Han emperor system

Chapter 252 Conscription to Xiliang

Chapter 252 Conscription to Xiliang (Part [-])
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Regarding Cao Cao's escape, Young Emperor Liu Bian was actually very clear about it, but he let him go in the end, just like he let go of Brother Yuan Shao.

This is because Liu Bian wanted to see whether Cao Cao and Yuan Shao could still become the tyrants who competed for the world as they did in his previous life.

Fortunately, the system didn't punish him in any way. It just gave Liu Bian two more potential opponents who might compete with him in the future, but this didn't make Liu Bian panic.

However, after Ding Yuan's death, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others who dared to fight against Dong Zhuo fled Luoyang in a hurry, and a group of ministers close to Liu Bian fell silent at Liu Bian's request. Young Emperor, no one came out to accuse him of anything, so his authority over the court became more and more important.

Not long after, he went to play the young emperor Liu Bian and asked him to be the prime minister, ranking above the three princes. The young emperor actually agreed to him and made him the real No. 1 in the imperial court, one person under ten thousand people.

At the same time, a group of mid-level generals in the Yulin Army had secretly pledged their allegiance to him, and they had recruited several generals from the Yulin Army for him, making Dong Zhuo think that most of the troops inside and outside Luoyang City were in his own hands. , but still a little bit jealous of the chief generals of the Habayashi Army and the Yulin Army.

It was winter in a blink of an eye, and most of the people in the states and counties in the world were short of food, so under the instigation of the Yellow Turban Yu, more young and middle-aged people joined the Yellow Turban Yu.

Moreover, in some places, all the people in the entire village joined the Yellow Turban Army. Suddenly, in dozens of counties in more than ten states of the Han Dynasty, the momentum of the Yellow Turban Army became huge again. A memorial for help.

"My dear friends, the whole world is in emergency, please tell me what to do?" Above the main hall, Young Emperor Liu Bian asked solemnly.

However, the civil and military officials below all stood in awe and silence. After listening to the words of the young emperor Liu Bian, none of them responded. .

"Prime Minister, I don't know if Aiqing can make a good plan to bring peace to the world?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Liu Bian had to turn his eyes to Dong Zhuo and asked directly.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, the petitions for help from various places are exaggerated. Over the years, the imperial court has not stopped suppressing the remaining Yellow Turban thieves. Even if there are still some that have not been wiped out, I am afraid that there are not many left, and they will never be everywhere. It's all true. It must be that in some places some rioters took the opportunity to make troubles, so the local officials were afraid, so they regarded them as yellow turban thieves." Dong Zhuo bullied the young emperor and said hypocritically.

"According to what the prime minister said, all these memorials are fake?"

"Not necessarily. In places like Shuzhou, Yizhou, Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, etc., if there are still some remnant Yellow Turban bandits active in some places, the imperial court's conquest army should be able to wipe them out. Please don't worry, Your Majesty." These words are completely lying to children.

"The conquest army is limited in number, so I'm afraid it won't be possible to take care of so many places. Prime Minister, I heard that you have 20 troops in Xiliang, is there such a thing?" The young emperor actually asked directly.

Dong Zhuo was startled, and stared closely at the young emperor above: "Your Majesty, although there are 20 troops in Xiliang, that is just a false report to frighten the remaining Yellow Turban thieves. The real number of troops is only about 8. Among them are Some of them belong to ethnic groups outside the Great Wall in Xiliang, and they basically refuse to accept our control, so there are only [-] to [-] people who can really be controlled."

"It's not a lot. It's more than our Luoyang city. I'm afraid it can be used to attack Luoyang, right? Since there are so many troops, why not arrange some of them to participate in the suppression of bandits?"

"Your Majesty, under normal circumstances, these troops cannot move around, because Xiliang is a multi-ethnic area, and it needs to be defended by absolute troops, otherwise those small tribes will unite to resist. Under the current situation, the task of exterminating the Yellow Turban It hasn't been finished yet, if those small tribes on the frontier rise up to make trouble again, I'm afraid the whole country will really be in danger." Of course Dong Zhuo didn't want to use his Xiliang army, which was an important means he used to deter Luoyang.

"Why are those small tribes making trouble?" Young Emperor Liu Bian asked.

"Because they lack daily necessities, food and clothing, and these are supplied by our big men. Once there is no army to suppress them, they will unscrupulously rush into the hinterland of the big men to rob them, making the world even more chaotic."

"Then why don't we give those small tribes more food and clothing, and let them send troops to the states and counties to wipe out the remaining Yellow Turban thieves? In this way, they can get a lot of food and clothing, and the elderly and children in the tribe can live on." , and the food, equipment, and weapons in the army are also provided by the imperial court, so they should agree."

Unexpectedly, the young emperor Liu Bian suddenly said very excitedly, a bit like a young man thinking wildly, and he became happy when he thought of an idea.

However, the ministers of the imperial court thought about it, the young emperor Liu Bian's method is really good, to give some benefits to those small tribes, let their army help to suppress the bandits, in this way, there is no need to worry about them causing trouble, and more The Xiliang army has been liberated.

Hearing Liu Bian's words, Dong Zhuo was secretly annoyed, but Liu Bian's words also made some sense, so he couldn't refuse.Because he made up the troubles caused by small tribes. Although some leaders in the Xiliang Army were indeed tribal forces, Dong Zhuo thought that these people were all under his control.

But he thought about it again, since the young emperor is willing to have a lot of food, clothing, equipment, weapons and other things from the court, there is no reason for him not to do so. Bringing these things back to Xiliang will naturally improve his status in Xiliang. prestige, enhance their own strength.

"The Holy Majesty is right. If this is the case, Xiliang can recruit 7 troops from various tribes. I believe they can be dispatched to various states and counties to suppress bandits. Good news will come soon."

"It's still the Prime Minister who supports the work of the imperial court. Then leave this matter to the Prime Minister. It is best to put down the rebellion in various places before the New Year, so that the people of the world can have a stable environment for the New Year. As for the West The whereabouts of Liang Dajun is arranged, and everything is decided by the Prime Minister, so there is no need to play any more."

(End of this chapter)

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