polar demon

Chapter 216 Mine

Chapter 216 Mine ([-])

The situation on the battlefield changed suddenly, and Yu Ling became more and more adapted to Aunt Hong's battle.

She was no longer in such a rush as before, and she was able to begin to familiarize herself with her own strength, and she seemed to have seen through Aunt Hong's tricks.

Finally, Yu Ling seized the opportunity to punch Aunt Hong's body.


Aunt Hong's tall body immediately flew out and landed on the snow several feet away.

Yan Yi tried to change the subject:

"That girl is a gift. She learns very quickly about knowing the enemy and knowing herself."

I saw Aunt Hong landed in the snow, but there was no movement for a long time.

Yu Ling panicked, and hurriedly ran to Aunt Hong and squatted down:
"Hey! Are you okay? Did I hit too hard? I didn't mean to!"

The son once told Tai Ling to show mercy to Aunt Hong, but now Yu Ling didn't expect to make Aunt Hong unresponsive for a long time with a punch.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuan shrugged:

"Looks like she still has a lot to learn."

When confronting the enemy, he was not cruel enough, nor ruthless enough, so he was doomed to suffer a big loss.

Aunt Hong in the snow suddenly giggled, and all the long hair on her head suddenly wrapped around Yu Ling's limbs like black snakes:

"Little sister, my sister will teach you again, what is meant by surprise!"

After finishing speaking, Aunt Hong laid her entire body on Yu Ling's back, and her blood-red nails gouged out Yu Ling's eyes:
"Your eyes are so beautiful, give them to my sister!"

A sharp nail pierced one of Yu Ling's, and bright red blood splashed out along the nail.


Yu Ling couldn't help but let out a sharp scream. She reached out and grabbed Aunt Hong's nail, trying to pull it out of her eye socket.

The severe pain in her eyes and the fear of life and death filled her mind again.

At the same time, the divine-man-beast-mask pattern on her skin suddenly glowed bright red, and intense power spread out from her whole body.

With Yu Ling at the center, the surrounding snow was swept away by ruthless force.

Aunt Hong's hair entangled Yu Ling's limbs also broke inch by inch, and her bright red nails were constantly forced out of Yu Ling's eye sockets by invisible forces.

As if feeling something, Aunt Hong's face suddenly changed:

"not good!"

She just wanted to run away from Yu Ling's back, but an invisible force seemed to grab her whole body, making her unable to move an inch.


Under the invisible force, the sound of bones breaking all over Aunt Hong's body.

Every face of Aunt Hong became terrified, and she screamed frantically in pain, trying to escape.

But that invisible force kept squeezing her, as if it wanted to crush her into a pulp.

But at this moment, Yu Ling's blinded eye grew back, and both eyes glowed with a gloomy blue light at the same time, and her pretty face became distorted and crazy.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuan called out:

However, if Wang Ruo didn't hear about it, the red tattoo on her body became more and more colorful.

Jiang Yuan snorted coldly, and rushed towards Yu Ling in an instant:

"I've said enough!"

Feeling Jiang Yuan rushing, Yu Ling slowly turned her head and punched Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan's eyes turned cold, and he punched him.


Within a radius of four feet around the two of them, the surrounding frozen ground shattered, as if it had been plowed aside.

The surrounding wind and snow stagnated abruptly, rushing towards all directions.

Jiang Yuan snorted and took two steps back.

But Yu Ling still stood firmly in place, without moving at all.

Jiang Yuan's eyes grew fiercer:

"In the form of an ordinary person, I really can't deal with Yu Ling at this time. Don't force me!"

Jiang Yuan continued to walk towards Yu Ling, he could enter a stronger form of flame or form of seclusion at any time.

Yu Ling stared at Jiang Yuan with a pair of eyes with narrow pupils, which became soft from the coldness at first, and then filled with self-blame.

She knelt down powerlessly, and the red light of the tattoo on her body gradually dimmed.

The invisible force oppressing Aunt Hong also disappeared suddenly, and Aunt Hong's body fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"My lord, I'm sorry." Yu Ling didn't dare to raise her head to look at Jiang Yuan, "I still can't fully control it, even I feel that it is controlling me. I'm so useless"

Jiang Yuan stared coldly at Yu Ling who was kneeling in front of him, and couldn't help hesitating in his heart.

It seems that when life and death are threatened, Yu Ling can display the strongest combat power, but this also makes her lose her mind and deny her six relatives.

If this has always been the case, then Jiang Yuan will only cause a lot of trouble if she keeps her by his side.

And the curse that Yan Yi said.
Fortunately, she seemed to be able to wake up quickly, and Jiang Yuan didn't know if this situation would improve as she became more and more familiar with her own power.

"Let's observe for a while"

Jiang Yuan still chose to keep her.

He liked Yu Ling's potential very much. Whether it was Yan Yi or Aunt Hong, they were far inferior to Yu Ling, and he didn't know how many living people they would have to eat to reach Yu Ling's level.

Now Jiang Yuan has a lot of people around him, but they are all weaklings, which makes Jiang Yuan always want to recruit a general.

"Okay," Jiang Yuan said, "Let's come here first tonight."

He took off the water bag and unplugged it, and Aunt Hong and Yan Yi turned into black lights and entered the water bag.

