The pit cargo system taught me how to farm

Chapter 193 In the dark, the black hand fights behind the scenes

Chapter 193 In the dark, the black hand fights behind the scenes

Rumors are like a sharp knife, which has a great impact after being scraped.

In addition, there are always people behind the scenes who are secretly doing bad things, spreading the rumors more and more true. With the spread of the plague, the resentment in people's hearts is getting bigger and bigger.

The plague was spreading, and everyone felt the heavy breath of death. Coupled with the fact that the crops in the fields were almost wiped out, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

"The curse will never be lifted, and there will never be peace. Natural disasters, man-made disasters, locusts, plagues, and then there will be drought, haha, the person you are all protecting will eventually make you feel the breath of death."

Such a sentence quickly spread among the crowd, which aggravated the panic in people's hearts.

Under the leadership of Master Qiu Ren, most of the locusts were burned to death under the orderly handling of those officers and soldiers, and some escaped. Yes, as long as it can be used to sell money, they all recognize it.

However, what is going on with the rumor that there will be a drought in Zhongtian?

In case it really doesn't rain in the next day, no matter what they plant in the ground, it won't work.

In July, the sun is getting hotter and hotter, and even the air is hot and dry, making people feel suffocated when they take a breath.

Thinking of the drought in the rumors, people's hearts began to shake again.

This time, even Qianjiazhuang's people's hearts began to be flickered, and they couldn't hold back.

It was Zhou Qinglan who stood up to defend Qian Haoduo at the beginning, so she could avoid everyone's inquiries, but now that Zhou Qinglan is no longer in Qianjiazhuang, they don't care about it.

Because, they only became ruthless when they heard what the Qian family said in secret not long ago.

The news came from the Qian's family, including how Qian Haoduo used the money faithfully to realize the integration of Lao Shizi, and then raised chickens in a chicken coop, and how he secretly gave the chickens a fast-growing medicine so that they could be sold for money. Bring out the plague.

He also uncovered all the disturbing incidents in Qianjiazhuang a few months ago, such as the dead chicken in the backyard of someone's house, the poisoning of the well in the village, etc. All the conflicts were pointed at Qian Haoduo's head.

Everyone in the Qian family village united to find Qian Haoduo, and the Qian family must hand her over, otherwise they would drive everyone from the Qian family out of the village.

At home, Rong said: "Otherwise, let's let sister Haoduo go out and reason with them?"

"Second aunt, what are you talking about? Those people's attitudes are already obvious. You let my second sister go out because you want her to be set on fire by everyone?" Qian Xixi said angrily. Open your mouth.

"Then what do you say? If it wasn't for Qian Haoduo, our whole family would be so despised by the whole village? Could it be that she made our whole family look down upon by the villagers and be expelled?" Qian Fangfang said .

"That's right, even if you don't think about yourself, can you think about it for your mother? Third child, I'm not talking about you, you are too selfish." Rong said in disgust.

"Why are we selfish? Second sister-in-law, if it weren't for Hao Duo's many ideas, we would be able to live like this? I guess we would have starved to death? Besides, who rescued you when you suffered from heat stroke last time?" It's you?" Liu retorted.

"Hehe, save me? Even without your family, Haoduo, there are still doctors in our village, okay? Don't think that Haoduo has helped me once, so I have to speak well for her. Of course, I am right and wrong. Speaking of which, what do you think should be done, other than handing over Hao Duo, you can talk about it. Besides, I remember that Hao Duo is not..."

Before Rong's words were finished, she was interrupted by Liu's voice, with a trace of anger on her face, Liu said: "Second sister-in-law, what are you talking about, Haoduo is just a child."

Sitting there, Wang's eyelids moved, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Child? Which family has her ability? I think it's a monster. Tell me, which family's child can do so many things at the age of ten? Obviously she was a fool before, but since she changed She did a lot of strange things, what if she was possessed by a monster?" Xiao Wang also chimed in.

"That's right, Sister Haoduo never targeted me before, but now, you see, she's already trying to snatch my fiance away." Qian Fangfang said.

"Qian Fangfang, what nonsense are you talking about? Who stole your fiancé, what a face!" Qian Xixi roared angrily.

"Shut up!" At the critical moment, Wang yelled, and the others stopped talking.

"Faithful, what Erfang said is right, don't forget, Haoduo's identity and origin. Could it be that you want to destroy our entire Qian family for her, is it worth it?"

"Mother, what are you talking about? Haoduo is our child, before, now, and forever. It's not like you don't know who caused the plague, and Wang Xiang was fine before he came to our house." Is it? He was not so peaceful in the chicken coop before he came here, where did he make a mistake? If it weren't for that incident, how could it be like this?" Qian Zhongshi asked.

"Third brother, what do you mean, are you blaming me? Yes, I called Wang Xiang home, but how do I know what he will do? You agreed to let him follow you to help Yes, why is it all on me now that something happened?" Xiao Wang suddenly became furious.

"Sister-in-law, the third brother is right. If it weren't for you, how could our family be in a state of turmoil? Instead, tell me, where is your brother who caused trouble hiding now?" Rong asked.

"How do I know where he went? Since the incident happened that day, I haven't been back to my natal family, nor have I contacted them. How can I know this? Anyway, this incident was caused by Haoduo If she hadn't insisted on some kind of integration, how could there have been so many disasters?" Mrs. Wang turned her back on Qian Haoduo again.

Frame~ There was a knock on the door outside, making the atmosphere suddenly more tense.

"Faithful, do you see that? Everyone has seen the situation clearly, haven't you understood yet? Listen to the shouts outside, don't you really have the heart for our Qian family to be kicked out of this place?" Wang looked at him .

"Mother, how could you do this?" Qian Zhongshi couldn't believe it.

"If you don't send Qian Haoduo out today, don't call me mother in the future. What kind of place is this? This is the place where our ancestors lived for generations. You actually gave up everything for a child you picked up. can you be right? I am sorry for the ancestors of our Qian family." Wang shouted.

"What? Did my cousin pick it up? Haha, no wonder she was hit with evil spirits and disturbed the peace of our Qian family. It turned out to be a wild child picked up on the road." Qian Fangfang immediately laughed.

"Qian Fangfang, you are talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!" Even the honest Qian Xuesen was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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