr. Chang, you should be careful. This is a critical period for merchant policies, so don't make any problems yourself."

Lan Xi returned to her previous appearance, "Prince Xie Jing reminds me, I must pay attention."

(End of this chapter)

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