Chapter 537 Luck
When Yetong embarked on a brand new path, among the nine people trapped in the maze, the first eliminated person finally emerged.

And this eliminated person happened to be Wen Yan who was the first to enter the maze. He didn't meet the thorn forest, but he met the flame that could burn the thorns.

He was just walking on a seemingly ordinary road, but suddenly flames spewed out from both sides, engulfing him like a wolf, the flames enveloped his whole body, before he was burned alive, he wisely Choose to give up automatically.

Compared with other people, it can only be said that his luck is really bad, but no one dares to be unconvinced. This is the rule set by the world lord. In many cases, luck is also a part of strength, and it is a key part.

As for Yun Tian, ​​he was very lucky. What he encountered was a road "long" on the ground full of knife points, and he only needed to lightly flap his wings to pass smoothly.

Judging from Yetong's map, the current route chosen by Yuntian is actually not deviated, and he is indeed a descendant of the unicorn known as the lucky beast.

Yetong was approaching Yuntian's location at a moderate speed, and the map was changing every 10 minutes. She could only stop and go to calculate the route and change the forward route.

There are more forks in the maze, and the corresponding route to the end is no longer the only one, but there are many possibilities and choices.

It's a pity that none of the eight people in the maze knew this, and many people's mentality began to change, becoming restless and impatient, especially for those with difficulty in choosing.

In the end how to go?What is waiting for them on the road ahead?Too many doubts and hesitation appeared in their minds, which made them lose their calm judgment.

Most of the people end up smashing their pots, bumping around like headless chickens, trying to try their luck, but they have already given up in their hearts.

Among them was a very unlucky high-ranking spiritual saint who walked randomly with an explosive mentality, and bumped headlong into a dead end.

There was no fork in the road ahead for him to choose from, and when he turned his head to go back, his back path was ruthlessly cut off.

It's not that you can't go back in the maze, it's just that his luck is really bad. The dead end he walked into just happened to be at the edge of the maze, and he touched a rule that Shadow Demon didn't mention. Automatic elimination.

Under the sympathetic eyes of everyone, he fell directly from the edge of the maze, and stabilized his body when he was about to land. He covered his chest in fear, raised his head and watched the rich scene with everyone Dramatic scramble.

Judging from his expression, he didn't seem to feel pity or regret at all, only relieved.

Just imagine a person trapped in a closed space and has to look for a way out everywhere, beware of unknown dangers, how can he not feel fear?Probably the only thought is to get out.

As a result, there were seven people left in the maze. Among the seven, except Yetong who knew the map of the maze, Yun Tian was favored by the god of luck, and one of them seemed to have hope of success.

This person is named Kang Sheng, and there is a Gu worm flying in front of him, which has the function of finding the way, and it has provided him with a lot of help. People like him have both strength and luck. A maze-style competition is like Tailor-made for him in general.

Yetong was getting closer and closer to Yuntian's location, only two intersections away, and Yuntian's good luck was also exhausted at this time, he turned into a wrong intersection.

(End of this chapter)

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