Mechanical Summoning of the Wizarding World

Chapter 41 Alien Summoning Magic Notes

Chapter 41 Different Summoning Magic Notes ([-]rd update!)
Three shifts!

Originally, I wanted to come to the fourth chapter, but I was very tired writing today, I deleted it several times, and I really didn't get out of Chapter 4!

However, the promise of the three chapters guarantee is still fulfilled!Ah!
Well, tomorrow is still the third watch!

Vote again!Brothers, hold on tight, keep our positions, and resolutely don't give others the chance to blow up our puppets!Ah!
Thank you brothers!

"Black's token? Go in, remember, you can only read it, you can't copy it!" After checking the token, the old man gave a faint order, and then buried his head again, "Also, remember, don't forcefully read the high-level Magic, otherwise you will suffer mental backlash. Don't expect anyone to save you."

"Thank you for your advice!" Although the old man's attitude seemed indifferent, Ye Feng could still feel the kindness under the indifference, nodded slightly, and bowed to thank him.

The goal was very clear, after taking a little look at the surrounding situation, Ye Feng went straight to the southwest corner, where the collection of summoning books was located.

There are more than a dozen bookshelves full of books, and there are various magic books in different categories.

After a little hesitation, Ye Feng finally set his sights on the magic note.

For Ye Feng now, the basic summoning magic is actually not very meaningful. The more magic you learn, the better. As long as you have a few useful ones, it is enough. If you learn too much, it is too much The heart is not conducive to the improvement of strength.

What Ye Feng urgently needs now is to improve his mental power. Only when his mental power breaks through to the intermediate level and he comes into contact with intermediate summoning magic can he truly make a qualitative leap in strength.

And reading these predecessors' magic notes is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways.

Summarize the experience and wisdom of predecessors, always stand on the shoulders of giants, this is the best way to learn!

In the previous life, the reason why human beings were able to keep telling and discovering was precisely because they were always summarizing and learning from the experience of their predecessors and enriching themselves with the crystallization of wisdom from countless predecessors.

Slowly flipping through the magic notes, Ye Feng's mind suddenly sank, as if he could no longer feel any changes in the outside world.


"Unique thinking, extraordinary talent!" After continuous deduction and experimentation, Federer finally determined that this seemingly simple hexagram pattern is actually the long-lost bloody hexagram pattern, the essence of the pattern.

Shaking his head slightly, with a slight movement of his fingers, within a few breaths, a complete magic imprint was formed impressively, exuding a faint wave of magic.

"Is this the magic imprint that controls the blood-colored hexagram?" Looking at the mysterious magic imprint, Luo Lan couldn't help asking, "Then, if the blood-colored hexagram really reappears, is it possible to rely on this image and the magic imprint? Can it be easily broken?"

"That's impossible!" Shaking his head, Federer couldn't help laughing, "If it's that simple, you'd underestimate the Bloody Hexagram! The reason why it can be called one of the strongest killing formations, how could it be mysterious? So simple? This is just one of hundreds or even thousands of variations!"

Dispersing the magic imprint, Federer pondered for a moment and said, "However, according to this magic imprint, I can slowly deduce other changes. If I really encounter the blood-colored hexagram formation, I believe I can find it in a short time." the law."

"Thousands of changes?" Lorraine's face changed suddenly, and he said with some horror.

In fact, it is not that he has not experimented with this magic imprint, and he knows a thing or two about its mystery!Although he has always claimed to be a genius, it is almost impossible for him to deduce this magic mark from the formation.

"Loran, although you have a good talent, you are only just getting a glimpse of the formation. Without decades of research, it is impossible to deduce this legendary killing formation." , Federer comforted softly, "Don't worry about it, as long as you settle down and study, your achievements in the future will definitely not be inferior to mine."

"Teacher? Do you really believe that the magic mark was deduced by that Wright himself?" Lorraine finally couldn't help asking.

After a moment of silence, Federer finally shook his head slowly and said, "According to common sense, this is impossible, but it does not rule out the possibility of his extraordinary talent! When I saw him that day, from my point of view, this kid definitely Not a mediocre person! But, he didn't clarify the specific reason, so I can't ask more questions!"

After thinking about it, Federer said again, "If you have a chance, you can discuss it with him. Wright's thinking seems to be different from that of ordinary people. Perhaps this is the reason why he was able to deduce the magic mark."

"Yes, teacher!" After saluting respectfully, Luo Lan suddenly showed a faint disdain.

(What kind of talent? How can such a small person like him be able to deduce such a mysterious magic imprint? Teacher, you are also deceived by him... Huh! This small person is just relying on his own cleverness It’s just stirring the wind and the rain! Wait until I expose him, and then I’ll explain it to the teacher!)

Immersed in all kinds of magic notes, Ye Feng didn't feel the passage of time for a while.

Putting down the magic note in his hand, closing his eyes and slowly recalling what he read today, if he realized something in his heart, his mental strength that was already in trouble seemed to be loosened a little because of it.

Nodding in satisfaction, Ye Feng's confidence immediately increased. As long as he slowly read the remaining notes and realized with his heart, he might really be able to break through to the intermediate level in a short period of time!

Stretching and looking at the darkened sky, Ye Feng immediately sorted out the magic notes he had read and put them back in their original places. This has always been Ye Feng's habit, and he just expressed his respect for these books.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, Ye Feng's gaze was attracted by a note hidden in the far corner.

"Alien Summoning Magic Notes"!
For a moment, Ye Feng opened the magic notebook curiously!
"I have abandoned the traditional summoning magic all my life, trying to find a new way different from the combat system! After decades of hard work, I finally got something! Unfortunately, the summons I got were all alien and useless. It was a joke for a while! However, I always believed that besides battle summons, there must be other auxiliary summons that can be used in normal life...Unfortunately, I was distracted too much and finally failed to step into the realm of a great magister. My whole life was ruined once, so I leave a book with future generations for reference! The magister of the different summoning system, Philip!"

Ye Feng seems to be able to easily feel the sadness and unwillingness in this simple sentence!

Different from ordinary people, Ye Feng was in awe of this Philip. Although he failed to open up this road, he couldn't hide his brilliance at all!Such a person is the real generation of outstanding people!
Coming from modern times, Ye Feng agrees with Philip's point of view from the bottom of his heart. In many cases, life-related things have a greater role than combat-related things!

Take modern society as an example, we can have no fighter jets, tanks, guns, or missiles!
But what if there were no lights, televisions, computers, cars, airplanes, or trains?
The seemingly ordinary little things are often the most original things!
With a feeling in his heart, Ye Feng couldn't help sighing, and read slowly...

PS: Can you guess what I want to do?hey-hey!

(End of this chapter)

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