polar demon

Chapter 481 Yun Yong

Chapter 481 Yun Chung ([-])

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The disciples of the Imperial Secret Sect did not make any changes.

After Jiang Yuan learned about it, he learned that most of these disciples were misbehaving or perverted, so they were always depressed and excluded in the sect.After being provoked by Zong Li, they immediately responded and followed Zong Li to seek refuge.

After getting a general understanding of the situation, Jiang Yuan arranged them to live in the new city without paying too much attention to them.

After all, they signed a soul contract with themselves, and now whether they have evil intentions or regret coming here, it is beyond their control.

The Teng Snake clan moved very quickly, and within a few days, they had already sent their permanent clansmen to the new city, and Jiang Yuan also ordered Qing Shuo to entertain them.

During this period, some people also came to seek refuge.

Among them are some ghosts who were chased and killed by the Secret Sect of the Imperial Law and tried to use Jiang Yuan's power to take revenge.

The idea of ​​these goblins is very simple, they think that goblins should take refuge in goblins, and the King of Despair is the biggest goblin in the Far West.

Even the new city built was considered by the ghosts to be Jiang Yuan's breeding farm, where the living people were raised to be fat and fleshy for them to devour in the end.

Jiang Yuan would naturally not be polite to these troll ghosts. They came and went one by one, and all entered Jiang Yuan's belly.

Only some little demons without ghostly aura, Jiang Yuan took under his command.

In addition, there are some mortal warriors who come to seek refuge, and Jiang Yuan also accepts all comers.For outstanding performers, Jiang Yuan doesn't even mind using ghost energy to transform them into genius physiques for practicing martial arts.

As time passed, the development of the new city gradually stabilized.

The only surprise was that there was something wrong with the big teleportation array of the Soaring Snake Clan.

After all, the distance of this teleportation array is extremely long, from the state of Xue near the extreme south to the state of Jiang in the extreme west, if there is a slight mistake in this, it will cause serious consequences.

After the construction of the large teleportation array was completed, the Soaring Snakes tried to start the first teleportation experiment.In the end, it failed, and even the teleportation circle was partially damaged.

For this reason, Dan Ze, the patriarch of the Teng Snake clan, personally ran to the place of despair to plead guilty to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan didn't care about it, instead he sent Zong Li to help.

At present, all of Jiang Yuan's subordinates, including himself, are most familiar with the teleportation circle than Zong Li.

After getting along for a period of time, Jiang Yuan didn't notice any changes in Zong Li, so he sent him to help with peace of mind.

With Zong Li's help, the Soaring Snake Clan finally found the place where the teleportation circle's pattern was wrongly constructed.

So the Teng Snake clan rebuilt the teleportation circle again. According to Zong Li, it is estimated that it will take a few months to start the teleportation again.

During this process, Long Zhi, Queen of the Jiang Kingdom, also came to see Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Guo was originally a small country, coupled with years of wars, it has weakened its national strength.

The battle between Jiang Yuan and Shen led to the reduction of more than ten cities in Jiang country to dead cities, and the construction of new cities led to the depletion of Jiang country's treasury and the people's livelihood.

For this reason, Queen Jiang hoped that Jiang Yuan would send people to assist her army in attacking surrounding countries and gain more resources through war.

At the beginning of the Jiang country's rebellion, Jiang Yuan only sent a few ghosts to wipe out the rebels. At this time, Long Zhi, the queen of Jiang country, was eye-opening.

For this request, Jiang Yuan agreed.

Nowadays, magic weapons require a lot of living souls to be sacrificed, and the most efficient way to harvest living souls in the mortal world is war.

At that time, Jiang Yuan only needs to send people to carry the magic weapon to the battlefield. Wherever Jiang Guo's army passes, there will definitely be a steady stream of living souls offering sacrifices to the magic weapon.

And he finally took this opportunity to start his plan.

In the foreseeable future, Jiang Yuan is destined to stay in the temple for a long time, not only to learn the knowledge of magic, but also to comprehend the experience of witchcraft.

But in this process, Jiang Yuan couldn't miss the opportunity to improve his strength.

In the process of learning with Lingwei, Jiang Yuan had already discovered that relying on spells and containers can hold ghost aura.

So Jiang Yuan already had a plan to form a force, and then relied on his men to hunt down ghosts and bring back the ghost energy for him to devour.

Now that there are more and more people under his command, coupled with the constraints of the soul contract, he gradually has the conditions to carry out this plan.

So, Jiang Yuan gathered everyone in the temple and began to announce:
"My ambition is to eliminate all demons and ghosts in the world! Return the heavens and the earth to a bright future! Since you sirs are working for me, I hope you will help me fulfill this grand wish!"

Everyone said yes.

Jiang Yuan continued:

"I want to start a sect and form a 'hell', throwing all the ghosts in the world into the hell! The kings originally belonged to various forces, but now they are under my sect. From now on, they will be a part of the hell , no longer divide each other!"

Hell is the place where ghosts should go, so Jiang Yuan called his power "Hell".

The head teacher of Hell Prison is undoubtedly Jiang Yuan.

As for other duties, Jiang Yuan has already made arrangements.

Then Jiang Yuan continued to say:

"Qing Shuo, you will be the deputy head teacher, responsible for the daily affairs management of the sect and provide advice as my think tank consultant. I will exercise management rights when I am not here."