Then, Jiang Yuan helped up Yu Ling who was kneeling:
"It's time to go back."

The two stared at Fengxue and returned along the way they came.

Jiang Yuan walked in front, and Yu Ling followed Jiang Yuan like a child who did something wrong.

"My lord," Yu Ling walked forward quickly to Jiang Yuan's side, "Did I behave badly just now?"

Jiang Yuan nodded:
"You should defeat Aunt Hong unscathed within three moves. But... I hope you learned something tonight."

"I'm sorry," Yu Ling said, "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely not make another mistake next time!"

Jiang Yuan smiled, but didn't speak.

The light of the distant campfire soon appeared, and they had finally returned.

The night was coming to an end soon, and dawn was coming in no time.

The wind and snow finally became lighter when the sky was about to dawn, and everyone rested for half the night, and it was time to go on the road.

Before leaving, Jiang Yuan and others waited in the distance, while Yu Ling knelt in front of her father's grave.

The low graves were the result of the help of several people from Jiang Yuan last night.

A slightly wider wooden sign was inserted in front of the grave bag, which can be regarded as a simple tombstone.

"Father" Yu Ling touched the tombstone with tears in her eyes, "Daughter is so useless, if I knew the strength in my body earlier, you and everyone would not be able to."

Kneeling and bowing her head, she sobbed again:
"Father, you sleep here first, and when your daughter is capable, I will help you move back to your hometown.
You don't have to worry about me, I met a very nice guy.He not only protected me, but also taught me how to protect myself.

Dad, I'm leaving, I will live a good life in the future, and I won't be as ignorant as before. I really miss you, and I hope you can scold me and blame me again."


Jiang Yuan rode on the horse and waited quietly in the distance.

If it were someone else, he would have lost his patience long ago.

But for the mighty Yu Ling, the time investment is worth it.

He also began to think about how to make this girl with great potential loyal to him.Is my kindness to her last night enough?

In the past, Jiang Yuan relied on power and violence to recruit subordinates, such as Star Demon Sea, Aunt Hong, Yan Yi, Big Head Ghost, Hanged Ghost, Fat Man and One Eye.

These are just shrimp soldiers and crab generals. It will bring convenience to Jiang Yuan if he gets it, and he won't mind if he loses it.

But Yu Ling is different. If she can grow up to the same strength as the strange baby in Yugong Villa, it will undoubtedly be a huge help for Jiang Yuan.

"Since we have a good beginning, let's change the way. For example, say something good and care more? Will it seem too hypocritical? And the loyalty exchanged with kindness must be more reliable than the loyalty exchanged with force ?”

Jiang Yuan was thinking, he didn't lose his patience, Han Chao, Yuan He and Geng Chang could only wait together.

After a while, Yu Ling finally returned.

There were no extra horses for her to ride, so she rode a horse with Jiang Yuan and snuggled into Jiang Yuan's arms.

A group of people rode their horses and continued to move forward, heading south in the drifting light snow.

After a night of drastic changes, Yu Ling was obviously exhausted physically and mentally. After sobbing for a while, she fell asleep in Jiang Yuan's arms.

Jiang Yuan didn't bother her, and even the speed of the horse was controlled more smoothly.

When Yu Ling woke up, the no card was over.

"Young master, I don't know your name yet."

Yu Ling was still leaning against Jiang Yuan's chest, she seemed to enjoy this feeling very much.

"My name is Jiang Yuan." Jiang Yuan replied.

Yu Ling blinked her big eyes:

"Young master, can you stop calling me 'Miss Yu', 'Miss Yu' and the like?"

Jiang Yuan asked casually:

"What's your name then?"

Yu Ling said:

"My dad calls me 'Ling'er'."

"Then I'll call you Yu Ling."


After a night of blizzard and snow, everything he passed was a vast expanse of whiteness.

Under the thick snow, the road was difficult to find.

And if you stay away from the road, the hidden pit under the snow will break the horse's hoof.This in turn makes everyone have to spend time finding the way.

Fortunately, Geng Chang is quite familiar with this area, and he can occasionally meet caravans transporting ore, which saves a lot of trouble after some inquiries.

At night, a group of people began to repair.

Jiang Yuan will take Yu Ling to no man's land and continue to train her urgently.

It has to be said that Yu Ling's comprehension is extremely high, and this time Aunt Hong could no longer hurt her, and was quickly beaten to death by her.

The battle this time was very easy, so Yu Ling did not lose control without being oppressed by life and death.

In the second half of the night, Aunt Hong and Yan Yi continued to teach Yu Ling fighting skills.

As a martial artist, Aunt Hong imparted some techniques of controlling the body and exerting one's potential.

What Yan Yi taught was some methods and experience in dealing with ghosts and the children of the noble family.

After training until dawn, Jiang Yuan and others continued on their way, and Yu Ling could also take the opportunity to sleep in Jiang Yuan's arms.

By the second night, Yu Ling had become more and more powerful.

Jiang Yuan released all the ghosts in the water bag to besiege Yu Ling, but Yu Ling defeated them all within a stick of incense.

Yu Ling herself is very powerful in terms of strength and agility, so once she gets familiar with herself, her opponents who are not as strong as her will be easily crushed by her.

Such a result made Jiang Yuan very satisfied.

As three days passed, the mine finally appeared in the sight of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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