polar demon

Chapter 440 Exotic

Chapter 440 Alien Land ([-])

Regarding the world of Ghost Gate, Jiang Yuan also wanted to enter here again to hunt demons and ghosts, but unfortunately he was unable to do so due to various affairs.

In this place, he once obtained the fragments of the evil spirit mirror... and later gave it to Yu Ling... So Jiang Yuan no longer thought about the fragments of the evil spirit mirror.

He also got to know Fei Qianqian, but... Fei Qianqian is from an enemy's family...so Jiang Yuan didn't think about her anymore.

In addition, there are some bizarre things, and I have gained a lot of ghost aura. This memory is impressive.

However, Jiang Yuan never thought that he would come here in this way in this world.

He remembered that if he wanted to enter the world of ghost gates, he had to find the entrance made of yellow gas and rely on ghost gas to get in.

Today, however, he just walked in through a tunnel dug by craftsmen...

Jiang Yuan glanced around coldly with his eyes:

"Damn it! Where's my baby?"

He came here to obtain the magic weapon, not to travel to the ghost world.

Now I come to this place inexplicably, there is gray fog and black wind everywhere, but there is no trace of magic weapon!

Anger began to surge in Jiang Yuan's heart, did he want to make a trip for nothing?
"Wait, there seems to be something wrong..."

Jiang Yuan's heart moved, and he returned to the tunnel again.

This time he looked along the stone wall of the tunnel and finally found something.

This place is not the end of the tunnel!
Careful observation of the excavation traces on the stone wall of the tunnel reveals that these traces are abruptly interrupted at the place where the tunnel and the ghost gate world meet.

This feeling, as if the last section of the tunnel was suddenly cut off, replaced by this weird world of ghosts.

"That is to say, there is still the second half of the tunnel...but it's gone... What the hell! Who hid my treasure!"

Jiang Yuan was full of anger, he decided to find out the magic weapon himself, even if he dug it three feet into the ground!
He looked around, but he didn't feel the ghostly aura.

In other words, within the scope of his perception, there are no ghosts.

In this case, it is impossible to find a ghost to ask.

The ghost gate world is so vast that it is only possible to move quickly here by relying on the teleportation arrays scattered throughout.

The dispersion of ghosts here seems to be very scattered, at least that's what Jiang Yuan encountered.

However, he also heard from Princess Youyue that there are monster forces here, so there should be a gathering place for monsters.

And there seems to be a guy called Yi Wang who hates him, just because he ate one of his ghosts called Poison Feather.

Princess Youyue said that if she entered the world of ghosts again, it would not take long for King Yi to find out, and then send his men to chase after him.

If that's the case, then I don't need to rush to find the ghosts, as it won't be long before some ghosts will come to the door by themselves.

No matter who knows that the ghost finds itself, it can only be considered unlucky for itself.Before eating it, Jiang Yuan will try his best to figure everything out.

So Jiang Yuan began to wait.

However, he waited for a long time, but still no ghost came to him.

So he decided not to wait any longer, and looked in the direction of the tunnel towards the ghost gate world.

At this time, a voice came from the tunnel behind him:
"My God! What is this place?"

"At the end of the tunnel, it was dug so big by those craftsmen?"

The four soldiers behind him, who did not know when they had eliminated each other's suspicions, also followed Jiang Yuan here.

Jiang Yuan turned his head and looked at them, they couldn't help but froze immediately, not daring to move on.

"Go back," Jiang Yuan said, "Go back along the tunnel, this is not where you should come."

The four soldiers looked at Jiang Yuan in horror, and finally the Erwa dared to say:

"If this big brother is a human and not a ghost, then please listen to me. We all signed military orders to come in. If we can't figure out the situation here and return, we will be beheaded by General Ji."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said:

"I'm here, I don't need you here. Just go back, and when you meet Ji Huwei, tell him that I want you to go back, and he won't make things difficult for you."

The four soldiers were shocked when they heard the words. They all knew that General Ji was promoted by Queen Hu Wei, but now that someone dares to directly name General Ji's previous position, there is no doubt that this person's identity is definitely not simple.

But with Jiang Yuan's words, the four soldiers gradually felt relieved.

Seeing that the four soldiers were about to leave, Jiang Yuan's heart moved, and he suddenly said:
"and many more!"

The four soldiers hurriedly stopped when they heard the words, waiting for Jiang Yuan's words.

Jiang Yuan continued:

"I need someone to stay at the exit of the tunnel. If there is any mutation here, just yell loudly."

Although this tunnel is connected to the ghost gate world now, no one can guarantee whether they will always be connected, and whether there will be any changes in the middle.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan needs to stay here alone. If something happens, he only needs to shout. With Jiang Yuan's keen hearing, he can detect it even if it is far away, and he can return in time.

And in this gray and foggy space, it is extremely difficult to identify the direction.

With living people here, Jiang Yuan can clearly feel the breath of living people, just like having a lighthouse.

