Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 807 Future Arrangements 2

Chapter 807 Future Arrangements 2
After returning home, Zhang Aiai was very happy and had a good meal after talking.Celebrate well.

Her heart was relaxed and bright, as if she had lifted the big stone that was pressing on her heart, and her whole body became clear.

"Brother, let's have something delicious tonight." Zhang Aiai went to work in the kitchen after saying that.

During these years of marriage, she has learned everything, including cooking, laundry, and housework that she has never done before.

Even, things that have never been done before.Learned all of them one by one, and practiced them proficiently.

Think about it now, how much the family loved her at that time!

In those days, food was distributed according to work points, and without work points, there would be no food, but even in this state, Da Da and his brothers did not let her go to the field.

How much I love her!
But she actually felt that they didn't love her. Now that she thinks about it, she doesn't know where she came from.

It's like being possessed by a demon, controlled by that thought, and never breaking free. In this way, many years have passed.

But now that she understands it clearly, she naturally doesn't have such thoughts.

But Zhang Aiai was a little worried about her future life.How would she support herself and Xiaotao?

It is impossible for her to be raised by Da Da and her brothers, even if they agree, she will not agree.

After all, there are two sister-in-laws at home.

But Zhang Ai'ai knew in her heart that if Zhang Qinghua made the decision, Song Lili might not say anything, but Lin Xue didn't know.

It's just that she doesn't want to rely on her family anymore.She wants to learn to be strong by herself, just like her sisters-in-law.

If they can, she can too.

It's just that she is at a loss now, what is she going to do?

Seeing that Zhang Aiai seemed to have something on her mind, Zhang Qinghua didn't say much, as if she didn't notice.

"Now that you are divorced, follow me to the capital, and then ask your sister-in-law to arrange a job for you, so that you can support yourself in the future."

" it okay?" Zhang Aiai hesitated, could sister-in-law really do it?

Zhang Aiai was very moved, but after half a day.Still gritted his teeth and refused, "Forget it, don't bother sister-in-law."

Sister-in-law arranged work for Xia Jun some time ago, and now she arranges for herself?Really can?
Besides, these are all favors, and they all need to be repaid by sister-in-law in the future, so Zhang Aiai is not very willing to let Song Lili ask for favors.

"Don't worry. It's for your sister-in-law. I just move my mouth. You just wait to go to work." Zhang Qinghua smiled and stroked Zhang Aia's hair, just like before.

Lili said it before.It can help, that's why Zhang Qinghua is able to make such a promise without any burden.

Otherwise, he would discuss it with Song Lili first.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Zhang Aiai didn't really believe it.Is it really that easy?

Zhang Qinghua nodded, "Don't worry, it's true, I won't lie to you."

Zhang Aiai didn't say anything more, but she still couldn't believe it.Didn't you say that work was difficult before?
However, Zhang Aiai did not ask.I thought about it.Wait and see, if it doesn't work, go out and find it yourself.

Couldn't find a good one.Can you still find a job where you can work hard?In short, he will not die of hunger.

Think about it, Zhang Aiai's mood is relaxed, as long as she is diligent, she can take care of herself and Xiaotao.

In the evening, Li Weiguo came and told Zhang Qinghua his decision.

"I discussed it with your aunt, and I plan to go and see it with you." I was really worried and worried, so I wanted to see it with my own eyes to be at ease.

Just like Song Yongin.No matter what Song Lili said she was doing well, she wouldn't believe it unless she saw it with her own eyes.

That's why he went to the capital with Xia Jun.Li Weiguo also thinks the same way now.

Zhang Qinghua understood, and was naturally happy that Li Weiguo could go with them.So Daqing should be very happy, right?

So, Zhang Qinghua agreed on the time to leave, and asked Li Weiguo to go home and pack his things until it was time to leave.We can go together.

After Li Weiguo left, Zhang Aiai said, "Brother Daqing should be very happy." Following Song Lili, they all called Li Qinghua like that.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I'm really happy, so go to sleep, I'll go to the fifth team tomorrow."

Now that I'm back.I still have to visit the uncle's house, otherwise it won't make sense.

"Okay, big brother, you should go to bed early too." Zhang Aiai nodded, it's all as it should be.

The rest of Zhang Qinghua's time is to go to other people's houses.Contact Contact.

The first one to go was Song Jianshe's house.Although my father-in-law is no longer at home, my uncle is here!

At the same time, he also told Xia Niu about Xia Jun, which was what Song Lili told her when she came back.

After returning from the Fifth Brigade, Zhang Qinghua went to the town and bought some things at the supply and marketing cooperative and the market.

When I came back, I went to the homes of the people who helped me that day. Each family had a catty of sugar and two cans.

Thank you for their help that day, and thank you for going with him.

Everyone who received the items was very happy, and they all lamented Zhang Qinghua's generosity, at this time.Toffee and canned food are still rare items, not necessary, and many people are reluctant to buy them.

Those people are naturally happy if they just follow along and get these after walking a few steps.

at the same time.I also sneered in my heart, laughing at the Fang family for being such a fool that they lost such a good in-law.

Otherwise, how much benefit will there be?
Haven't you seen Chen Erhua's house?That is also a great benefit for being in-laws with the Song family!

Chen Erhua is now showing off in the village every day, saying that her son works in the capital, is a big factory, pays high, eats well, and can become a full-time worker. Maybe he will be a city resident and eat imperial food in the future.

Didn't Xia Jun get this job because of Song Lili's help?

Zhang Aiai is Zhang Qinghua's biological sister, she must be closer than Xia Jun, right?

If you please the Zhang family, won't you get a better job than Xia Jun?

So, this Fang family is a big fool, to watch such benefits fly away.

so.For a while, all the villages in the ten li and eight villages laughed at the Fang family.

Fang Yaoqing was about to die of anger when he heard it. The benefits of bullshit, the benefits of Zhang's family being slick, and the benefits of having a bullshit.

Doesn't he know?Don't you know it's good to please them?

But is it useful?
Totally useless!

The Zhang family is stingy. At the beginning, he took the initiative to ask for it, but he didn't give it to him. He said that he could get benefits if he fawned over him.It's all bullshit.

Otherwise, can he get a divorce? (Although this is not enough confidence)

Fang Yaoqing felt extremely aggrieved, but no one believed him when he said it, and insisted that he was just jealous and he was talking nonsense because he couldn't get it.envy.

This made Fang Yaoqing wish he could find someone to have a good fight with, to be so fucking jealous, I'm so jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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