dream bubble

Chapter 708 Springboard 3

Chapter 708 Springboard 3
This landing field is very large. Looking down from the top, you can see groups of people walking eastward with flags of different colors.

To the east is a camp, which looks larger than the landing field, and is densely packed with tents.

In front of the camp, there was a row of long tables, behind which sat many people dressed as scribes.

"Go over there to register first, then go to get clothes and bedding, take a shower by the way, and someone will take you to your respective barracks." The red turban introduced there.

This time, no one dared to question it. Most of the people who came here brought their families with them. They didn't know how they could meet again after they separated.But no one dared to ask questions, they were all frightened by the moment just now.

The red turban turned and left, and they went back to pick up the next group of people.

Flags of different colors were also planted in front of the row of long tables. This time, there was no need to explain. Everyone stood according to their own choices.

"Come here, come here, register quickly, and then go to the back to get things." A scribe waved towards this side.

The group of people looked at each other for a long time, and the most courageous guy walked over.

The clerk squinted at the big man, and then pointed to the flag next to it: "We are here to register for craftsmen, are you a craftsman?"

"I can do everything. I learned blacksmithing from my father at the entrance of the village. I have also been a carpenter and a mason." The big man nodded and answered carefully.

"It's better to know a lot than to be good at one." The clerk casually took out an iron plate from the basket next to it, and there was a six-character sign on it: "For the time being, you will be designated as a sixth-class helper, go down and get things. "

As he spoke, he beckoned: "Give me your ship's license plate."

The big man obeyed obediently, and handed over the ship plate respectfully.

The clerk didn't take it with his hands, but just looked up at the number on it, wrote it down in the booklet, and then wrote six characters on the back, without raising his head, he said, "Go get the things."

"That's the end?" The big man was a little confused: "Don't you ask me what my last name is? What is my name? Where is my hometown?"

"No need, no matter where you are from, you will be scattered and resettled. The place of origin has no meaning at all. The name is also useless. No one here cares what your name is. Just look at the ship plate on your waist, which has your name on it. number, we will recognize this." The clerk explained it tirelessly.

"Then can I still see my family in the future?" The big man was in a hurry. Just now, the family members were separated separately, and he felt a little uneasy. Now, when he heard that the name and place of origin were not asked at all, it was completely different from the previous government registration, and his heart became more and more disturbed. Dazed.

"Only recognize the ship plate here. The number on it is your name. If you are a family, the first twelve numbers are the same, only the last two are different. It is easy to find someone. Just report the number at the gate of the camp." "The scribes not only tell the big man, but also tell other people.

"The habit here is really strange. They don't even ask about people's origins. Aren't they afraid that spies from other races will sneak in?" There was a questioning voice from the crowd.

It was an old man who spoke, wearing a long gown with a green skirt, who looked like a scholar.

"Oh, brother must be a person who has read poetry and books. Why did you condescend to come into this craftsman's job?" Can feel a strong taste of ridicule.

The old man's face was flushed, and he was ashamed.

In the past, it was said that all things are inferior and only reading is high, but when the catastrophe arrives, scholars are not as valuable as artisans. The various sects recruit people, and the most important thing is artisans. A scholar like him can't even enter the door when he signs up. Fortunately, he In his spare time, he is more interested in civil construction, and he is good at mathematics and arithmetic, so he has finally become a craftsman.

On the way here, he has been ashamed of it all the time, but fortunately, the people around him can't see it, but he didn't expect to be exposed here.

The people next to the old man had already turned ashen, and hurriedly dodged one by one, fearing that the old man, like the man just now, would be shredded into pieces by the sudden light, splashing blood all over their bodies.

But this didn't happen, even the old man was surprised, except for the sarcasm of the clerk, there was no other movement.

After all, the old man was a scholar, so he immediately understood that although what he said just now meant to question, it was different from the beheaded man, he was not making trouble out of no reason.

It seemed that the monk who was hiding in secret was not unreasonable.

The old man calmed down a little, and cupped his hands towards the scribe: "The words just now are words from the heart."

"Since it's from the bottom of my heart, I'll let you understand the reasoning behind it. I'm doing this to treat people equally. When you enter the camp, no matter your surname is Zhang Wang, Li Zhao, you will be referred to by your serial number, and it doesn't matter whether you live in different places. , so as not to hold each other together, and don't bluff people by acting like a scholar, your brother, it won't work here.

There are rules, everyone is responsible, everything is in order, and those spies naturally have no chance to take advantage of it. If they inquire about information casually, or run around, they will undoubtedly expose their identities. "

Speaking of this, the clerk lowered his voice, pointed to a group of people next to him, and said: "I advise everyone, you are here to survive, and you should obey the rules. Speaking of which, our side is still relatively peaceful. Among the soldiers and warriors, some people are beheaded every day, but they just don’t obey the rules. There are always some people who feel that they are unambiguous. They used to be generals or gang leaders. They wanted to stand here, but they all ended up dead.”

The faces of the people around were all ugly. They were not frightened by these words, but the words "death without a whole body" reminded them of the scene they had just seen.

It was so gory that it made one's stomach sick just thinking about it.

"But don't worry too much, as long as you are obedient, nothing will happen." The clerk immediately comforted: "And it is definitely easier to climb up here than in other places. There is nothing here. Masters and apprentices, there are no superiors and inferiors, only one level, craftsmen are divided into eight levels, the lowest level is the small worker, the second is the auxiliary worker, and the third is the helper." The scribe turned to the piece on the table. The iron plate pointed.

"How about going up?" the big man asked immediately. As a man, who would not be ambitious?
"The next level is master worker, then skillful hand, and then foreman. Most people only have these six types. It is different at the next level. One is the general manager. Not only must you have a craft, but you must also know a lot. For other things, the highest is divine craftsmanship. Up to now, no craftsman has been qualified to aspire to the top." The scribe said this, and it was also arranged by the superiors, just to make these people in front of them more self-motivated.

"How can I climb up?" The big man became more and more excited.

The scribe was waiting for this question, and quickly answered: "It's very simple. It depends on your skills. There is no chance of re-evaluation every half a year. As long as you are good at your skills, you can be promoted to a higher level. No one can stop you."

"Craftsmanship needs to be taught by someone." A craftsman next to him interjected.

Knowing that someone would say that, the clerk immediately replied: "There are people who teach it specially, it depends on whether you have the heart to learn it."

Those craftsmen suddenly became noisy, which was unimaginable in the past.

The clerk felt that the fire was coming, and said with a chuckle, "As I said just now, there are no masters and apprentices here, and there is no habit of not getting paid during the learning period. Those monks don't care about these, all they want is your efforts to do things."

"I am obedient, I will do whatever I am asked to do." The big man said naively.

The artisans below also nodded together.

(End of this chapter)

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