Take charge of Ascension

Chapter 254 Occupying the Palace

Chapter 254 Occupying the Palace
Two thousand infantry marched into the city in a neat line, earning a lot of curious, unfriendly, or indifferent eyes. There were no people cheering, welcoming, or resisting in anger. Rotten eggs and rotten vegetables and leaves were flying all over the sky. .

On the head of the king's city, a little farther from the main entrance, there are seven or eight people standing here, looking at the army entering the city from afar.

This group of people are not the only ones watching from the top of the city, as long as they have a bit of energy, they can basically occupy a place on the top of the city.

The entry of the Luo family's army into the city has more or less influence on both the powerful aristocratic family and the humble people in the city. It is about their own interests, so how can they not pay attention.

Especially the Liang family, Feng family and Xu family were very concerned about the possibility of the Luo family stationing in Wangcheng forever.

"Patriarch Liang, the Luo family's army is really good. The army is neat and looks like one body. Our family's guards are far inferior. I don't know, how about your Liang family?"

In the group of seven or eight people, three stood at the front, and the other four or five stood behind, acting like bodyguards and guards.Among them, a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s with a big beard spoke first and asked a middle-aged man next to him.

When two thousand infantrymen entered the city, the heads of the three families, and the three middle-aged men with innate realms, all focused their eyes on the Luo family's army, very carefully.

Unlike the ordinary people watching the fun below, the Patriarch of the three families is not an ordinary person. He is not only proficient in military issues, but at least he is very familiar with them.

Through observation, the three knew in their hearts that the Luo family's team was indeed an elite army, and it was not an ordinary elite army. The three Patriarchs secretly calculated that the guards trained by themselves might not be as good as the Luo family's army.

Don't think that the guards and generals of the Liang family, Feng family, and Xu family are idlers, and don't think that those are remnants of soldiers. You must know that the guards of the three families are more elite than the army of the Wang family.

There are quite a few city guards in the royal city, as many as tens of thousands, although there are less than one hundred thousand, there are still seven to eighty thousand.

With so many troops, according to Wu Guo's military training method, it is really impossible to train all of them to become first-class elite soldiers. Only a few guards and generals in the mansion are truly elite soldiers.

However, after the head of the three families looked at the Luo family's army, he couldn't help being shocked. The Luo family's team seemed to be stronger than the guards of the three families. At least, in terms of queuing and order, they were far superior to their own guards.

"The situation of our three families, who doesn't know who, since you are ashamed of yourself, how can I have the nerve to say that my guards are better than them."

With a faint smile, Liang Zhan said.

"Patriarch Liang is right. Of the three of us, who doesn't know which one's situation, compared with the army below, is indeed far behind."

A tall and thin old man said.

As the head of the Feng family, Feng Zhan has a fiery temper. No matter what his real personality is, on the surface, he has a fiery temper.

Regardless of whether this fiery temper is a disguise or not, Feng Zhan has always been like this, it is really a disguise, and it is also a skill to be able to keep pretending.

Hearing that both Liang Zhan and Xu Tao thought they were inferior, Feng Zhan got angry and said angrily: "What, you all think you are inferior, how can this be done? Could it be that a good royal city is really going to fall into Luoyang?" It's not in the hands of the family."

In the past, there was a royal family on top of the three great families. There was no way for them to be the descendants of the founding heroes and have the title of Marquis.

Now that the Wang family has collapsed, the Liang family, the Feng family and the Xu family would naturally have to think carefully about letting a bodhisattva squat on their heads.

"The royal city is our royal city. If the Luo family wants to occupy it, there is no such thing as cheap. However, if you want to deal with it, you may not be able to make a move at the moment, so you need to think about it in the long run."

After a cold snort, Xu Tao said indifferently.

"Patriarch Liang, what do you say?"

Seeing that Liang Zhan hadn't expressed his opinion for a long time, Feng Zhan asked.

"What else can I do? Naturally, I can't give in. In the past, it was okay to be suppressed by the Wang family. After all, it has always been like this. However, it is too delusional for a new foreign force to want to occupy the Wangcheng."

Liang Zhan made it clear.

"I heard that the Luo family was originally just a small family. It only occupied Sifang City three years ago. After three years of development, it barely became an aristocratic family. Therefore, we don't need to be afraid of Sifang City at all."

"Yes, I have also heard that the strength of the Luo family is really not good, especially in terms of high-end combat power. I heard that there are only a few first-level innate warriors, not even mid-innate warriors. However, the Luo family's army is indeed good. ,Do not know what's going on."

"I also find it strange that the Luo family, a family that has just been promoted, can have such an excellent army. It's so strange."

"Whether he is surprised or not, I think we should use our own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. As long as we kill the high-level Luo family with force, he will be useless if he wants to occupy the royal city."

The heads of the three families, Liang Zhan, Feng Zhan, and Xu Tao, saw the torrent of the Luo family's army gradually receding, disappearing at the city gate, and entering the city, so they stopped communicating with each other.

The three of them walked down from the city wall, talking as they walked, only listening to Liang Zhan saying: "Patriarch Feng, Patriarch Xu, why don't you go to my house and have a deep talk, how about it?"

"it is good."

"no problem."

Let's talk about Zhao Ji, under the attention of everyone, he led two thousand infantry from the Luo family into the royal city, and after two quarters of an hour, he arrived in front of the royal mansion.

Under the great battle between Prince Wen and Wang Sihai, although the palace was completely destroyed and only a small part remained, it was still a bit crowded, and it was no problem to accommodate two to 3000 people.

Zhao Ji gave an order, and all the soldiers moved together to clean up the dilapidated palace. With so many people moving together, the speed was still very fast.

After making the decision, Zhao Ji has already regarded the palace as his own territory. Although it is dilapidated, repairing it may not fail to restore its former glory.

With this kind of thinking, we must make preparations in advance, whether it is for future rest or living for a period of time, we must clean it up.

2000 people cleaned in an orderly manner, and before evening, all the broken walls and walls had been tidied up, and after a late dinner, Zhao Ji assigned the tasks.

All the forces of the Luo family who came to the Wangcheng have already been stationed in the Wangfu, so they have to be more careful. During this period of time, there are turbulent undercurrents in the city, and if something goes wrong, everything will be over.

(End of this chapter)

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