polar demon

Chapter 476 Secret Thanks to the book friend "want to laugh and cry" for the reward!

Chapter 476 Secret ([-]) Thanks to the book friends who "want to laugh and want to cry" for their rewards!

The land of despair surrounded by the mountains of despair has become a sacred place for some people.

Many people have become devout because of the fear of death, or because they worship death and darkness, or because they hope to be taken care of by powerful mysterious forces... Regardless of the reasons, Jiang Guo came from all directions. Thousands of people have gathered here, kneeling and praying towards the tall and desolate Mountain of Despair.

Pieces of tents are like fertile fields, spread out under the Mountains of Despair.

Every night, the lights here are flickering, and the people are exchanging their experience of worship and prayer in their spare time.

Jiang Yuan brought everyone back at this time, and the roar of the flight caused the people below to kneel down in panic.

Jianmu has grown taller again, almost growing out of the area shrouded in darkness.

After Jiang Yuan left everyone behind, he entered the temple by himself and summoned Duan Shang Jun Yu.

If you want to say who in this world knows you best, there is no one better than Duan Shang Jun Yu.

Since he came to this world, Duan Shang Jun Yu has been in his body all the time, and Duan Shang Jun Yu basically knows everything he does and knows.

Moreover, some things that Jiang Yuan didn't know, Duan Shang Jun Yu also knew...

In the cold metal temple, Jiang Yuan stood under the relief of the battle between gods and demons and waited quietly.

He looked up at the relief again, carefully watching the fierce battle scene above, and couldn't help feeling fascinated.

The power of gods and demons is undoubtedly standing at the top of the pyramid. Even if it is a magic or sorcery that suddenly appeared in the world, it is full of unknown, powerful and incomprehensible.

Jiang Yuan didn't know when he would be able to reach this level.

He didn't even know how strong he had become.

After absorbing the ghostly spirit of Shen Shen's corpse, Jiang Yuan could feel that his dragon form had grown rapidly, and some skills were activated accordingly.

But he began to lack an opponent, an opponent who could allow him to judge his own strength.

Most of the powerful enemies that Jiang Yuan encountered now, he only needs to enter the form of seclusion to deal with them, but the form of dragon gradually seems a bit deserted.

This made him even think about whether he should take the initiative to provoke a few tough opponents to test it out.

As Jiang Yuan was meditating, a strange sound sounded, like crying or laughing.

Jiang Yuan knew that Duan Shang Jun Yu was coming, he turned his head and saw his clone in the form of You Zhi.

Now there are only Jiang Yuan and Duanshang Junyu in the temple, and even the magic weapon Jiang Yuan is placed outside the temple.

Just in case, Jiang Yuan also cast a lot of spells in the temple to avoid being eavesdropped on.

After all, this is Jiang Yuan's biggest secret.

Jiang Yuan stared at Duan Shang Jun Yu, and Duan Shang Jun Yu also looked at Jiang Yuan with a smile.

"I went to the earth." Jiang Yuan said first.

With just one sentence, Duan Shangjun Yu's face changed drastically, and surprise and hatred emerged in his eyes.

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, stepped up to Duanshang Junyu, and watched the expression on his face carefully.

Duan Shangjun Yu's mad look had long since disappeared, and there was only hatred and resentment.

Jiang Yuan stared into its eyes and continued:
"I drank a Coke, smoked a Yunyan, and went online once. Do you know what I saw on the Internet?"

While talking, Jiang Yuan paced around Duan Shang Jun Yu.

Duan Shangjun Yu stood quietly, but his face was twisted.

Just listen to Jiang Yuan continue to say:

"I saw a very, very long headline! The reporter who wrote that headline is really uneducated. By the way, the headline is like this: "Man Plays Game Sudden Death! Who is the culprit in the human tragedy of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man?" The culprit? Sedentary and staying up late has aroused people's vigilance and heated discussions!"."

Duan Shangjun Yu trembled all over, clenched his black sharp claws tightly.

Jiang Yuan smiled, and continued:

"In a place called Fengtai Community in Pu City, there is a poor guy living in No. [-], Unit [-]. He has no performance at work and is addicted to games. He is so old that he can't even afford his own house. Still living with my parents."

Duan Shangjun Yu gritted his teeth even more, and the black air around his body couldn't stop churning out of excitement.

Jiang Yuan looked at its abnormal state, and his tone became more cheerful:

"In the end, he died. He died suddenly while playing games. You didn't see his silver-haired mother crying so sadly while holding his dead body. And his father—"

Duan Shangjun Yu suddenly spoke at this time, his voice was hoarse and full of murderous intent:
"You are lying to me! Hehehehe, do you think I will believe it? With your current strength, it is impossible to go to the earth!"

Jiang Yuan put his head close to its ear and whispered:
"That's a small problem. The ghost world and the earth overlapped in space. That's how I went. Do you know? I glanced at the name of that poor bastard. It's really a mediocre name. Li Fu .”