In the management of Xincheng, Qingshuo's management ability is fully demonstrated. When it comes to management skills, Jiang Yuan still thinks that she is not as good as her and needs her assistance.

Coupled with the fact that she herself is the strongest among the subordinates, Jiang Yuan is quite at ease with her.

"Xun Yu Zhuzhu, you will be the saint of the sect, and supervise everyone for me."

Xun Yu Zhuzhu's management skills are not very strong, but she can be regarded as Jiang Yuan's confidant, so she is given the power to supervise.

"Feiyan, you will be the executive elder, handling the management of sect duties and the arrangement and management of finances and resources. Yuanying, you will be the guardian elder, providing personal bodyguards and personal assistants for the travel and personal safety of the head teacher and deputy head teacher .”

Feiyan and Yuanying are exactly the two Outworld powerhouses of the Yongjie tribe except Qingshuo.

"Zong Wu, you will be the elder of the teaching, responsible for improving the magic power level of the members of the sect, and representing the sect to negotiate, coordinate, dispute and communicate with other sects."

Zong Wu has the highest level of magic and is a native of the Far West. He is very familiar with the major forces and has many relationships.

"Aunt Hong, you will be the law enforcement elder, responsible for enforcing the family law and representing the sect and the sect leader to eliminate those who have harmful consequences for the sect, such as traitors, responders, and undercover agents sent by the other party."

Jiang Yuan is actually not satisfied with Aunt Hong for this position, but now he has no other redundant talents under his command, and Aunt Hong and the other ghosts can only haunt at night, and can only be responsible for some assassinations, so Jiang Yuan finally It was decided to put her in charge.

As for the future, Jiang Yuan plans to wait until Gou Xi and Yue Jun grow up, and the best of them will be in charge.

"Long Zhi, you will be the elder of the mortal world, responsible for mortal affairs, branch establishment and intelligence collection, and provide assistance in the mortal world for the sect's actions."

Long Zhi has a strong desire for power, so he is extremely dependent on Jiang Yuan, and he is very active in doing things.

In addition, as the king of a country, she has a great ability to mobilize in the mortal world, and she can handle many mortal affairs.

Jiang Yuan broke the rules and promoted her to be an elder, and she was ranked alongside a group of experts in the Outworld or the Imperial Realm, also in recognition of her contribution to obtaining the magic weapon.

After assigning duties, Jiang Yuan continued:

"You don't want to shirk your responsibility, you need to continue to work hard to eliminate more demons and bring their ghost aura to the temple, and I will purify them so that they can no longer continue to cause harm to the world!"

Everyone said yes.

Jiang Yuan said loudly:

"Our first step is to start with Jiang Guo. Jiang Guo will be our experimental place. While hunting demons and ghosts here, we will also find out the deficiencies in our management in Hell and make up for them. Afterwards, Our goal will be the entire Far West, and even the entire world!"

Afterwards, Jiang Yuan began to discuss some organizational details with everyone.

In the constant discussion, Hell is becoming more and more perfect.

The work of hunting demons and ghosts has finally begun to be piloted in Jiang Country, and it is carried out in an orderly manner.


The establishment of Hell naturally attracted the attention of all major forces in the Far West.

But with the collection of intelligence, the major forces feel dumbfounded.

The King of Despair is obviously a ghost, but this ghost wants to make great ambitions to wipe out all the ghosts in the world. This is simply crazy!
And many people think that the King of Despair hunts down ghosts and collects evil spirits in order to strengthen his own strength.You must know that powerful ghosts do have the ability to devour their own kind.

But there is a big problem here. The evil spirits of each ghost have different attributes and are mixed and impure. Devouring cannot completely absorb it, which will lead to low efficiency.

And with more devouring, it will also affect the cultivation.

Once the impurities in these different attributes of evil energy accumulate, they will seriously affect the mind and become a serious obstacle to cultivation.

There used to be powerful ghosts who tried to cultivate by devouring their own kind, but they all gave up without exception in the end.

The cost of devouring the same kind is too high and the efficiency is too low. It is far worse than directly devouring the living.

Devouring living people has no hidden dangers, and it has an overwhelming advantage without danger. Moreover, the flesh and soul of living people can increase the strength of demons and ghosts far more and faster than similar ones.

Therefore, for powerful demons and ghosts, only when they are fighting with their own kind will they adopt the method of devouring each other.Or it is a temporary method of devouring the weak little ghosts attached to him in order to improve his own strength.

Besides, the ghosts still like the living people most.

But there are exceptions, and that is the legendary demon.

The birth of ghosts comes from demons, so demons can absorb all evil energy without hindrance without hidden dangers, and they are also extremely efficient.

But no one thought that the Lord of Despair would be a demon.

The era of gods and demons is long gone, and demons will no longer come to this world.

If the King of Despair was a demon, then the entire Far West would have faced catastrophe long ago.

Although demons can completely digest all evil spirits, they are more interested in living souls and flesh and blood, whether they are humans or other creatures.

All forces are continuing to stare at the development of Hell, and they all have their own plans.


Just as the entire Far West was in turmoil, the teleportation formation of the Soaring Snake Clan was finally repaired successfully, and the teleportation was carried out smoothly.

This time, Yu Ling and Jiang Yuan's four adopted sons and daughters came from afar...

(End of this chapter)

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