Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 523 Do You Want To Catch It?

Chapter 523 Do You Want To Catch It?

For this time as a tour guide, Song Lili not only received a generous salary, but also received great praise from the professor.

During the new week of school, the professor called Song Lili to the office, "You did very well this time."

"Not only are the four American friends satisfied with you, but also the people accompanying you here."

"They said that there will be such a thing next time, and they will come to you again. You have made a good start this time, and in the future, you can also win more opportunities for your work."

"I really misread you." The professor patted Song Lili on the shoulder.A look of relief.

Song Lili smiled, "Thank you, Professor, without you, I would not have had such an opportunity."

"Without your help, I might not be able to do it, so I still have to thank the professor." Song Lili said quickly.

And what she said was also true, without this professor, she would never have found such an opportunity.

As for what the professor said, she had never thought about or cared about getting a job opportunity in the future.

After all, what she has always wanted to do is to make money, and of course it will be business in the future.

And what made her most satisfied this time was that the reward this time was very generous.

This time, Song Lili got a reward of 300 yuan, which is considered a huge sum of money.

In addition to what she has earned in the recent period, it is already enough for her to open a store.

So, this is what makes her most happy.

After coming out of the professor's office, Song Lili went to the classroom, planning in her heart, going out to see in the past few days, those who have storefronts 7 are for sale.

It would be better if it is near the school.

At noon, Song Lili's family, Liang Yulin and Wang Mei ate together.

"I heard that you performed well this time, but the professor praised you in class." Liang Yulin said while eating.

"Why don't I know?" Song Lili blinked.

"Didn't you stay with those Americans a few days ago? Of course you don't know."

Song Lili suddenly realized, no wonder, she said that she had never heard such words before.

Wang Mei also said, "The professor said that your pronunciation is very good, and your oral expression skills are also good. Let us all learn from you."

Song Lili was really blushing with embarrassment at the moment, at her half level, learning from her?Isn't that a mistake?
"It's better to avoid it, learn from me, I think the teacher will be pissed off in the future." After all, she will not do this business in the future.

In case she sets a bad example, the teacher won't be able to kill her by then?
Therefore, you can't make it, you can't make it.

Song Lili's life has once again returned to its previous calm.

Go to class and study during the week, and set up a stall on weekends to make money.

Recently, she has been paying attention to where there are shops for sale, but because she is busy, she can only run aground.

In the end, Liang Yulin told her good news when she accidentally said it.

"Are you looking for a shop? Do you want to rent it or buy it? There is a shop for sale at the alley next to our school. It was posted yesterday."

This was also when Liang Yulin was out shopping with his friends, and he happened to see someone posting a sale message outside, so he remembered it.

Unexpectedly, Song Lili said today that she was looking for a shop.

"Is it the alley of the shop that buys buns and fried dough sticks at the door?" Song Lili stared at Liang Yulin closely, afraid that she was lying to herself.

Liang Yulin nodded, "Yes, that's the family."

Song Lili was really excited now.

She knew that alley, it was just beside the main entrance of the school.

It would be great if what Liang Yulin said was true.

There, at the gate of the school.There must be a lot of people, and the store is located there, which is an absolute prime location.

"Where is it? You take me there quickly." Song Lili pulled Liang Yulin, and she didn't take a nap, so she wanted to go and have a look.

The location is so good.There must be a lot of people who want it, and we must get it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be gone if it is too late.

"Hey. Slow down, I can't run." Liang Yulin shouted while being dragged by Song Lili.

However, she was not as strong as Song Lili, so she had to be dragged out of the school gate by Song Lili.

"Where is the shop you mentioned?" Song Lili looked at Liang Yulin anxiously.

"Let go of me first." Panting, Liang Yulin glared at Song Lili angrily.

This person is really enough, running so fast, she is almost exhausted, okay?
"Okay, I'll let you go, please tell me where it is." Song Lili was anxious. She looked around, but she didn't see any sign that the shop was for sale.

"Here, isn't that right?" Liang Yulin stretched out his index finger.Pointing to the front right, he rolled his eyes.

Song Lili looked over, but still didn't see "Where? Why didn't I see it?"

"There, that's where the door frame is, a little bit of white, do you see that? That's it." Liang Yulin pointed at the door and said.

Song Lili approached, only to see that at the door of the shop, on the door frame, there was a piece of paper three fingers wide, which said the shop was for sale.

Song Lili "..." It's so small, who can see it?

The owner of this shop really wants to sell it?
But take a closer look.It does say for sale in store.

Song Lili couldn't figure it out, but as long as the news was true.

This shop is at the entrance of the alley, not inside, Song Lili is even more satisfied.

Song Lili walked in and found that it was a tea shop, no wonder it was about to be sold.

Tea should be rarely drunk by people now, and it is even more impossible for students.

Now everyone is still in the stage of pursuing food and clothing, and has not yet reached the stage of pursuing enjoyment.

Therefore, this store has no business, and it is normal that it cannot continue to open.

"Boss." Song Lili called out.

"Hello, little girl, do you want tea?" A man in his thirties came out from inside, with a round face and a smile like a Maitreya Buddha, his eyes were almost blind.

"I don't buy tea, I just see you sell it in a shop outside, so I'll come in and take a look." Song Lili didn't beat around the bush, and directly pointed out why she came here.

"You want to buy it?" The man looked at Song Lili suspiciously.

Song Lili nodded, "Yes, I have that intention, so how do you sell this shop, boss?"

"Five hundred." The boss stretched out five fingers and said.

five hundred?Is it a bit cheap?

Song Lili wondered for a moment, did the boss say something wrong, or was he just kidding herself?

Five hundred, really?

The boss saw that Song Lili was silent.I thought Song Lili thought it was too expensive, "Girl, five hundred is not expensive anymore, you go out and inquire, my shop is definitely worth 500 yuan."

Seeing that Song Lili was still silent, she finally said, "Then tell me, how much can you buy?"

If the drop is not too much, it is also negotiable.

Song Lili finally came to her senses at this moment. The price of this shop is really 500 yuan, no lie, it is [-] yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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