Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 1050 Grow Up 20

Chapter 1050 Grow Up 20
Chapter 1077

But the current situation is not like this.

There is no chance of reconciliation between the two of them.

If it can be reconciled, so many years have passed.They have reconciled a long time ago, and it is impossible to make the relationship more and more broken.

"But sister-in-law, I don't want to. I can live a good life with her, but why did it become like this?"

Song Lili sighed again, "Maybe I was wrong. I shouldn't have brought Lin Xue into business at the beginning. Otherwise, you should have lived a happy life."

After Lin Xue lived an independent and self-improving life, her whole mentality changed, and she was no longer the pure-minded Lin Xue before.

Once the human mind becomes complicated, things will become more numerous.

It was like the matter between Zhang Qingguo and Lin Xue.

When life was relatively poor in the past, there may not be so many things.

But once the economic conditions are met, it is more of a spiritual requirement.

When the needs of two people are not balanced, problems will arise.

Hearing what Song Lili said, Zhang Qingguo quickly shook his head, "Sister-in-law, this is not your problem. You helped us out of kindness in the first place."

"This is not the reason why our relationship between husband and wife has deteriorated. How can you put all the blame on yourself?"

If Song Lili was to be blamed for this matter, Zhang Qingguo felt that he must be an ungrateful person.

Why did Song Lili help them back then?He knew it all.

"Think about what I said." Song Lili patted Zhang Qingguo on the shoulder, turned and returned to the room.

Let Zhang Qinghua accompany Zhang Qingguo to chat here for a while.

Let the two brothers comfort each other.

As a sister-in-law, she can't say a lot, and she can't say much.

Song Lili didn't know what Zhang Qinghua said to Zhang Qingguo.Anyway, when Zhang Qingguo left, he looked very calm, and Song Lili couldn't tell anything.

For the next few days, the days were very peaceful.Song Lili thought those two had reconciled.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhe came, and he came crying.

The grown-up boy cried for the first time in front of Song Lili.

He said, "Auntie, my parents quarreled, and the quarrel was very serious. What do you think I should do?"

From childhood to adulthood, he has been watching the quarrel between his parents. He has witnessed the relationship between his parents, from good to bad, and finally broken.

Xiao Zhe felt very sad, and Song Lili didn't know how to comfort the child.

She has endured that kind of pain herself, so she understands what kind of scars will be in Xiao Zhe's heart.

Because of Xiao Zhe, Song Lili actually remembered the memories of a long, long time ago.

These memories seem to be memories from a previous life, as if they were memories before his rebirth.

At that time, she seemed to be facing the same situation as Xiao Zhe.

The parents at home were at odds, and he was a child who grew up amidst verbal abuse and quarrels.

What was he thinking at that time?

Oh, by the way, at that time, he always hoped that his parents could divorce, and he followed one of them.

In this way, he will not see the picture that makes him feel painful every day.

At that time, she was thinking that even if he was a single-parent child, he would live a happier life than in such a family.

So Song Lili wiped away Xiao Zhe's tears, pulled him to sit next to her, and asked him, "Then what do you think?"

"Do you want your parents to reconcile as before, or do you have other ideas?"

This was Song Lili testing the children's thoughts. He wanted to hear what the children would think if Zhang Qingguo and Lin Xue were to end up on the road to divorce.

Xiao Zhe was silent for a rare time, he sat there silently, his negative aura was not at all like what a child of this age should have.

He is younger than Xiaochen, but he is much more mature than Xiaochen.

Xiaochen has gradually matured because of the experience outside in the past few years.

Now, Xiaochen and Xiaozhe stand together, as if they were the same age.

But the two of them are clearly elder brother and younger brother.

Xiao Chen is older than Xiao Zhe.

This is because the unhappiness of the family has created the precocity of the child's heart.

After Xiaozhe thought about it for a long time, she raised her head again and bravely met Song Lili's eyes.

He said, "Auntie, I respect their decision, and if they want a divorce, I won't say anything."

Then, he lowered his head again, and it took a long time before he mustered up the courage to raise his head. "Actually, I think it might be better for them to get divorced."

"After the divorce, my mother can take care of my grandpa and grandma's family without distractions, and my father and I can take care of the family."

The words could not have been more simple, but Song Lili felt sad.

How much pain does a child have to endure psychologically to say such a thing?

These words should have been told to him by adults, but now he told them in reverse.

Anyway, Song Lili couldn't bear it anymore, and tears flowed down immediately.

She didn't know how to comfort this young man.

Both of them had the same encounter.

Song Lili can't help crying when she thinks of those days before.

Although later, the happy family cured her, but thinking about those days before, he still couldn't help feeling sad.

So he didn't know how to comfort the child.

It took her her whole life to get better from her previous pain, and she didn't know how long it would take for this child to get better.

All Song Lili could give her was a big hug and a smiling face with tears.

He said, "Just do it according to your ideas. Xiao Zhe is now an adult and can make his own decisions."

After sending Xiao Zhe away, Song Lili couldn't be at peace for a long time.

Because she rarely remembered her previous life, the life he had forgotten for a long time.

Finally, he decided to talk to Zhang Qinghua.

Because she thought of herself and felt that this could not go on anymore, and if this went on, the two children would not be happy in their future lives.

"I think you'd better persuade Qing Guo to let him divorce. If the husband and wife continue to torture each other like this, it will only be the children who suffer, and it will leave scars in their hearts."

"I may not feel it when I was young, but when I grow up, I will feel more and more deeply hurt. I am afraid that the two children will not live happily in the future."

If it wasn't for the two children, Song Lili wouldn't want to take care of their affairs, especially Lin Xue's.

The relationship between the two of them had been exhausted many years ago.

Now Song Lili is also treating Lin Xue, and it is only superficially acceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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