Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 836 Questions

Chapter 836 Questions
Song Lili didn't know what Xiaochen was thinking, otherwise she would be surprised. This child has a tendency to develop into black sesame stuffing!

So, when Song Lili found out about it in the future, I won't say how surprised she was, because I really didn't expect it!

Now, she doesn't know yet.

So, after finishing speaking, the stone in my heart fell, and I went back to the room.

"Are you looking for Xiaochen?" Zhang Qinghua sat on the bedside reading a book, and when he saw Song Lili coming in, he put down the book and looked at her.

Because of Xiaochen's request, Zhang Qinghua kept pretending that he didn't know. He probably guessed that Song Lili didn't come back tonight.

"Yes, although Xiaochen looks precocious, I still don't feel at ease, so I will give him advice and advice." Song Lili nodded, probably Zhang Qinghua himself thought the same way.

Naturally, Zhang Qinghua thought this way in his heart, but because he wanted to pretend that he didn't know anything, he had to endure it.

"Well, it's good to remind him, he is a child after all, and he still makes mistakes sometimes."

No matter how precocious his mind is, and his age, sometimes he still can't understand one thing, or handle some things well.

That's why Song Lili and Zhang Qinghua wanted to have a good talk with Xiaochen.

"Okay, go to sleep, Xiaochen is a smart kid, he will figure it out." Seeing that Song Lili was still a little worried, sitting there with her head bowed in thought, Zhang Qinghua couldn't help but grabbed her and pulled her to his side.

"I hope." Song Lili sighed, she was still worried after all, she was afraid that one would have two and then three.

Neither of the husband and wife knew that Xiao Chen, who was in the room not far away, had fully understood Song Lili's meaning and started to do her homework.

To sum it up in one sentence, the meaning is almost the same as what he himself understood, that is, to vent his anger, but in a different way, not to drag himself into it.

Xiaochen felt that this was more suitable for her at the time, um, it will be done like this in the future.

Thus, the magical child began to grow miraculously.

At home, everyone slowly began to form a tacit understanding. Zhang Shengtian took Song Yongren and Li Weiguo couple outside for a walk when they had nothing to do, saying that they wanted to take a good look at the capital.

By the way, a few children who didn't go to school also followed, completely liberating Song Lili and the others.

Zhang Aiai had already gone to work, and she was more optimistic about one of them, so she decided to go.

As for Fang Xiaotao, she originally planned to send her to school, but it was the middle of the semester, and she didn't know where it would be suitable to join the class, so she could only let it go for now, and we can discuss it later.

So, there are quite a lot of people in the family every day, but Song Lili is the only one who is idle.

Sometimes I go to the store to have a look, and when I have nothing to do, I stay at home and make work plans for people going to other countries.

The training of the two employees has also started, but it is still in the initial stage, and Song Lili doesn't need to watch by herself.

At this time, something happened in Song Lili's store, and it was Qiao Lin who came to tell Song Lili the news.

"Don't worry, just tell me what's going on." Song Lili was very calm, and she motioned for Qiao Lin to sit down and take a breather.

In order to tell Song Lili the news, Qiao Lin ran over after getting off the car, panting unevenly and panting.

"Drink some water first." Song Lili got him a glass of water before sitting there and waiting.

Qiao Lin drank more than half of the water in the quilt in one gulp, and then he took a deep breath, changed the air, and his breathing gradually calmed down.

"We don't know what happened, but someone came to check suddenly, saying that the store was unqualified, and we received a report."

"Then, wave after wave of people came, all saying that the store was unqualified, which has seriously affected the business of the store."

When many people saw the law enforcement agencies coming, they thought there must be something wrong with the store, and they got up and left when they planned to eat.

I said that I was worried that there must be a problem in the store, and I didn't listen to their explanation at all, so I left like this.

Since the morning, dozens of people have come and left. Qiao Lin had no choice but to come to Song Lili to see how she would solve it.

"Is the store still open?"

"Yes, it is open, but there are very few people, many tables are empty, and all the ingredients prepared yesterday are left."

It's not a problem. Song Lili bought a refrigerator before, so it won't break down immediately.

The biggest problem is how to solve it so that customers can come to consume again. This is the most important problem at present.

"It doesn't matter, just tell me carefully." Song Lili waved her hand, not caring about that.

Qiao Lin collected his mind before he began to speak.

It turned out that shortly after going to work this morning, some people wearing uniforms came, saying that they had received a report that the hygiene in the store was not up to standard, and they came to check.

Qiao Lin hurried up to meet them, and sometimes made surprise inspections, so everyone was not surprised why these people came suddenly.

It's just that not long after these talents left, someone came again, this time saying that they were cheating consumers, just wanting to check.

Now, Qiao Lin was a little confused, but he still cooperated. After checking for a while, those people left without getting any results.

After the people left, Qiao Lin organized everyone to prepare quickly, because the arrival of these two waves of people would delay the work, and the guests would come soon, so they couldn't be unprepared.

In less than half an hour, the person came again, this time saying that the procedures in the store were not complete, so they needed to cooperate with the investigation.

At this moment, Qiao Lin felt that something was wrong, and some customers had already entered the store, and saw that these people were all waiting and watching, and no one sat down to eat.

Because in everyone's heart, they still trust these uniformed people, and if they think they are here, then go and explain that there is a real problem.

Therefore, when those people left, some people left together, and some people were still hesitant.

Of course, some people saw that the store was finally empty, so they immediately sat down to order food, wanting to try the hot pot that others praised so much.

However, such people are in the minority after all, so the store still looks much deserted than usual.

Qiao Lin quickly appeased everyone. First of all, the employees must not panic. No matter how many customers there are, they must serve them well.

Fortunately, the employees in the store were not blind. Most of them were calm, not calm. Because of Qiao Lin's relationship, they all returned to their original appearance.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, and when it was almost noon, when there were the most customers, another wave of people came.

The reason for this wave of people is that the hygiene in the store is not up to standard, so Qiao Lin is required to cooperate with the inspection.

Qiao Lin can't help it, he can't force himself with these people!You can only cooperate and let them check.

Now there is a big problem, it is said that the ingredients inside are not fresh.

(End of this chapter)

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