The pit cargo system taught me how to farm

Chapter 118 Found that there are traces of bad guys

Chapter 118 Found that there are traces of bad guys

According to reliable news, a child was lost not long ago.

Lose a child?
As soon as these three words appeared in Qian Haoduo's mind, she immediately thought of Qiu Wanzhuang and those people.

Could it be that... the thieves who stole the children before really fled to the vicinity of Qianjiazhuang?But who are they?

The reason why Ye Linghan left quickly was also to investigate this matter.

Thinking of this, Qian Haoduo didn't hesitate, and rushed to the town quickly with the help of Zhou Qinglan.

Regarding this incident of child loss, she must ask carefully to see what the flaws are, so that she can find a breakthrough, and by the way, follow the clues to find other lost children.

When they came to Yao's drugstore, Qiu Wanzhuang and those people were gathering together to discuss something, but Uncle Zhuang stood aside and hesitated to speak.

Seeing Qian Haoduo's appearance, Qiu Wanzhuang and others also stopped talking, and all their eyes fell on her.

"What's the specific situation? What's abnormal?"

"Same as before, the child disappeared unknowingly, nothing was left at the scene, and there were no witnesses." Uncle Zhuang said.

"Oh? What about the missing child? Age, personality, what have you done recently? Has there been any unusual behavior? When did the family find out that he was missing?" Qian Haoduo continued to ask.

She didn't believe that those people could leave no clues behind.

After a while, Qian Haoduo still found nothing, so he asked casually, "Did you report to the official?"

"Well, it was because we reported to the government that we learned the news. The government is also investigating this matter now. But...we don't think it will be useful." Qiu Meizhi opened her mouth to analyze.

If reporting to the police was really useful, how could her father be arrested and put in jail?
As soon as these words came out, Qian Haoduo's eyes lit up.

Perhaps, they can also check from Qiu Meizhi's father's superiors!

However, the next moment she was discouraged!They are nothing more than ordinary people, how could they find officials?
I don't know if there is any other way for Ye Linghan?
At the same time, after An Yi reported all the relevant information about this matter to Ye Linghan, Ye Linghan's expression turned cold.

I really don't know who has the courage to openly collude with the bandits to steal the children. Where did the children who were robbed go?

"Anyi, check Liu Heng, including all his recent movements." Yeling said coldly.


Liu Heng is Qiu Meizhi's father's boss, a second-class official in Fangcheng.

"The lost child was about five to ten years old, disappeared strangely, without any warning, just lost a little boy, from Mi Town, Fangcheng, and was eight years old. The previous one... a little girl, was seven years old, from Songhua Town, Fangcheng. In the previous one, a little boy, nine years old, from Fengjiakou..."

Looking at the sorted out materials, Ye Linghan has something lingering in his mind, but he can't find it, which makes him a little troubled.

I don't know if Qian Erduo has finished the competition there, has she returned home, and will anything happen on the way?
Wait... Qian Erduo, ten years old, female, Qianjiazhuang...

Before contacting the list of people on the news he saw, those seemingly unrelated characters were suddenly connected by him with something.

So far, Qianjiazhuang is the only one in the north of Fangcheng that hasn't lost a child, and... it seems that the order of the lost children before is a man and a woman.

Just lost a little boy before, so the next person...

Will it be Qian Haoduo's turn?

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Linghan's heart trembled violently, he didn't care about anything, and quickly ran towards the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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