Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 561 People Are Different

Chapter 561 People Are Different
"You tell her that I'm fine, and let her not worry about it, just study hard, so I can feel relieved."

"I'll write to her when I get back, and tell her what's going on." The wrinkles at the corners of Wu Ying's eyes seemed to be deeper, but the corners of her mouth were more curved.

This child really didn't hurt in vain, so many years of painstaking efforts were not in vain after all.

"That's naturally good. You've told Fangfang, and she's really relieved." Song Lili also nodded.

My younger sister can maintain a good relationship with Wu Ying. She is happy to see what happens. Although she didn't expect to get any benefits, there is a subtle influence.

So, Song Lili was very happy.

"Lili, are you here?" Qian Liulin came out from behind, also saw Song Lili, and immediately greeted her.

"Brother Qian" Song Lili smiled and stood still, watching Qian Liulin approaching.

Facing Qian Liulin, Song Lili's smile became a lot more sincere, she lost the distance of politeness, and she secretly got close.

"Come on, I've already ordered the food, and it will be served in a while. You probably haven't been here yet. The food here is good. You can try it. I ordered what you like."

Qian Liulin also looked at Song Lili with a smile, "I'll take you to meet the other two. They are Grandpa Li's grandson and Grandma Zhao's granddaughter."

The people who came today were all juniors in the family, barely able to be regarded as the same generation as Song Lili.

They were about the same age as Qian Liulin, and Song Lili looked about seven or eight years old.

"Okay, I see." Song Lili nodded to express her understanding.

Qian Liulin was also indirectly reminding Song Lili that she knew who the people were here today.

Song Lili naturally knew it well, and knew that the problem might be with these two people.

If it was Qian Liulin and Wu Ying, there was no need to bring the other two.

Therefore, Song Lili must see what the intentions of these two people are.

Opening the door of the private room, Qian Liulin went in first, then Song Lili, and finally Wu Ying.

When the door of the private room was closed, Qian Liulin smiled and said, "Let me introduce you, this is Song Lili." He pointed to Song Lili and said.

"This is Li Yuanyi, this is Zhao Xiaoxi, you can just call him Big Brother and Big Sister." Then he introduced the other two to Song Lili.

Song Lili looked over and saw a man and a woman. The man was standing and the woman was sitting, both looking at her.

The man's figure is tall and straight, his back is straight and straight, standing there, he has a mountain-like temperament.

The woman was dressed in fashion, or in other words, very fashionable. She was wearing a long skirt, her hair was neatly done, and her face was lightly made up. She looked like a delicate person.

Song Lili couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and smiled intriguingly. The expressions of these two people are very interesting.

The man, that is, Li Yuanyi, had no expression on his face, and his eyes were calm and unwavering, but he couldn't see the bottom like the deep sea, as if there was a vast world hidden inside.

Song Lili knew at a glance that this person was a deep-minded person. He was good at hiding his expression. If he was not willing to reveal it, others would not be able to see it at all.

As for the woman, namely Zhao Xiaoxi, it was easy to understand. She looked at Song Lili inquiringly, with deep defense hidden in her eyes.

Song Lili saw the deepest part of Zhao Xiaoxi's eyes.So I also saw the defense, disdain, and contempt inside.

It's just that she doesn't care, this person won't be in contact with him much in the future, it's unnecessary.

She nodded lightly, "Hello, you all."

There was no flattery or fawning, just a tone like meeting a stranger.

"Hello." Li Yuanyi was after Song Lili.Said to her too.Zhao Xiaoxi didn't speak.

"Okay. We all know each other, please sit down and talk." Wu Ying smiled and pulled Song Lili to sit aside.

Qian Liulin came over and sat on the other side of Song Lili, and the other two sat opposite to them, with a distinct meaning.

"Miss Song, I invited you here today to thank you for taking care of my grandfather." Li Yuanyi looked at Song Lili with sincere eyes.

"Because I had a task before, I couldn't find the time, so please forgive me." He said, bowing his head slightly, fully expressing the good tutoring.

"It's okay, I'm just dating a few old people." The implication is that this is not because of your relationship, so your thanks are not necessary to me.

A light flashed quickly in Li Yuanyi's eyes, and then disappeared, still the same as before.

No one noticed Li Yuanyi's change, everyone's attention was on Song Lili's words.

After Qian Liulin and Wu Ying heard this, they just lowered their heads and smiled, Lili said this.It's true, but it's irrefutable.

Because what she said was true.

But Zhao Xiaoxi didn't think so. She always felt that Song Lili had a deep heart, and that she was able to treat the elderly well for ten years because she knew their identities, so she did that.

If Song Lili didn't have any purpose or plan, she didn't believe it at all.

So, Zhao Xiaoxi sneered, it was obvious in this small space, so everyone heard it.

Song Lili looked over calmly, then turned her head, and continued to look at Li Yuanyi, ignoring the obvious faultfinding.

Qian Liulin and Wu Ying frowned, and looked at Zhao Xiaoxi with disapproval.

No matter what Zhao Xiaoxi thinks psychologically, her current behavior is very impolite, which is contrary to the education they have received since childhood.

Therefore, they are not very happy.

I'm afraid, only Li Yuanyi is normal, or it's like he didn't hear it.

"I don't know why you are here today?" Song Lili was too lazy to talk, and went straight to the point.

"What else can I do? Of course I want to come and see you." Seeing what kind of person he is is something that several old men and women can't forget.

"I think you have already seen it." Song Lili answered lightly.

I see, so can we go?
"Of course." Li Yuanyi answered quickly, without letting Zhao Xiaoxi say anything else.

"Anything else?"

If the words just now were euphemistic, then this sentence is very direct, and it directly means seeing off guests.

"Hehe..." Suddenly, Li Yuanyi smiled lowly, and for the first time showed an expression that could be clearly seen by others.

"Hmph, why are you pretending? Now that we know our identities, do we have to put on airs?"

"Let me tell you, I came today to ask you, what do you want? I can satisfy your wish." Then, from now on, you will never have any relationship with my family.

Although Song Lili didn't hear what Zhao Xiaoxi said behind her, she could still imagine it from her expression.

(End of this chapter)

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