Chapter 828
Even if Xiaochen's matter passed like this, Song Lili contacted that Mr. Qian the next day and sent the money on the list.

Then, I went to the hospital, paid the fee for the child, and saved it. If it was not enough, the hospital would contact her again.

Song Lili thought about it, and finally bought some fruit to see Qian Jijun, she must be courteous.

However, it's just that Song Lili didn't get a good face. The one who was guarding in the hospital was that vitriolic woman.How could it be possible to give Song Lili a good face?

But Song Lili just doesn't care, anyway, I won't see you again in the future, it's just a stranger, what's there to be angry about?
So, she remained indifferent, put down the fruit, said a few words on the scene, and then turned around.

No one wants to be treated in a strange way!

This matter can be regarded as a preliminary settlement, and we will see if Mr. Qian will contact her later.

Song Lili, who had nothing to do, returned to the family again, and then talked and laughed with a group of people at home, so she was very unhappy.

Of course, she still hasn't forgotten what happened in the hot pot restaurant.

For the past two days, they have been entertaining Li Weiguo and his wife.

Daqing went to attend school for the two children. Yangmei asked for leave on the first day, and then went to work.

You can't work hard just because you know the boss. Not only will Song Lili not allow it, but Yang Mei will also feel bad about it.

So, she went to work the next day, and when she came back from get off work, she talked with the children to relieve her long-term miss.

Because the two children have not yet decided on the time to go to school, they temporarily follow a few adults.

Zhang Shengtian took Song Yongren and Li Weiguo around the alleys every day, chatting with those old men, boasting about the children, showing off his grandson, and his life was very nourishing.

That night, after everyone finished their meal, Daqing suddenly said solemnly to everyone, "I plan to move in these two days."

The house in Daqing has already been tidied up, as long as you move in your daily necessities, you can live there.

Therefore, those who knew nodded their heads to show that they knew and understood. This is also a normal thing.

However, there are still people who don't know!
For example, Zhang Aiai's mother and daughter, for example, Li Weiguo and his wife.

"Where are you going to move?" Li Weiguo couldn't help but straighten his expression, with majesty on his face.

What about Daqing "..."?I've been so busy these days that I forgot to tell Da Da that he bought a house. What should I do now?
The eyes of the people asking for help swept over everyone, but no one planned to help him.

He gave him a self-seeking look, everyone lowered their heads, looked at their noses, noses and hearts, and looked as quiet as chickens.

Yang Mei "..." Is it really okay for you to be like this now?
Yang Mei couldn't help tugging on Daqing's sleeve, you should hurry up and say it, anyway, you already know it now, it doesn't matter if you say it sooner or later.

Daqing licked his lips, and then said awkwardly, "I... I bought a house a few days ago, I packed it up, and I plan... to move there." The more he spoke, the lower his voice became.

He was also afraid that Li Weiguo might misunderstand that he was hiding it from him, so he hurriedly explained, "Daddy, I... I was going to tell you, but I forgot because I was too busy for a few days."

Zhang Shengtian quickly came out to agree, "Yes, yes, this kid said the night before you came, you know he bought a house, he should be very happy."

"That's right, Uncle, he's been running about the children these two days, so he may have forgotten." Wang Daming also helped.

"What are you doing?" Li Weiguo looked at the people who persuaded him with some dumbfounding, "I'm not angry."

It's just a little shocking, and some feel that it's not real. I always feel that the matter of my son buying a house is a fantasy, a dream!

So, he couldn't help but put on a stern face, with a majestic look, but he wasn't angry.

In the past few days, I have also seen that Daqing is busy. The child is running around to earn money. It is not easy. He will not be angry because of such a trivial matter.

It was Daqing who breathed a sigh of relief first, and his nervous expression disappeared immediately, followed by Yangmei, who also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

If the in-laws were angry, they might think that she was ignorant, and they didn't know to tell them the first time.

Now, as long as she is not angry, she can feel at ease.

"You really bought a house?" Aunt Li couldn't believe it right now?He narrowed his eyes and asked again.

Daqing nodded solemnly, "Yes, I bought it, and it's not too far from here, it's only half an hour's walk away."

"That's great." Aunt Li's eyes were full of tears. After confirming that the two of them had a home here, she felt happy. She couldn't remember what the two of them didn't tell her just now.

Li Weiguo also laughed happily, "That's good, that's good, having a house here can be regarded as a home!" He didn't have to worry about it every day.

The old thinking caused Li Weiguo to always feel that he had a home only when he had a house, otherwise he would always be like duckweed and have no one to rely on.

With a home, there is a sense of belonging, and the heart will be much more at ease.

Song Lili understands the sense of security that the house brings to people, and she also understands the feeling of peace of mind.

She was like this before, so it's normal for Li Weiguo to be like this.

"Uncle, let Daqing take you to see it some other day. The house is very nice, with five rooms and a courtyard. It's very spacious for the whole family to live in." Song Lili said with a smile.

"Yeah, the house is very nice. The three of us, Meimei and Lili, cleaned it up a few days ago and put the furniture away. We're just waiting to move in someday."

"Daddy, grandma, we'll be moving in two days. How about you go try it too!" Daqing said happily.

He didn't expect his parents to come, but he gave himself a big surprise.

But that's good too. With a new home, the whole family will be there when we move, which is something to be happy about.

Also let Da Da and Grandma live in their own house, and let them rest assured that the son has his own home in the capital.

"Okay, when you move, we'll go with you." Li Weiguo naturally agreed.

Although living in Lili's place is comfortable, there is a feeling of being suspended in the air, and I feel that I am holding my heart, which is not at ease.

Only here at home can the heart be completely grounded and let go of oneself completely.

Living here for the past few days made Li Weiguo very embarrassed.

Their family lives for free, no matter how thick-skinned they are, they can't hold it anymore, but they don't have a place of their own, so they have no choice but to bite the bullet and live.

Now, the son has bought a house, and they have their own home, so of course they have to move there, so that they can truly feel at ease.

Therefore, when Daqing asked the two old people to go with him, Li Weiguo agreed without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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