Chapter 76 Rongjing's Corpse

It was night, the prison in Dali Temple was heavily guarded at the gate.

An inconspicuous carriage stopped at the corner, and a black figure covered in a black robe got out of the carriage. After the black figure got off, he whispered into the carriage: "Wu Tong, wait for me in the carriage. I'll be out in a minute."

Wutong stretched out her head, looked at Qin Fenghua who was almost integrated into the night, and said worriedly: "Miss, do you really not need me to accompany you in?" Wutong has never been to the prison of Dali Temple, but she feels that there should be a It's a dangerous place, and she doesn't worry about Miss going in alone.

However, Qin Fenghua shook his head lightly and said: "No need, it's too obvious for the two of us to go in. It's better for me to go in alone."

Since Qin Fenghua said so, Wutong had no choice but to wait obediently for Qin Fenghua in the carriage.

Qin Fenghua covered the black burqa on his body, lowered his head and walked towards the entrance of the Dali Temple Prison.

When she arrived at the door, the guard blocked Qin Fenghua's way and refused to let her in. Qin Fenghua had already made preparations, took out the pre-prepared token from his sleeve, and handed it to the guard.After the guard saw clearly what the token was, he immediately bowed down to salute Qin Fenghua, then opened the gate of the prison for Qin Fenghua, and bowed to let Qin Fenghua in.

When Qin Fenghua walked past the guards, he deliberately lowered his voice, and said to one of the guards: "Take me to see Prince Rong's son."

"Yes." The guard replied respectfully.Walk up to Qin Fenghua and lead the way for Qin Fenghua.

The lights in the big prison of Dali Temple were extremely dim. Qin Fenghua walked through the corridor in the prison, and couldn't see clearly who was being imprisoned on both sides. He could only vaguely feel that there were pairs of piercing eyes watching her in the darkness on both sides.

Qin Fenghua walked through one cell after another that was full of filth, dampness and darkness, and walked towards the deepest part of the darkness.

King Rong and Rong Jing were imprisoned in the deepest part of the prison as serious criminals because they were suspected of treason. The jailer took Qin Fenghua for a long way before turning his head and whispering to Qin Fenghua, "The son of King Rong is being held at the corner. this cell."

While talking, he led Qin Fenghua through a dark corner, and by the way, he began to take out the keys in his pocket with a clang.

The two of them were about to pass the corner, when suddenly, there was a muffled sound from the other side of the corner, it was the sound of someone falling to the ground, Qin Fenghua felt something bad in his heart, he hurriedly strode past the jailer, crossed the corner, and headed towards Rongjing rushed to the prison cell.

In the nearly dark cell, a tall black figure was squatting on the ground with one knee, holding a rope firmly with both hands, while on the ground, a man in a prison uniform was holding onto the deadly rope between his neck. The rope, eyeballs bulging, mouth wide open, both feet maintained a posture of violently rubbing against the ground, and stopped struggling.

"Rongjing!" Qin Fenghua exclaimed, no longer thinking about the danger, and rushed towards the scene of the murder.

Hearing Qin Fenghua's voice, the black figure not only did not let go, but took advantage of Qin Fenghua's approach, tightened the rope even more fiercely, as if to ensure Rongjing's death.

When Qin Fenghua ran over with his eyes tearing open, the black shadow pushed away Rong Jing on the ground, and quickly passed by Qin Fenghua's side. Qin Fenghua turned his head to look in an instant, only seeing a pair of sinister eyes.

However, she no longer cared about the man in black, she turned her head, kept moving, and threw herself in front of the man lying on the ground with her heart trembling.

Stretching out his hand tremblingly, he reached for the breath of the person on the ground.

Not breathing!

Then Qin Fenghua hurriedly felt for the pulse in his neck.

No beating!

Qin Fenghua covered his mouth, tremblingly brushing away the loose black hair of the person lying on the ground.The unceasing prayer in the heart is not Rongjing, not Rongjing.

However, when the black hair was parted, revealing the pair of peach blossom eyes that were once full of love, but now burst into slack, Qin Fenghua could no longer control it, and crystal tears burst out of his eyes.

Qin Fenghua couldn't believe what she saw, she couldn't believe that Rong Jing was really dead, she was trembling all over, threw herself on Rong Jing, patted Rong Jing's cheek lightly, and cried: "Rong Jing Jing, Rongjing, wake up, look at me, I am Fenghua, wake up..."

However, the only answer to Qin Fenghua was Rongjing's gradually cooling body.Qin Fenghua panicked, she took Rongjing's hand, rubbed it in her mouth frantically, breathed out on Rongjing's hand from time to time, trying to warm up that hand again, but it didn't help, as long as Qin Fenghua let go of it a little , Rongjing's hand slipped straight down from hers, without a trace of life, announcing that the owner of the hand was dead.

Qin Fenghua couldn't accept the reality, and when she covered her mouth and was about to cry, suddenly, a powerful big hand tightly covered her mouth. Qin Fenghua hadn't recovered from the grief, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes. He turned his head and looked behind him in horror.

"Hush! Be quiet."

It's Zhao Shiyan!

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, come with me!" Zhao Shiyan was also dressed in black, and he grabbed Qin Fenghua's arm and was about to drag her out.

Qin Fenghua shook her head desperately. She was covered by Zhao Shiyan, unable to speak, but stubbornly pointed at Rongjing's body, whining and refusing to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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