Mechanical Summoning of the Wizarding World

Chapter 8 opens, the broken ancient magic circle!

Chapter 8 opens, the broken ancient magic circle!
"It's still the last step...with blood as a guide?"

Vaguely, a nearly complete magic array diagram appeared in front of Doris. However, it was this last step that made Doris raise her brows.

"Blood as a guide?" Hearing Doris's words, Yunying's expression changed drastically, "Are you kidding! The blood sacrifice is a dark magic circle, Doris, do you want to touch the dark taboo magic?" array?"

"Not all!" Frowning and thinking for a while, Doris said firmly, "Using blood as a guide is not entirely a sign of dark magic, and blood is also required in many places in the ancient magic circle... This is not the case. It's not surprising, Yunying."

As if to convince Yunying, or herself, Doris gently rubbed her temples, and continued, "It's like summoning magic, isn't it somewhat similar to dark magic? That's right, no matter what So, Yunying, we can't give up at the last moment, right?"

In fact, Doris didn't intend to wait for Yunying's answer at all. At the same time as the words fell, Doris had already lightly bit her finger.

"No, Doris!" Feeling something was wrong instinctively, Yun Ying hurriedly stopped her.

However, it was already too late!

A drop of blood suddenly fell to the magic circle on the ground, and in an instant, a faint blood color suddenly flashed, and the magic circle in front of Doris was activated immediately.

"Using blood as a guide, the ancient seal... is opened!"

With a light tap of her fingertips, the magic power on Doris's body was instantly emptied, and her whole body almost collapsed. At the same time, the last step of the magic circle was finally completely completed.


The sky is falling!Almost the moment Doris uttered the last word, the entire trial cave trembled violently, the earth and rocks collapsed, and the ground cracked!The whole world seemed to be destroyed.

What's even more frightening is that a huge magical aura gushed out suddenly. Although it didn't target anyone, the terrifying oppressive force already made people feel chills all over!
This magical aura is not a common magical element, but a dark aura of death, evil and cold!
At this moment, even Doris herself realized that she seemed to have created a catastrophe this time!
"Shadow Knife, Kill Thousand Shadows!"

In an instant, Yunying's face suddenly became extremely solemn, and he could no longer see the slightest sign of laziness, and the jet-black saber shot out instantly, bringing out a black glow!

Countless sword shadows overlapped continuously, and the terrifying murderous aura crushed everything around in an instant!In just one step, Yunying had already stepped beside Doris, forcibly protecting Doris.



Just touched the entrance of the third floor, and before he had time to go in, the violent vibration immediately knocked the unsuspecting Ye Feng down and hit the ground hard.

"...Numbering, what a fucking earthquake! I've just traveled through time. Could it be that I'm going to be buried alive?"

Having said that, however, even in this situation, Ye Feng did not intend to give up at all. He concentrated his mental power and stared at his surroundings. When he saw a large piece of earth and rock falling, it was an electric shock grenade Hit it and try to fry it in advance.

In a daze, Ye Feng suddenly saw at least dozens of red spiders rushing towards him!

During the upheaval, these magical beasts are also extremely terrifying threats!

Under normal circumstances, Ye Feng would naturally not be afraid, but shaking everywhere, he couldn't stand firmly, not to mention his accuracy, the situation had completely fallen out of control, how could he be sure at all?

After hesitating for less than a second, Ye Feng gritted his teeth suddenly, and with a violent shake, jumped towards the entrance of the third floor!

When his head came into contact with the ground, Ye Feng suddenly felt dizzy. However, at this moment, Ye Feng didn't dare to stop for a moment. He struggled with all his hands and feet, and crashed into the entrance of the third floor.



The sound of bones breaking was extremely clear, but there was a sense of dull fear, and blood spattered everywhere. Ryan walked through blood and corpses all the way!

Hundreds of bloodthirsty bats are chasing and biting frantically, taking away the lives of people around them time and time again, but the survivors don't even have time to look back, not because they are afraid of death, but because they want to escape with the time these brothers sacrificed their lives for!

Death is not the courage of life, to live, to live with the hope and responsibility of the brothers, is the real courage!

Ryan's eyes were already filled with tears, but at this time, he didn't even dare to shed tears!

Yes, even the moment when the eyes are blurred by tears can be fatal!At this time, you don't even have a chance to cry!
The earth trembled, countless earth and rocks fell, every step was like a death game, all magic lost any effect at this moment!
The sunlight from the entrance of the cave had already shot in, Ryan struggled to the entrance of the cave with the last bit of strength, trying to climb out, but when his body hit the entrance of the cave, what was waiting was not safety, but a bloody six-pointed star!
A bloody hexagram shining with the light of death!

Ryan clearly felt that the blood in his body was rushing towards the bloody hexagram, but he didn't have the slightest strength to break free...

The scene of the brothers' death flashed in his mind bit by bit. At this moment, Ryan didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, but only endless resentment!Hate everything in the world!
From the corner of his eyes, a drop of blood-colored tears dripped silently, and all the past friendships also dripped down...

The sky is falling!

Trembling violently, the trial cave suddenly collapsed, and the blood-colored hexagram sealed at the entrance of the cave also turned into a bloody glow, covering the collapsed ground...

"...Be resentful! The souls and flesh of all creatures have been turned into a blood-colored star map! Endless resentment opens the passage to the nether world!"

With a cold grin on the corner of his mouth, the black-clothed magician took out the crystal ball again, and the brilliance of magic slowly flashed three faint figures!

The third floor of the Trial Cave!
At this moment, the image on the magic crystal that appeared was the third floor of the trial cave, and the first two floors had already collapsed!But the third layer seemed to be supported by a huge magical power, and it was not destroyed together!

As the last shock dissipated, the magic crystal ball in the hands of the magician in black also blurred, and he couldn't see anything anymore!
"Seven days, and the last seven days... everything should be over!"

Gently crushing the crystal ball, the black-clothed magician calmly raised his hand, and disappeared between the heaven and the earth in just one step.

PS: Piao Piao, continue to summon Piao Piao!
(End of this chapter)

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