Han emperor system

Chapter 211 4 rumors

Chapter 211 Rumors Abound (Part Two)
At the moment, everyone was at Sikong Ding Palace's mansion, restoring the story of how General He Jin sent people to murder the Empress Dowager, and then sent people around to spread the news.

In less than three days, the entire Luoyang city was full of discussions. When General He Jin's car left the General's Mansion and went to the palace, some common people's discussions could be heard from both sides of the road from time to time.

"Have you heard? The Empress Dowager did not die of an illness, she was murdered to death."

"If such a thing really happened, who would have the guts to murder the Empress Dowager and her old man?"

"Do you still need to ask? A discerning person will know who it is at a glance. There is only one person who has not dealt with the empress dowager all this time, and that is the same harem master."

"Probably not. Isn't Queen Mother He the current master of the harem? The Empress Dowager is the mother of the late emperor. As a daughter-in-law, how could the Queen Mother commit the crime of murdering the mother of the late emperor?"

"Maybe it wasn't the Empress Dowager who sent someone to do it, but have you forgotten that there is another person? He also has a bad relationship with the Empress Dowager. I wish she would die sooner."

"You are talking about General He Jin, right? I also heard that the General was criticized by the Empress Dowager in the court, so he holds a grudge. It is possible that he sent someone here to murder the Empress Dowager this time."

"Hey, the battle in the imperial court is really terrible. I can't imagine that they are so beautiful on the surface, but they don't know how evil they are secretly."

"That's right. I think General He Jin not only holds a grudge against the Empress Dowager, but also the Holy Majesty. He wants to secretly control the government of my great man."

"Hmph, he's thinking beautifully. A man from a butcher's family has no inklings. He has already relied on his nepotism to become a general. Do he still want higher status and power?"

"If you want more power and status, then you have to rebel. Do you think General He Jin will rebel?"

"It's hard to say. In the past dynasties, have there been few things about foreign relatives? Let's not talk about it. Wang Mang was an example in the first dynasty. I think this general He Jin is like this kind of person."

"By the way, didn't they say that uncle Dong Guo wanted to rebel? Uncle Dong Guo is a foreign relative, right?"

"What do you know, Uncle Dong's rebellion is not true, it was used by General He Jin to frame Uncle Dong, and in the end he used this to force Uncle Dong to death and get rid of his opponents who competed for military power. Now his family is the only one in the imperial court."

General He Jin was in the carriage, vaguely heard the common people's discussion, his face turned livid with anger, from the time he left the General's Mansion to the imperial palace, he heard some similar discussions, which made him want to Attacked but unable to attack.

And in the whole city of Luoyang, tea shops, restaurants, taverns, brothels, inns, all places, all people are talking about this matter, even in various departments of the imperial court, people are gradually talking about it.

On June [-], the coffin of Empress Dowager Dong was escorted outside Luoyang City and stopped in the royal mausoleum. Young Emperor Liu Bian led all civil and military officials to worship and held a state funeral for her.

However, among all the officials, only General He Jin complained of illness and did not go to the Empress Dowager's funeral. All of a sudden, there were more and more discussions about him, and the undercurrent became even more turbulent.

"General, today is the state funeral for Empress Dowager Dong. The Holy Majesty and Empress Dowager He both went in person. Why don't you go?" In the evening, a group of ministers gathered at the General's mansion, and Yuan Shao raised a question.

"I believe you have also heard this period of time. The common people outside are talking about it, saying that the general sent someone to murder the empress dowager. How can the general attend her funeral under such circumstances?"

"General, you didn't go to the empress dowager's state funeral today. It was quite a mistake. This matter had nothing to do with the general. The people outside were ignorant and ignorant, so there was a lot of discussion. But today the general did not excuse his illness. If it comes out, the common people will think that the general is guilty and dare not go, so they will even more believe that the general murdered the empress dowager."

In fact, not many people knew about He Jin sending Yuan Shao to do this, so most officials believed that General He Jin was wronged this time, and it was a pity that he did not attend the funeral of the Empress Dowager today.

"It's nothing. If they want to talk, let them talk. But this general thinks this is quite unusual. How could it be possible that within two or three days, this matter has caused a lot of trouble in the city? Could it be that someone is behind the scenes? This matter is specifically aimed at this general?"

"General, the last general has already gone down to inquire. There are indeed people behind this matter who are damaging the reputation of the general. They sent many people to spread rumors in various places in Luoyang City, which is why there is a lot of trouble." At that time, Yuan Shao stood up again and said.

"I'm still careful at the beginning. I don't know who you found out who is deliberately targeting the general?" Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are about the same age. .

"It is none other than those who spread rumors to damage the reputation of the general, but those who slipped through the net, that is, Zhang Rang, Duan Gui, Ding Gong and others. They must not have any evidence to prove it, otherwise they would have revealed it to the Holy Spirit It's played, that's why I came up with this bad plan to create rumors, causing the whole city of Luoyang to be uproarious, and then it will cause the Holy One to be dissatisfied with the general. This plan is not poisonous, so the general should make up his mind early and kill him at this time Those eunuchs and eunuchs, otherwise there will be great disasters in the future. Just like General Dou Wu and the others in the past, they also wanted to kill the eunuchs, but because they did not act carefully, they were murdered by those eunuchs and brought disaster to the whole family. Now The generals and brothers all hold the military power in their hands, and there are many warriors under his command. As long as he gives an order, he can kill all the traitors. This is a golden opportunity, I hope the general will not miss it."

Yuan Shao said in a sonorous and passionate voice, many generals present also agreed with his opinion, but General He Jin was still a little hesitant, waved his hand and said to everyone: "Don't rush this matter for a while, and discuss it slowly. Make calculations."

This side has not yet come to a conclusion, Zhang Rang and others actually got a secret report, knowing that the general He Jin wanted to kill them, they were shocked to gather a lot of treasures and gave them to the general He Miao, and let him be in the Queen Mother He. Good words in front of you.

"The general is now assisting the young emperor, and he is becoming more and more arrogant. He doesn't want to be merciful to stabilize the world, but he specializes in killing to endanger the country and the country. Now that the state affairs are nothing serious, he wants to kill the ten permanent servants And all the eunuchs, this is to cause turmoil in the court."

(End of this chapter)

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