why my heavens are monsters

Chapter 108 The final battle

Chapter 108 The final battle
It must be the human army who followed Knox and the others. He had been very careful all along, but he didn't expect to be led into the pit by the werewolves like Knox.


Serena was about to speak, but suddenly the window was smashed open, and several smoke bombs were thrown in from outside.


Zhou Huan yelled, the effect of the smoke bomb is still great, the room was soon shrouded in smoke, if it is not very close, it is impossible to see clearly, and the line of sight is greatly affected.

Several werewolves rushed to the door, and as soon as they opened the door, a violent explosion rang out, and several werewolves retreated screaming, their bodies covered in blood. Fortunately, the werewolves were in good health. If they were ordinary humans, they would have was blown up.

"The outside is blocked."

Zhou Huan was still calm, and shouted to Serena through the smoke: "Go to the window."

At this time, everyone knew that there must be a large number of enemies gathered outside, but even so, they had to bite the bullet, otherwise they would only die if they stayed here.

When they came to the window, Zhou Huan and Serena jumped down without the slightest hesitation. Although Knox and the others hesitated for a while, they still followed Zhou Huan and the others and jumped down.

"Bang bang bang..."

Before Zhou Huan and the others landed, they were shot by gunmen from all directions. Even though the two of them reacted very quickly, they were still hit by a few shots because Zhou Huan protected Serena behind him, and the bullets basically hit the target. on him.

Zhou Huan ignored the bullets that hit him, pulled out his pistol, and shot all around, covering Serena's retreat.

After Knox waited for a few werewolves to jump down, he also took out his weapons to fight back.

Only then did Zhou Huan see that dense crowds of humans flocked towards them frantically, shooting at them without giving them a chance to explain or speak.

"Don't love to fight, let's go!"

Facing so many people and so much firepower, there are only a few of them, and it is impossible to stop them.

It’s just that they wanted to leave, but the humans besieging them didn’t let them go. More and more people gathered from all directions, and the shooting never stopped. Moreover, these people used silver bullets and ultraviolet bullets. Obviously, these people specialize in fighting werewolves. and vampire troops.

Serena suddenly groaned. Zhou Huan turned around and found that Serena had been shot several times. Fortunately, she drank the perfect blood, otherwise she would have been turned into a piece of coke in the face of the attack of ultraviolet bullets .


Zhou Huan roared angrily, he couldn't care about anything else, he bit himself suddenly, blood gushed out, after transforming, he activated the skill of boiling beast blood, and shouted at Serena: "You go first, go to the dungeon Wait for me, if you can't wait for me, help me kill Marcus and William, and I will survive by myself."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Serena's shout, speeded up, rushed into the crowd, gave up his weapon, and just rushed into those humans with his body, and started fighting.

Although the skill of beast blood boiling can be activated by sucking his own blood, if he wants to maintain it all the time, his own blood must not be enough. He is now relying on blood to survive. If his own blood is not enough, there is no need to continue fighting .

Zhou Huan was really like a chariot of human flesh. With such a charge, he directly broke the formation of those people, making them afraid to shoot without any scruples, and could only dodge to attack Zhou Huan.

Zhou Huan really went crazy this time, in order for Serena to escape, he had to involve more people.

Under the effect of transformation and beast blood boiling, it is no problem for him to single out a hundred humans, but these thermal weapons are really lethal, even if he rushes into the crowd, he is still at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, he wasn't alone. Knox and the werewolves also attracted a lot of firepower. At this time, they had run out of bullets, and they all turned into werewolves, biting humans frantically.

But these humans really came prepared, all wearing helmets, bulletproof vests, and fully armed. Unless the werewolf can kill them very accurately, the last one will be the werewolf.

Zhou Huan, who was surrounded, had been paying attention to Serena. When he saw Serena break out of the encirclement, he felt relieved.

Facing the heavy siege, Zhou Huan smiled cruelly, thinking in his heart: "If you want to kill Lao Tzu, I will let you pay enough money."

Quickly took out a few grenades on his body, pulled the ring off, and threw them around.

"It's a grenade, go back quickly."

When the besiegers saw the grenade, they all backed away in horror. They didn't expect Zhou Huan to be so crazy, so many grenades were just thrown around. Aren't they afraid of hurting themselves?


An astonishing explosion appeared, and the flames shot up into the sky, even people who were several miles away could see it clearly.

Zhou Huan, who was covered in blood, rushed out of the large flames, quickly jumped to the building next to him, and then climbed up at a super fast speed.

