The heavens begin with the bright sword

Chapter 142 Using Yasuo's lifespan, curse...

Chapter 142 Using Yasuo's ten-year lifespan, curse
The existence of Transformers may be untouchable for ordinary people, but for the size of a country, it is only a "top secret" sealed in the archives. When needed, it is natural to take it out and take a look. See the record above.

Not only the United States, but several major countries in the world have recorded the discovery of "Transformers", such as the Great Wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt, etc. It can only be said that the United States was the first to come into contact with them.Through some special channels, the agents of many countries have learned that the United States has completed the mechanized upgrade so quickly because it has the remains of a Transformer in its hands, while other countries may have only seen it, or even just seen it. The traces left by them have not seen their true colors in Mount Lu.

Therefore, more people like Li Huaizhi were scattered all over the United States.

The reappearance of Transformers made San Francisco, which was originally a pool of "dead water", gradually become active again. The fierce tide surged both on the surface and in the dark. Perhaps others could not feel it, but Zhang Xiu
Bang Bang Bang!
Early the next morning, Zhang Xiu's door was knocked open, and a group of soldiers in military uniform came to ask him if he had seen a "yellow Willys jeep". These people were the special forces of the Ministry of National Defense;
After a while, a group of men in suits took out their ID cards, which stated that they were the "Seventh District", and asked him if he had seen a "yellow Willys jeep". They are the secret department of the United States, It should be dedicated to docking Transformers;
When it came to the third group, it was different. They claimed to be the global organization "Homeland Strategic Defense, Offensive and Logistic Support Agency". They came with a black bald-headed agent and a trainee agent, and they asked the same question.

Without looking at the IDs they held up in front of her, Zhang Xiu could tell the identities of these two guys at a glance - Braised Eggman and Coulson.

Other departments generally only focus on "superpower" events within their own scope, and generally do not cross the boundary easily. For example, people in the seventh district never intervene in the affairs of mutants. The ground is so tight that ordinary people can't get in.

Even if you go in, you may not be able to come out.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., they want to have a hand in everything.

Zhang Xiu had only one answer to these people's inquiries: "I haven't seen it."

In the United States, which is a superficially human rights country, they have restrained themselves in house searches, especially in "sensitive areas" like Chinatown. The main reason is that San Francisco is too big, and they may not be able to search every house.

Of course, if the home of the searched object is not in the city, but a single house in the suburbs, it will be another story.

As for why the three groups of people came to Zhang Xiu, it was because a black man reported that the owner of the pet shop in Chinatown came back in a yellow car at dusk yesterday. Before that, the pet shop owner had no car at all.

And why Zhang Xiu knew the news was because his yellow car was a Camaro, so the suspicion was lifted.After asking the kind-hearted Coulson, Coulson told him. Although he was dragged by the Braised Eggman to leave in the middle of the conversation, it was obviously too late.


Zhang Xiu glanced at the Sichuan restaurant next to him, and saw the must-order recommendations recommended by the store manager. He thought they were simple dishes, but he interpreted some clever content from these dishes.

For example, "Transformers" is better than "retirement" and "successor".
Coincidentally, Zhang Xiu saw Li Huaizhi's kind eyes, and a strange thought arose, and she said to herself: Could this successor be me?
As a teenager who grew up under the red flag, Zhang Xiu said that he was trained as a "successor" since he was a child, and in Liangjian World, with his teacher, team leader and political commissar as introducers, he successfully joined this university of unity, friendship and mutual assistance. family.

Well, no matter where I am, my heart is for the red flag.

Naturally, Zhang Xiu would not refuse such a thing as contributing to the rise of the motherland, but Li Huaizhi's business, which was obviously a "decapitation", could not be easily contaminated, and needed a long-term plan.

Zhang Xiu pretended that she didn't know that she had seen through Li Huaizhi's true face, and greeted Li Huaizhi with a smile: "Good morning, Uncle Li!"

Li Huaizhi also smiled, seeing that Zhang Xiu didn't plan to open, he asked, "Are you going out today?"

"Bought a new car, let's go for a drive."

Bumblebee searched for all kinds of aggressive music, and the tables in the back row kept rising and falling with the rhythm of the music.

Ling Tianxiu, who was following on the side, transformed into a female rider wearing a helmet and riding a locomotive in her driving position. She was slim and full of body. Zhang Xiu couldn't help but look a few more times, and said : Unfortunately, it is a projection.

"Can you feel where those two Decepticons have gone?" Zhang Xiu didn't really come out for a ride this time, but to see if there was a chance to deal with the two Decepticons coming to Earth.

Unlike the peaceful Autobots, humans and large Decepticons hardly ever live in peace.Because both sides are calculating each other, once one party reveals its flaws, what awaits them is a fatal blow.

An antenna slowly protruded from the rear cover of Lingtianxiu's motorcycle.

Drop drop-

Amidst several noises, Ling Tianxiu said helplessly: "Can't be detected."

At this time, the bumblebee spoke: "I detected the signal flying over the mountain!"


"On the moon."


Bumblebee continued: "He was captured by a group of moonmen."

Zhang Xiu was stunned, what the hell is there a moonman?who is it?Chang'e?

"I think we need to rescue him!" Bumblebee made a request to Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu glanced at him and said, "Can you fly?"

Bumblebee was silent for a moment, then suddenly remembered the scene of Zhang Xiu flying into the sky yesterday, and said happily, "You can fly!"

Rescuing "Flying Over the Mountain" is impossible. I never thought that I escaped the pursuit of Hot Rod and the Bouncing Ball, and was caught by the Moonman on the moon. The Moonman. Zhang Xiu searched carefully in his mind. , Finally, in a certain corner of memory, I found the word "Inhuman Race".

They are the only Moonmen who can catch Transformers, right?

Obviously, this world will not have a moon where "Chang'e" exists.

"I think we don't need to check the location of the Decepticons." The virtual female cavalry on Ling Tianxiu pointed to the two big fireballs that were falling from the sky.

Stopping at a corner, Zhang Xiu said: "Their goal is too big. If we go there at this time, we will definitely bump into the American officials."

Isn't it self-inflicted to bump into it head-on?
Didn't these Decepticons know to keep a low profile when they came to Earth?

So what do you do arrogantly? Use Yasuo's ten-year lifespan, and curse you to meet Magneto when you land.

(End of this chapter)

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