Duanshang Junyu roared angrily after hearing this, and it swung its sharp black claws and grabbed Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan, on the other hand, entered the form of You Zhi in an instant, held Duanshang Junyu's claws with his own claws and said with a smile:

"What? Are you going to turn against me? Are you so restless? You really let me down! What about the guy who used to pretend to be crazy and try his best? You are turning against me now, aren't you courting death?"

Duan Shangjun Yu withdrew his sharp claws and stopped attacking. He looked at Jiang Yuan fiercely:

"Since you already know, there is no point in saying anything!"

Jiang Yuan shrugged:

"I don't need to kill you, but you have to answer my question."

Duan Shangjun Yu suddenly smiled and said:

"I know what you want to ask? You want to know who you are, is it Li Fu? Is it Jiang Yuan? Or something else? Hehehehehe, I won't tell you."

Violence flashed across Jiang Yuan's eyes, but the smile remained on his face:
"Do you know what I will do next time I go to Earth? It will kill people, especially two old people. It is easy for me."

Duan Shangjun Yu still laughed maniacally:

"I can assure you that you have no chance to go again."

Jiang Yuan raised his black claws:

"Then I will kill you now! You will never have a chance to go back! Li Fu!"

Duan Shang Jun Yu smiled and spread his hands:

"Come on! I can't go back! I can't beat you now! Just kill me!"

Jiang Yuan pondered for a while, but he didn't do anything, but suddenly put away the ghostly clone.

Duan Shangjun Yu suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke and re-integrated with himself.

Then Jiang Yuan held his breath and began to calm down, entering the world of consciousness.


The cold darkness, the surrounding time and space are all a deep black.

Jiang Yuan walked alone, walking in this silent desolation, as if he was the only one in the world.

There was no light to be seen in the sky, let alone the lifeless surface.

He is like a wanderer, wandering alone.

The world of consciousness is the deepest expression of a person's heart, and what is presented here is the expectation in people's hearts.

Lin Yulin's conscious world is the gigantic Jianmu tree and the simple humanoid girl.

The world of the demon god's consciousness is a vast galaxy, a sky full of stars, and a boundless universe.

However, Jiang Yuan's conscious world was completely dark with nothing.

He didn't know why this happened. He didn't like such darkness, coldness and loneliness. Why is this place like this?
He moved on.

A person appeared in front of his eyes, Duan Shang Jun Yu.

Jiang Yuan stared at it:
"I'm going to eat you here, and I'll understand everything."

Duan Shangjun Yu grotesquely said with a smile:

"You shouldn't choose this place. I may not be afraid of you here. Especially, if you think you can figure out everything by eating me, then you are wrong."

Jiang Yuan began to walk towards Duan Shangjun Yu:

"If you don't try, how will you know?"

Then Jiang Yuan quickened his pace and rushed towards Duan Shang Jun Yu.

Duan Shangjun Yu was smiling, but there was boundless hatred in his eyes. He waited viciously until Jiang Yuan rushed in, and then raised his fist without hesitation.

The two began to wrestle here, fierce and desperate.

There is no other force interfering here, only the tenacity of the will itself determines the outcome.

The two fought inextricably, each trying to put the other to death.

In particular, both of them have a common memory, which makes them fully understand each other's moves, and they are evenly matched for a while.

But Jiang Yuan also has his own characteristics. Once he starts to work hard, the viciousness and ferocity in his heart will be gradually aroused.

No matter what kind of indiscriminate moves, Jiang Yuan will use them without any scruples, it can be said that he is omnipotent.

Although Duan Shangjun Yu knew everything about Jiang Yuan, it had always lived in Jiang Yuan's body, and rarely had the chance to go out to fight.That's why, although it is full of hatred, its ferocity is weaker than that of Jiang Yuan.

Both of them were soon covered in bruises, but Jiang Yuan began to gain the upper hand.

Then he began to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, beating Duan Shangjun Yu more and more powerless to parry.

In the end, he finally completely suppressed Duanshang Junyu, and then he opened his mouth wide, and began to bite Duanshang Junyu, trying to eat it bit by bit.

This trick was learned by Jiang Yuan from Duan Shang Jun Yu.

At the beginning, the fragmented arrow of the artifact imprisoned Jiang Yuan's power, but Duan Shang Junyu told Jiang Yuan how to eat the arrow's spirit consciousness together, and finally he was freed.

Jiang Yuan began to bite, Duan Shangjun Yu began to scream.

After swallowing part of Duan Shang Jun Yu, some sporadic memory fragments began to appear in Jiang Yuan's mind.

These fragments Jiang Yuan never knew, this is the deepest memory Duan Shang Jun Yu has hidden.

These memories brought Jiang Yuan another scene:
In the dead of night, fluorescent lights flickering, an office worker is sitting in front of the computer playing a game, focused and serious, it's time to face the final boss.

However, at this time, the game screen on the screen suddenly stopped, no matter how the office worker clicked the mouse and tapped the keyboard, there was no response.

At the same time, the ferocious boss in the game suddenly turned his head and stared coldly at the office worker on the other side of the screen.

Then, that terrifying and weird head began to protrude from the computer screen little by little, and came to the real world with a long neck, looking down at the man paralyzed on the chair viciously and cruelly...

(End of this chapter)

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