Chapter 660 Sending You On Your Way
So, dodge!

Dodge again and again.

I seized the opportunity, so, this is to flee directly towards the door, um, there must be such a rhythm of escaping, you are not allowed to have the possibility of hurting the other party, this is absolutely not allowed What happened, do you still want to hurt him?Just dream.

The opponent escaped from the eyes of these two people very smoothly.

However, after the other party fled, Lin Feng and Fang Tianci chased after him without any ambiguity.

No, this is all the way to the west.

Yes, it was indeed not asked.

However, they used such a method of fishing, they also knew that the mastermind behind this was the Xi family, but there was no evidence.

Then forget it if you don’t have evidence, you don’t have to have evidence.

If there is no evidence, there are also ways to do it without evidence. For example, they can just evacuate the treasure house of the Xi family.Walking in this society, then, going back and forth is relying on the same material.

No matter what kind of relationship you have, what kind of contacts, in the end, what you provide is just material, so if you want to walk, you have to rely on these things.

After seeing this point, things become simpler. You just evacuate other people's Treasure Pavilion, and they can't do anything to you.

It must not be too many people, too many people are useless, it must be in such a situation where these two people are silent, and they must be steady and ruthless, and they will not allow failure when they make a move. It must be successful. Take as much as you can.

Two people prepared a woven bag one by one.

It's easy to know where the treasure house is.

Where no one goes, but where there are heavily guarded places, there is the Treasure Pavilion.

With such a big family, it is impossible to leave the Treasure Pavilion alone.

Then, because he is in his own family, he is very at ease, so the gatekeepers should be two secret sentries and one bright sentry.

Three people are enough.

The two secret whistles are keeping an eye on whether there are enemies at any time, and the bright whistles are on the bright side, showing that he is here and everyone may have gone to the wrong place.

Then, the first thing to solve is the two secret whistles.

At this moment, Lin Feng has locked on one, and Fang Tianci has locked on the other. These two people have locked on, and they are ready to make a move at any time. Once they make a move, they will directly clean up the other party!

It's such a simple thing.

Brush, brush!
Lin Feng's figure jumped out.

Fang Tianci's figure also jumped out.

Judging from the situation at the moment, these two people have already thought about making a move, and the move is unambiguous. Under such a situation without any hesitation, this is an instant effort. To take these two people down.

These two people are secret whistles, and secret whistles are the kind that ordinary people can't see.

Since ordinary people have not seen it, it means that they must be able to hide safely.

But how could it be discovered?

Finding their enemies is really not easy, there is a problem.

No, you can't just be taken down by the opponent, you have to fight.

There was a bang bang.

The attack hit the two of them.

These two people were beaten so badly that they even had the urge to vomit blood. Damn, I didn't expect this thing to develop like this. It's impossible for others to fix it. What is it?This, this is such a f*cking crazy feeling for people to fix, it's not happy.

No, the other party finally came back to his senses in the state of being beaten, his figure suddenly retreated backwards, and backwards is to distance himself from you.

In this way, the distance is five meters, ten meters.

It feels like it takes minutes to disappear from your vision.

You are nothing, he will not take you seriously.

Then, these two people have already ignored each other.

In this way, he walked towards the Treasure Pavilion.

It was a quick decision, and the things were packed into four big bags in an instant.

After installing it, there is no ambiguity, just speed up and run.

No, the pursuers from the rear came in an instant. They wanted to leave the two of them behind. They ransacked them without even knowing who the enemy was. It was simply absurd.

How could something like this be allowed to happen?
No, absolutely not allowed.

It must be to win the other party, and let the other party know that they are not simple and ordinary things.

Lin Feng and Fang Tianci looked at each other.

This is divided into two directions to run, you just chase.

This is facing the need to divide the troops. Once it is necessary to divide the troops, it will be difficult to catch up with so few people, not to mention that they are not sure about dealing with one person.

So what?
Then they won't chase after the troops are divided, right?
Still have to chase.

No, there are fewer and fewer people chasing Lin Feng. He turned one by one, and he couldn't catch up with others.

This one was all that was left in the blink of an eye.

Don't run away!
At this moment, Lin Feng stopped running completely, and looked at the other party so indifferently.

That feeling is like looking at a turtle in a urn. It's like holding a handle with full confidence that you can easily take the opponent down. Is it very difficult?

Not yet.

So indifferently staring at the other party without taking the other party seriously, um, the other party is nothing, this is a sure thing.

The other party really looked at Lin Feng and felt a little flustered in his heart.

This, this is simply melancholy. It's not 01:30.

Lin Feng had already put down the things.

After letting go of this thing, hey, that will be the end of the other party.

At this moment, this is what I think, that's okay, you must die, die, die, die!
The Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, and you have to die too.

Under such a situation, there is no ambiguity at all, and it is not soft to start.

The heart of the other party is a little panicked.

This guy's eyes and feeling are extremely difficult to provoke.

If it goes on like this, it's really not a problem.

Well, how did it develop into such a state?
What, what is this for?
This is simply to make people feel better, and it is impossible to feel better.

It’s not good, it’s just for a while. At this moment, that’s the time to make a move. If you make a move, that’s when you perish. It won’t make you feel uncomfortable for too long. At this moment, it’s just to send you on your way.

(End of this chapter)

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