The four soldiers discussed it, and finally two people remained, Lao Zhang and Lao Li, while the immature Erwa and the elderly Lao Wang started to return.

Jiang Yuan didn't mind leaving the two of them behind, and there were multiple people to take care of them.

Jiang Yuan ordered them to stay at the junction of the ghost gate world and the tunnel. Then, in order to prevent danger, he followed the same method when he entered the ghost gate world before, grabbed a few hairs and buried them in the tunnel. After a certain induction, he finally stepped forward in the direction pointed by the tunnel exit.

Behind him, the gray mist gradually covered the exit of the tunnel and the two living people, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Jiang Yuan walked forward in the fog, just like before, feeling that he was the only one walking alone in the whole world.

But this time, Jiang Yuan didn't have much worry.

The huge range around him is within his perception, and his strength is no longer that weak chicken.

In the world of ghost gate, Jiang Yuan encountered a dangerous situation once.

But that time, he only felt a creepy and dangerous aura, but he didn't dare to find out where the dangerous aura came from, he just ran away desperately.

"It seems to be related to the green array."

In the ghost gate world, Jiang Yuan encountered three kinds of teleportation arrays: white, red and green.

Jiang Yuan had no problems using the white and red formations.

When he entered the ghost gate world for the second time, what he entered was a green formation, and he encountered the corpses of countless princes and aristocratic families and that inexplicable dangerous atmosphere.

When he tried to use the green teleportation array to escape from the ghost world, he was inexplicably teleported to another place.

"I don't know if that thing can still make me feel dangerous this time."

When he first entered the ghost gate world, Jiang Yuan's strength was very weak, probably only equivalent to Zhaojing's level.

But today is not what it used to be. If you can really meet people or ghosts that make Jiang Yuan feel dangerous, it will be an interesting thing.

Jiang Yuan moved forward quickly in the fog. He thought he would walk a long way without gaining anything, but soon, he felt the breath of ghosts.

Immediately, he lost his figure and increased his speed, and quickly moved towards the breath.

It didn't take long before a ghost appeared in the fog ahead.

This ghost faces Jiang Yuan with its back. Its limbs are very thin and long, like bamboo poles, but its head is very big, and it is tied with a bun facing outwards.

It was skinny and bony, crawling on the ground with both hands and feet, furtively as if observing something in front of it.

With a movement of Jiang Yuan's figure, he came to the back of this demon in an instant.

"Hello." Jiang Yuan began to say hello.

Hearing such a sudden sound, the ghost screamed in fright, and jumped up from the ground, at least three meters high.

When it fell, the ghost's head was turned 180 degrees backward, and the old face with the goatee was full of anger:

"You young ghost! Don't you know that ghosts scare ghosts and scare ghosts to death? My soul was almost scattered by you!"

Facing the accusation of this ghost, Jiang Yuan was full of doubts:

"You say I'm a ghost?"

Standing here as a decent living person, can't this old ghost notice his anger?
"Of course it's a ghost!" The old ghost seemed to remember something just after speaking, and hurriedly waved at Jiang Yuan, "Quickly squat down! I'm in trouble if I'm found out!"

Full of doubts, Jiang Yuan came to the old ghost and squatted down, looked around, and asked:
"What are you doing?"

"Young ghost, keep your voice down!" The old ghost said anxiously, "Of course I'm planning to hurt someone! How can I make a living without hurting someone?"

"Harming someone?" Jiang Yuan shrugged, "Where are people?"

"It's coming soon!" The old ghost's eyes were still staring into the depths of the thick fog, as if someone would come out of it.

Jiang Yuan had no time to entangle with the old ghost, and was about to make a move.

However, at this moment, he was stunned, and then looked towards a certain direction of the thick fog.

After a while, a figure began to appear in the thick fog on the left side of Jiang Yuan, moving towards the right direction.

"Hush!" the old ghost whispered, "Did you see, someone is coming!"

Jiang Yuan looked at everything with interest and stopped talking.

The figure gradually became clear in the fog, but what appeared was a burly and strong man.

This man's beard was like steel needles, his eyes were like copper bells, he carried a steel knife on his shoulder, and a skull hung from his waist, looking fierce and majestic.

The man swaggered and walked slowly not far from Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan sneered, this is no living person, it is clearly a ghost!
"Human and ghost?" Jiang Yuan sneered in his heart.

He is a human, but the old ghost says he is a ghost; the man in front of him is a ghost, but the old ghost says he is a human.

The man walked all the way, passing in front of the two without looking at Jiang Yuan and the old ghost at all, as if he pretended not to see them.

After a while, the man walked into the thick fog on the right, and he could no longer be seen.

Jiang Yuan began to lose patience, and asked the old ghost:

"Old ghost, people are here, why don't you harm them?"

The old ghost was full of helplessness, he shook his hand and said:
"What do you know about postnatal ghosts? You can't be harmed! This living person can't be harmed!"

(End of this chapter)

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