"Target escapes, chase, don't let him escape."

Except for a few people who continued to besiege Knox and other werewolves who suffered heavy casualties, the rest of them chased Zhou Huan away.


Zhou Huan jumped up and down the building with large wounds on his body. Even if he recovered very quickly, it was difficult for him to withstand being attacked all the time. These humans chased him like crazy. No matter where he fled, they could catch up.

He fled continuously for a day and a night, even with his superhuman physique, he was almost unable to bear it, and his spirit was too tense.

This day and night, too many humans died in his hands, but the humans still refused to give up and sent many helicopters to pursue them. This is why he has been unable to get rid of them.

He can be invincible on land, but he really doesn't have many options for helicopters in the sky, because he doesn't have time to engage in weapons of mass destruction, let alone jump into the plane.

He had tried his best to avoid human cities and ran to the backcountry, but he still couldn't escape. He guessed that the human side must know his identity, so they chased him regardless of casualties.

As the former leader of the werewolf tribe, the only remaining half-vampire and half-wolf, this is definitely a fatal temptation for human genetic research scientists. Among the human beings he encountered, he found human soldiers from several different countries.

Zhou Huan really regretted it at this time. If he had known this would happen, he should have completed the main task as soon as possible. If he left this world, he would not be in such a desperate situation.

At this time, he had fled to a large mountain forest, which was both a good thing and a bad thing for him.

Because there is a lot of room for him to display his skills here, but a large area around him is surrounded. He tried to break out of the encirclement several times, but failed. He could only use his own advantages to confront humans in this area.

But Zhou Huan is very clear that this situation cannot last for too long, because once humans invest more troops, he will be caught by humans sooner or later.

"We can only pin our hopes on Serena."

He had solemnly told Serena before that as long as he killed Marcus and William, he would have a way to escape. He knew that Serena would definitely believe his words, and would follow his words if she could not rescue him. , to kill Marcus and William.

Although this may also put Serena in crisis, for them, this is already the best choice.

As long as Serena can kill Marcus and William, Zhou Huan can use the monster system to leave this world, so now that he can't escape, he can only look forward to Serena's performance.

"General, that monster has been surrounded by us. As long as we increase our troops and firepower, he will definitely not be able to escape."

The human kingdom, in order to deal with Zhou Huan, one of the great powers, directly dispatched general-level officers.

"Let all the helicopters dispatch to cover the soldiers and sweep the area. He must not be given a second chance to escape."

Zhou Huan was really exhausted. Although he could recover from his injuries by sucking blood, his spirit was always tense, and he was about to collapse. He didn't dare to relax for a moment, because he knew very well what he would be if he fell into the hands of human beings. end.

The human offensive is getting more and more fierce. Zhou Huan doesn't know how long he can last, but he can only try his best to hold on, looking forward to the one percent hope.

Just after Zhou Huan experienced fighting again and killed more than a dozen humans, suddenly, the monster system, which had not moved for a long time, finally showed a reminder.

Main quest completed.

Zhou Huan's exhausted spirit suddenly shook. The main task asked him to exterminate the Corvinus family, but he didn't specifically specify that he should kill it himself, so he asked Serena to kill Marcus and William before.

Originally, he was only holding one percent hope, and wanted to send Serena away.

But now the system reminds him that the main task is completed, which means that Serena must have helped him kill Marcus and William.

Thinking of this, Zhou Huan's heart was full of guilt, love, and even more reluctance.

"System, leave this world."

No matter how much reluctance there is, Zhou Huan has no choice. He doesn't know what will happen to this body after he leaves, but he really has no other way now. If he doesn't leave now, he may be caught by humans Hold on, it's only going to get worse.

In this world, he finally fell into a desperate situation, which made Zhou Huan realize his many problems.

Still not decisive enough, if he completes the task earlier, he can leave at any time, and he will not fall into such a desperate situation, and even rely on Serena to help him in the end, and there is no chance to say goodbye in the end.

He will leave sooner or later, but he is still not determined enough. The hesitation in his heart and the desire for freedom and a better life make him gradually ignore the reality that he is dominated by the monster system.

It might be a normal development of this world to be attacked by humans and be driven into a desperate situation, but he always has a feeling that it has something to do with the monster system. He stayed too long, so the monster system used this method to punish him.

Of course, this is just his guess, but after this incident, he will become more vigilant in the future, vigilant about his situation and identity.

(End of this chapter)

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