Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 686 Song Lili's Thoughts

Chapter 686 Song Lili's Thoughts
Song Lili pointed at the still bright sky, dumbfounded, "Are you sure it's time to sleep now?"

The weather is getting hotter, and the days are getting longer and longer. Although it is past eight o'clock, the sky is still bright!
At this time, the children were actually sent to sleep, only Wang Daming could tell.

Open your eyes and tell nonsense, only he can tell it in front of the children.

"Of course, when the time is up, you should go to bed, and children should be obedient." Wang Daming was serious.

"Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you." Song Lili had no choice but to end the topic, and she couldn't make sense of it any further.

Anyway, Xiaochen has already left with her younger siblings, so what's the use of talking so much?

Song Lili felt a little sympathetic to her child. It was really unlucky to meet such an uncle!
"Okay, you, it's your own business to lose face, why do you want my child to bear it?"

"Hurry up and stop, or you will look good to me." Song Lili gave Wang Daming a fake look.

Otherwise, this person will definitely kick his nose and face, endlessly.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Wang Daming immediately returned to his serious appearance, making the corners of Song Lili's mouth twitch.

I'm afraid this is not a showman, is it?
"Lili, what's the matter with us?" Wang Daming didn't have time to ask after he came back.

"You remember to ask now?" Song Lili said angrily.

What she wanted to say before was to let him stimulate her and go to sleep, and it was true.Song Lili twitched the corners of her mouth, not just what to say.

"It's almost done. You can start at any time. The procedures have been completed. I'm just waiting for you to come back."

"Then... let's find an auspicious day to start work. I can't wait to see it."

After working so hard for so long, there should be results, right?
Wang Daming is somewhat looking forward to seeing the products produced, that way, it should be very fulfilling.

"Okay, Daqing and I have also seen it in the past few days. After choosing a few days, we are waiting for you to come back and discuss with you."

"Let me see." Wang Daming couldn't wait.

After the three of them got together to discuss for a long time, they finally decided that the opening ceremony will be five days later, which is an auspicious day.

"Okay, let's save the opening ceremony for this day." Wang Daming let out a long breath, determined in his heart.

"Then let's do it today." Song Lili and Daqing didn't have any objections either.

It's just that Song Lili wanted to laugh, the opening ceremony?There should have been none.

When the catastrophe was just over, people didn't dare to let go, and those things from before were also freed.

So Song Lili did it on a whim, and then her friends followed suit, and now it has become a routine.

As long as someone's store opens, there will be one.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, where did your prescription come from? How did you have such a prescription?"

With the Song family's family background, it is impossible to have such a prescription.

Even if there was, it should have been destroyed in those years!
Wang Daming was puzzled, he was surprised before and never asked, but suddenly remembered today, so he just asked casually.

"It was a gift from someone else." Song Lili also answered casually.

It's been so long, and I'm not afraid of people knowing about it, and I'm not afraid of calling disaster to myself.

Now, it's not the same as before.

"Send it?" Wang Daming was surprised, even Daqing, who was always lacking in interest, was surprised.

Who would give such a precious thing to someone else?
Thinking about it in their shoes, both of them felt that it was impossible for them to do such a thing.

In my heart, I am even more curious, who is it?It can be so generous.

"Yes, it's a gift." Song Lili didn't think that at that time, this prescription was a bomb to Guqin, which could crush her to pieces at any time.

She hides well, and there are people around to help, otherwise it would be impossible to survive.

Therefore, for the Guqin at that time, it didn't feel bad to send it out.

No one will know when that disaster will end.

Guqin also took a gamble and finally gave the things to Song Lili.

On the one hand, it is to thank Song Lili for her years of care, so I take my most precious thing as a thank you gift.

On the other hand, it is also with a fluke mentality, maybe it will end in the future?In this way, this recipe can still be preserved.

She wanted to take advantage of Song Lili.

Song Lili understands, but accepts it, and understands Guqin's psychology better.

Everyone has a selfish side, and she accepts that.

Right now, it happens to be useful, but taking it out is even more precious.

It also makes it impossible for others to understand.

Song Lili was really curious to see the two of them, a little dumbfounded, but she didn't want to hide it.

"It's the Guqin that was released in Hongqi Village before. I think you two should know that she gave it to me."

"It's her?" Sure enough, Wang Daming knew that he had been close to Song Lili in the past, and some people had vague impressions.

Although Guqin has never been in contact with each other, he has seen it after all.

Wang Daming also knew that there seemed to be something going on between Song Lili and Qian Liulin, those old people should also have something to do with Qian Liulin.

Therefore, he was not surprised that Guqin would give Fangzi to Song Lili.

Compared with Wang Daming, Daqing is a bit confused.

He didn't know about the relationship between Song Lili and Qian Liulin, but she knew Guqin better.

Those are people who have been sent down, and no one was willing to get in touch with them before.

It was only later that everyone gradually became familiar with it.

It suddenly occurred to Daqing that the first person to count up with those people seemed to be Lili?

In this way, it seems understandable to send prescriptions?

But at that time, how dare Guqin?How dare you give Lili such a dangerous thing?
Daqing had doubts in his heart, but he didn't ask them.

This is Lili's matter, and Guqin is dead, and it has been so many years, it seems unnecessary to pursue it.

"Then... Lili, will there be any problems with this recipe? Guqin's family..." This was what Da Ping was worried about.

"Don't worry, there should be no one in her family."

After Song Lili got better, she searched and inquired, but found nothing.

She wasn't worried either.

If someone really finds it, then it's better to return it in the form of shares.

She doesn't covet these things, she has them herself.

Therefore, even if Guqin's family came to find her, she would not have any other worries.

She was not as worried as Daqing.

"Even if there is, there will be a solution in the future. We didn't do anything harmful, did we?"

Perhaps, this is also what Guqin hopes for?

Perhaps, she also hopes that her prescription can be used, can be made into products, and can be put on the market.

Perhaps, this was the purpose of Guqin giving her the prescription?
Maybe?Everything is possible, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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