dream bubble

Chapter 733 Kunlun? Taikoo 4

Chapter 733 Kunlun Taikoo 4
As time passed day by day, Xie Xiaoyu had a very fulfilling life. Apart from sitting on the stone platform to comprehend the Dao, the rest of the time was spent revising the exercises.

The exercises in the ancient times pointed directly at the Dao, with endless mysteries, but they were too simple, almost superficial.The exercises of the later generations are extremely efficient, but they don't have the characteristic of directly pointing to the Dao, and their magical effects are much less.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people hope to have the best of both worlds, but unfortunately they can't. Once the exercises that have been handed down from the ancient times are changed, the efficiency may be improved, but those characteristics will definitely be lost.

This should be related to the fit of the avenue.

The only way to be successful is to make the exercises of later generations fit the Dao.It's a pity that this is also impossible, because after the ancient times, the Dao will not be visible.

Now that the opportunity came, he certainly would not let it go easily.

It is not the first time for Xie Xiaoyu to revise a kung fu. His major kung fu "Swallowing the Sun and Moon Rahu Dafa" was modified by himself, but it is not so easy to make the kung fu fit the Dao, Xie Xiaoyu knows very well His own weight is two pounds, so he took the first step very carefully.

The exercise he changed was neither "Six Rufa" nor "Swallowing the Sun and Moon Rahu Dafa", but "Hunyuan Sutra".

Now he finally understands why that senior got the first edition of the "Hunyuan Sutra", because what this tribe inherited was the "Hunyuan Sutra"

In fact, the Hunyuan Jing was the most widely circulated in ancient times.

This exercise has the saying of the ancestor of all merits.

Wuji gave birth to Taiji, Taiji gave birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gave birth to four images, and four images gave birth to eight trigrams, and then all things reproduce.Another way is: nothing produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.Either way, the first two steps are the same.The beginning of heaven and earth, the beginning of all things, everything comes from this.

Hunyuan is Wuji, which is Wuji.

Xie Xiaoyu was very impulsive, he wanted to go back and have a look, look through the classics of Hunyuan Qizong, nine times out of ten this sect was not originally called by this name, it was changed by that senior, otherwise it would be too coincidental.

If he felt impulsive, he would do it right away. After Li Subai's instructions, Xie Xiaoyu is much more casual in doing things now, anyway, he also has other things to go back.

So he's back.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Li Subai appearing from the void. It was night now, so there was no need to worry about being discovered.

"Are you awake? What have you gained?" Li Subai expressed his concern.

Xie Xiaoyu didn't answer, but hurriedly asked: "Master, how much do you know about the Hunyuan Jing?"

The most important purpose of his return is to collect the "Hunyuan Sutra" of later generations, especially the set of Hunyuan Sutra handed down by the No. 11 head of Hunyuan Qizong.

After all, that person is a Daoist, and finally reached the peak of Daoist. The reason why he failed to become a true immortal is probably because the sect is too small and the resources are not enough, or maybe he can go further.

Since this senior is practicing the "Hunyuan Sutra", he must have collected different versions everywhere.

The "Hunyuan Jing" is a common commodity. If you come forward to ask for it as a Taoist monarch, no one will hide it and refuse to give it to you. This senior should have collected a lot.

"Why are you interested in this exercise? Could it be that there is a cure for you?" Li Subai guessed Xie Xiaoyu's intention.

"No, this opportunity is rare. In the ancient times, the Dao was clear, but unfortunately my realm is too shallow, and there is still a long way to go from the Dao of Enlightenment, so I plan to take the next best thing and improve the exercises I am practicing. It is also difficult, so I plan to start with "Hunyuan Jing" first." Xie Xiaoyu didn't intend to hide it.

To be honest, if he could bring Li Subai there, he would definitely not be stingy.

Li Subai was stunned for a long time, a sliver of jealousy rarely appeared in his heart.He was also trying to enter Kunlun these days, but unfortunately he was still unable to do so.

Fortunately, the thousand years of cultivation had made his mind clear and pure, and as soon as this trace of jealousy emerged, he was immediately suppressed by him, and he instantly recovered the demeanor of the leader of the world's number one sect.

