The pit cargo system taught me how to farm

Chapter 246 Flower Banquet, after the official start

Chapter 246 Flower Banquet, after the official start

The Hundred Flowers Banquet will be here soon.

This day is one of the busiest days in Xueluo Country every year, people come and go, traffic is busy, and everyone's faces are filled with cheerful smiles.

It seems to be for the occasion, the weather these few days has been looking good, the warm sun rises early in the morning, and the outside is a bustling scene.

The Hundred Flowers Banquet finally decided some women to participate in the final competition after several layers of screening. Qian Haoduo had the privilege of being able to directly parachute to the finals, so she lived a particularly chic life the past few days.

The location of the Hundred Flowers Banquet is set at the hunting ground next to the imperial palace. The place is very spacious and can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. Moreover, it has been arranged a month in advance, and there is a certain guarantee in terms of the division of the venue and the safety factor. .

Several tents were even set up beside the hunting ground at the same time, not only for rest but also for temporary preparations.

In addition, there are high platforms, stands next to it, rest places, horse farms, and driving ranges.

Even the final awards stage was decorated with flowers, I have to feel the efficiency and quality of those people's work.

Qian Haoduo followed Gu Muqingran, and when Xi Mo and the others appeared at the hunting ground, there were already many people there.Next to it were cheers, discussions, and crowds with various expressions.

Fortunately, the location of the people with identities has been divided before, so Qian Haoduo walked directly to their venue under the leadership of Gu Muqingran.

Because she is a contestant, there is a spare tent behind her.

"Master, today is not a drill. Are you sure you can surprise us instead of frighten us?" Xi Mo couldn't help but sigh when he thought of Qian Haoduo's archery skills.

"What will happen? I'll know in a while. Calm down. Hey, it's me or you. Why are you so nervous?" Qian Haoduo sat casually and looked at the surrounding buildings and the nearby buildings. The opponent spoke casually.

"Okay, just pretend to be my son and worry about it for nothing." Xi Mo sat down angrily.

"Qingran, you should trust her." Gu Mu Qingran said.

His complexion has been pretty good recently, but for the sake of his health, he still put on a thick cloak when he went out, holding a small heater in his arms, looking elegant and elegant.

"Okay!" Although Xi Mo nodded, his gaze on Qian Haoduo was still full of suspicion.

Soon, the king and queen also arrived at the scene, and everyone saluted respectfully. The prince of Rukawa country was standing next to them. After another polite conversation, they gradually entered the normal state.

First, the queen read out the opening speech of the Hundred Flowers Banquet, and then announced various rules, the order of the competition, the participants, etc. After such a toss, it was almost an hour later.

Finally, when the first match of the Hundred Flowers Banquet started, Qian Haoduo almost fell asleep lying on the table.

The first game was archery.

Soon someone became the master of ceremonies, and after all the contestants were invited to the designated positions of the competition, Qian Haoduo looked around and realized that including her, there were seven people entering the finals.

The competition of seven people was carried out at the same time, and they were taken to a relatively safe area, with all the spectators behind them, and seven targets in the distance in front of them.

It is said that the archery competition is divided into three rounds, from easy to difficult.

The place where Qian Haoduo is located is on the far right, and there are six contestants on the left.

As soon as the first competition started, Xi Mo began to worry. Although she said that she was on the far right, she would not accidentally shoot the wrong target and shoot to the right, but what about the left?
Soon, Xi Mo knew that he was thinking too much.

Because Qian Haoduo in the competition is very dazzling in terms of skill, eyes, and posture. When she shoots an arrow, everyone can feel the radiance of confidence from her.

"I'll go, do you want to be so ruthless? It's true that she pretended she couldn't shoot when she practiced before, she must be. Looking at the current posture, how can she be so seasoned without a few years of experience?" Xi Mo While putting his heart in his stomach, he opened his mouth to complain.

Of course, the one-handed concealed weapon is thrown superbly, and the marksmanship is even more accurate. What is a mere archery competition?

As for the previous practice, hehe, she really did it on purpose.

After three arrows were shot, Qian Haoduo walked back to the resting place carelessly, and it was time for the referee to check the results.

As soon as he came back here, Qian Haoduo picked up a cup of tea from the table and drank it, while Xi Mo shouted from the side: "Master, you obviously have such good archery skills, why do you pretend you don't know how to do it when you practice, don't you?" Are you kidding me? It made me worry for days!"

"That's right, I'm just teasing you! Seeing my outstanding performance, Miyou feels very excited, very excited!" Qian Haoduo said with a smile.

"..." Xi Mo wept bitterly.

How about saying it so bluntly, that his majestic Mr. Xi was actually eaten to death by a little girl, and if the news spreads, should he die!

Obviously in front of others, his eldest son Xi is a dragon and phoenix, a creature with high IQ, why would he...

Hey, my heart hurts slowly ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

Soon, the results of the first competition came out. Three of the seven people hit the tenth ring in the center with three arrows, and one of them was Qian Haoduo.

The other four people's grades are also pretty good, eight rings and nine rings, more than nine o'clock.

It seems that there is no fuel-efficient lamp to reach the finals.

Soon, the second round of archery competition began.

This time the distance was a bit farther, the target was still moving, and the difficulty was indeed much greater than the previous round.

Qian Haoduo took a look at the girls around her, and the faces of the girls began to become serious. She stretched out her hand and yawned casually, then glanced at the target in front of her, and when she heard the preparation, she slowly pulled it away. bow and arrow.

This so-called difficulty is not difficult at all, isn't that how she trained when she participated in the training.

Even if it is a moving target, she is 100% confident that she will hit it!

At the end of the second round of competition, there was a burst of cheers on the field. In the eyes of everyone, it must be not easy for someone to achieve good results under this difficulty.

With the announcement of the results of the second round, Qian Haoduo still has three ten rings, one sister has one ten ring, two are more than nine o'clock, and the other sister has three nine o'clock and more, and the others can only be regarded as barely .

"Not bad, master, how can you be so powerful!" Xi Mo said.

This is a sincere compliment, without water.

"Of course, I'm your master after all! Humph╭(╯^╰)╮Learn, don't embarrass me!" Qian Haoduo accepted it with a smile.

"..." Xi Mo.

The third round was even more difficult, and the hearts of the onlookers were tightly gripped.However, after the previous two rounds of competition, many people have already set their sights on Qian Haoduo, wanting to know what kind of good results she will achieve in this round of competition.

(End of this chapter)

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