Chapter 165 Qualified
A smart person can be a courtier, climb up step by step, and even become above ten thousand people, but just under one person.

And it's not just that a person with the talent of an emperor can become the wisdom above ten thousand people.

Gu Ruzhen was worried about another thing, she unconsciously played with the jade pendant on the man's waist, and didn't even listen carefully to Qin Shu's recent situation.

"Gu Taishi has entered the palace."

Gu Xiuwen's official position has not changed over the years. Although his official position is not low, he has been busy compiling historical events these years, so he has almost no chance to touch the ups and downs of the court.

Of course, Gu Xiuwen is very satisfied with this, he does not need to know the right and wrong of the court, he can read more books to increase his experience, and if one day his task is completed, then future generations will always remember his name.

Compared with the past, he likes life now more.

"Qianyan was negligent in doing things and almost made a big mistake. Father hopes that His Majesty will forgive Queyan lightly, and just demote him from his official position."

Gu Ruzhen understood what her father and younger brother meant, and so did Emperor Tianqin.

If Gu Ruzhen's back position is not stable enough, or Qin Shu's future has not been determined, then the Gu and Lin clans need to be prosperous enough.

But if Gu Ruzhen's back position is secure and Qin Shu's future has been decided beyond doubt, then the two clans cannot be too prosperous.

Otherwise, this reliance will become a bondage, making it difficult for Qin Shu to move forward in the future.

"Gu Taishi, Yan Yan, and the Lin family." Emperor Tianqin caressed her cheek, and said softly, "I just gave them a chance, and most of them depended on themselves to get to where they are today."

"Foreign relatives are a problem, but it's not them and I should not deal with them." Emperor Tianqin rarely showed a little cold expression in front of her, "I want to know, what will Shushu do when facing his closest relatives?"

Gu Ruzhen understood that he was doing it for Qin Shu's good, but she still sighed, "No matter what Shu Shu did this time, it would be wrong if he followed his father's wishes and reduced the influence of Gu Jialin's family, it would make people think that Shu Shu He doesn't even recognize his relatives, he is cruel and merciless."

"But if you don't do anything, it will make people think that she is too soft-hearted and not suitable for that position."

Holding the handle of the round fan, Gu Ruzhen continued to ask him, "If it were you, what would you do? Or what do you want Shushu to do?"

Emperor Tianqin didn't talk about himself, because his methods were out of the ordinary, and now Lin is still locked up in Ning'an Hall, and he has never gone to see her for more than ten years.

Two years ago, I heard from the imperial physician that Mrs. Lin was not in good spirits, and wanted to see him many times.

He ignored her, even if Lin suddenly turned around and turned into the loving mother he had longed for when he was a child, he didn't want to go and see her.

He is no longer the boy he was when he was young, so he doesn't need this belated mother's love for his son.

"If Shushu is in power, she should focus on benevolent government, but she is also an emperor when she implements benevolent government. All her arrangements must ensure that the country and the people are in front, not her own feelings."

Gu Ruzhen gave him a strange look, and couldn't help asking, "What about you, your own feelings."

Even though more than ten years have passed, Gu Ruzhen still remembers how vigorously the officials opposed when the man promulgated the imperial decree.

Emperor Tianqin suddenly had a somewhat smug expression on his face, he raised his chin slightly, and said complacently, "Because I have already figured out possible solutions to all possible decisions that will arise, and besides, my own feelings have nothing to do with Jiangshan Sheji. and the common people, it is all beneficial and harmless."

"To be honest, without you, even if I cultivated people who would inherit the throne, there would be no women among them." Emperor Tianqin lowered his eyes, parted the corners of his lips and chuckled, "Actually, after those decisions , With today's current situation, I am also very surprised."

"You can't change your birth, but the future is in your own hands."

Remembering his words, Gu Ruzhen unconsciously clenched the window sill with both hands, and sighed softly after a while.

"I have watched her grow up, but I do not want her to grow up."

Emperor Tianqin shook her hand and said comfortingly, "Since Gu Taishi has already entered the palace and told you about this matter, they will also know that Shushu's actions are for their own good. Be the crane among the chickens."

Gu Ruzhen shook her head, "I'm not worried about my father, even if it's the Lin family, my grandmother has told me several times that it's not good for my uncle's business to grow bigger and bigger, I'm just worried that Shushu will feel guilty."

"She will definitely make the choice she should make like a qualified emperor, but at the same time she is also a person with emotions and desires, and she will feel guilty and sad."

Emperor Tianqin let out a breath, and said slowly, "It's extremely cold at high places, and nothing is perfect in the world. Sitting in that position, she must give up some things."

"Or maybe, in the future, like me, she will be able to find a like-minded person, so that she won't feel the boundless loneliness in this imperial city."

Emperor Tianqin held her hand tightly, as if he could pass his strength through the palm of his hand to support her, "Don't worry, at least I and you are by her side now."

Gu Ruzhen walked in front of him and leaned against him, staring blankly at the scenery in the yard through the open window.


Qin Shu didn't know that her mother was worrying about her future. She was wearing a strong dress at the moment, and her long hair was simply tied up with a wooden hairpin.

Her hair was thick and dense, and a wooden hairpin couldn't hold it in place at all. Finally, she went to the room and cut off a lot with scissors before it could be tied.

If you look closely, you will find that the ends of her hair are long on one side and short on the other.

The few courtiers were hesitant to speak. At first they wanted to let His Highness stay in the room, and the few of them ran around.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

They have been away for a few days, and there is not as much news as His Highness who stayed outside for half a day.

The last few people no longer tried to be brave, and followed behind Qin Shu obediently.

After hearing the conversation between Qin Shu and these people, they couldn't help looking at Qin Shu with surprised eyes.

Because Qin Shu observed for several days, and learned the local dialect by the way.

Although she was still stumbling, she spoke slowly, so people couldn't see the flaws at once.

The people here may not know that they actually repel foreigners. Most of them feel that it is unfair that their hometown is frequently hit by floods while other places are safe and sound, or it may be another reason.

In short, after Qin Shu learned the local dialect, she did get a lot more information.

She found many people and drew a picture of this place.

The land occupation and height of the high mountains and low hills are all marked on it.

Qin Shu was not idle when she was not drawing blueprints. She only brought five or six people to climb the highest mountain here.

(End of this chapter)

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