"The "Hunyuan Jing" is the same as the "Lishi Jing" you taught Li Guangzong. There are many people who practice it and there are many versions. To be honest, even I don't know how many kinds of exercises you really want to practice this set of exercises? "

He is definitely kind.

The biggest feature of the "Hunyuan Jing" is that the mana cultivated is extremely pure, and can be used to launch any kind of spell, even the secret spells of the witches and ghosts.

Since there are such great benefits, there will naturally be the same disadvantages.

The Hunyuan Qi cultivated in the "Hunyuan Jing" is different from other true qi, and it cannot be condensed.

True energy can be condensed into true essence, sword energy can be condensed into sword essence, the texture is hundreds of times higher than the original, and the same amount, the latter is hundreds of times stronger than the former, so although the "Hunyuan Jing" can activate any spell, but The effect was very poor.

Everything is known, and everything is loose, so the "Hunyuan Jing" has become tasteless.

Another fatal flaw is that when one reaches the level of a Taoist monarch, the most suitable way for the "Hunyuan Jing" is the way of Hunyuan, that is, the way of infinity.

The other avenues are covered by the Dao of Heaven, at least there is a trace, or the Dao of Heaven has a corresponding projection, but the Dao of Hunyuan does not.Therefore, the "Hunyuan Jing" can only be cultivated to the peak of the true emperor, no matter how hard it is to make progress, the No. 11 head of Hunyuan Qizong is a special case.

To Li Subai's surprise, Xie Xiaoyu replied very positively: "This avatar of mine is quite suitable for this path."

"Your avatar is already weak in mana. If you can't condense the essence, it will be even worse." Li Subai warned.

"It's okay." Xie Xiaoyu didn't care.It is impossible for him to tell Li Subai that the wood spirit once gave him a piece of advice. The avatar method is very useful now, but it will become a great threat in the future. Among other benefits, the spirit avatar is different. It is transformed from a natural treasure. If you don't want to limit it, it will be a matter of time before you surpass your body.

So he didn't intend to make this clone too strong.

In addition to letting this clone practice auxiliary exercises, he also plans to throw some slow-down exercises to this clone to practice, and the "Hunyuan Jing" is a good choice.

Li Subai blinked his eyes twice, what Xie Xiaoyu did made him more and more confused.

"If you are really interested in this, I will ask someone to bring over all the versions of the "Hunyuan Jing" collected by the Taixumen... By the way, I will also bring you a ship card by the way. The brothers and sisters are not at ease, and there must be some doubts."

Xie Xiaoyu didn't pick up on it. If those people doubted it, he wouldn't care at all. Anyone who doesn't want to follow him will definitely regret it in the future.

Li Subai knew what Xie Xiaoyu was thinking, this guy liked that trick the most, and he would never get tired of it. He originally just wanted to say hello, but seeing that Xie Xiaoyu didn't object, he sent out a letter at random.

Leaving the futon and standing up, Xie Xiaoyu stretched his waist. He had been meditating for several days, and his bones were almost rusted.In addition to the cave, he went to the Tibetan scripture hall.

The cave has been tidied up, and various classics are placed in different categories, and a stack of manuscripts is placed on the table next to it.

The small sect is really pitiful, these manuscripts are only about 3000 copies, Hunyuan Qizong has a history of more than [-] years, and there was a Taoist monarch in the middle, but there are only so many Taoist books that can be obtained.

Xie Xiaoyu was not interested in those manuscripts, he had already read them, and there was nothing in them that he wanted.Instead, he cared about anecdotes, letters from predecessors, travel notes, essays and the like.

Turning around in front of the bookshelf, he quickly picked out two books, one of which contained the notes that the Taoist monarch had covered up with a spell, and the other was the notes of the third generation head.He found the latter book because he suspected that Hunyuanyi Qizong was not originally called by this name.

Sure enough, after only turning a few pages, he found what he was looking for.

Hunyuanyiqizong was originally called Tianluodibinzong, and what the patriarch left behind was a set of exercises called "Earthbound Tujinjue", which belonged to the lineage of the earth lineage, and it was somewhat similar to what Mazi practiced. However, the level is far worse.

Xie Xiaoyu chuckled and sighed inwardly, strength is good, even the name of the sect can be changed at will.

He casually stuffed the notebook back, just to clear up the confusion, his mind was not on it.

Leaning his back against the bookshelf, he flipped through the senior's notes.He didn't read it carefully before, but only looked at the front part. It was indeed the notes, but the latter part was wrong. Many of them were his insights, and some were the exercises he collected, including the "Hunyuan Sutra".

The content inside is very meaningful, but it looks messy. Various versions of the "Hunyuan Jing" were dismantled by this senior, and similar paragraphs were put together, with notes beside them.

After turning over more than a dozen pages, Xie Xiaoyu understood that this senior has been trying his best to repair the Hunyuan Sutra.But the more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

What this senior realized was the way of chaos, which was the original intention of Hunyuan.

Everything in the world is formed from chaos. It can be said that chaos is the mother of everything, even the great way. If you can understand the way of chaos, it will be absolutely terrifying. It is better than the way of time and space. much.

The problem is that it is impossible to succeed, and this path is wrong as soon as it is started.

No one can comprehend the way of chaos, this way does not exist at all.

Chaos is the mother of all, even the Dao is formed from chaos, so when there is chaos, even the Dao does not exist, the chaos is divided into two, the world is opened, this world is born, and the Dao finally appears, at this time Chaos no longer exists When the chaos reappears, it is when this world is destroyed, and everything turns into chaos again, including the Dao.

So there can be no way of chaos, even if there is, no one can see it.Even if you go back along the river of time, because time appears after the avenue, if you go back along the river of time, you can at most see the moment when time was born.The same goes back down, the world is destroyed, time will no longer exist, and everything will turn into chaos, so it is impossible to see.

Chaos is nothing, really nothing, utter nothing.

"What the hell, how did this guy become a Daoist Lord?" Xie Xiaoyu muttered to himself.

He rummaged quickly.

The answer will come soon.

Xie Xiaoyu's eyes widened. The answer surprised him very much. When this senior cultivated to the peak of the True Monarch, he had already discovered that he was on the wrong path. He can only deceive himself and others, and regard turbidity, confusion, and mixing as chaos.

"What a genius, to be able to do this, to dare to do this." Xie Xiaoyu was speechless, and at this moment he finally understood why this guy fell.

Not entirely because of resource issues.

If Daojun wants to go further, he must go through the catastrophe, which is the test of the way of heaven. This guy deceives himself and others, using turbidity as chaos is simply an insult to the way of heaven. You must know that chaos is the ancestor of all things, and the way of heaven evolves from chaos. Come.

If he doesn't die, who dies?

Thinking of this, Xie Xiaoyu shuddered all over, and he immediately recalled the things he had done before.

He also likes to deceive people. He deceived both Buddhism and Taoism. Did he offend the way of heaven?
"I can't do this again in the future." Xie Xiaoyu muttered to himself, from now on, he must change, he can't lie to others, if he can't get away with it, he simply pretends to be stupid.

Looking at the notes in his hand, Xie Xiaoyu felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Originally, I wanted to get some reference from this senior. It seems that this person is the only one who has cultivated the "Hunyuan Jing" to the level of a Taoist monarch. I didn't expect this guy to be unreliable at all.I didn't see it for reference, but I saw a negative example.

Fortunately, the things this guy collected are still useful, but be careful with the annotations on them, it might be a mine.

Since you can only explore by yourself, you must first determine the general direction.

Hunyuan is the ancestor of all things, and all things evolve from it. "Hunyuan Sutra" is suitable for any kind of magic, and also suitable for any kind of avenue, as long as you don't touch the way of chaos, and don't touch the way of Hunyuan, Others are optional.

Xie Xiaoyu couldn't help but think of that senior again, the death of this person is really speechless, and he is simply seeking his own death.All kinds of avenues are desirable, but they have chosen a dead end.

Wusheng one, he also dare not choose one, one is Tai Chi, which is also the way, and choosing it is also courting death, at best it is better than Wusheng, at least there is a glimmer of life, so he has to look for it later.

This time he finally had it. He chose the way of good fortune. Hunyuan produces all things, which is the source of good fortune. The five elements of the spiritual avatar belong to wood, which is full of vitality and is most suitable for the way of good fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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