Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 875 Husband and wife go out 13

Chapter 875 Husband and wife go out 13
"Also. Since this is the case, why didn't Fangfang be hospitalized? What does it mean to keep her at home?"

In Fangfang's current situation, hospitalization is the best choice.There are doctors in the hospital for treatment.At least it's better than lying at home like this.

But Song Fang wasn't in the hospital, she was just lying at home.

Every question Song Li ruthlessly stabs into Chu Ci's heart like a knife.Let him not know how to answer Song Lili's question.

Or.He didn't have the face to answer Song Lili's question at all.

Because, Song Lili's guess was right.His mother was originally dissatisfied that Song Fang gave birth to a girl.So I kept picking my nose and eyes at Song Fang.

But Song Fang endured it.After all, this is my mother-in-law.He's not good at being stubborn.

But Song Fang's forbearance did not make his mother restrain, but became more and more serious.It was for this reason that the two of them went to the capital.

Maybe it's because they are far away from each other.So there is no such contradiction as before.Everyone gets along pretty well.

Going home for the New Year this year is also because they haven't been back for a long time.

Anyway, these are my parents.Chu Ci was still homesick outside.

Just didn't think of it.The couple and their children came into the house with their children.His mother has a lot of dissatisfaction.Picking thorns there, showing Song Fang's face.

This time it was Song Fang who endured it, and the meal that night was finished safely.

Only the next day his mother started again, this time targeting her own children.I feel that the child is not good anywhere.Said that Song Fang did not teach the children well.

But in Chu Ci's view, the child did nothing wrong at all.Then Song Fang didn't have any problems.

However, these and Chuci's mother couldn't understand at all.Chu Ci had no choice but to coax them, thinking that it would only be a few days before the new year.Wait until the days have passed.They don't have to face this situation again when they return to the capital.

It's just the second day of the new year.There are relatives in the family who come to pay New Year's greetings.Speaking of the grandson in other people's family, Song Fang was belittled from time to time in his words.

This made Chu Ci's mother feel very uncomfortable.His complexion changed at that moment.But because it is in front of outsiders, so I can bear it.

After people left.He immediately started scolding Song Fang.It is said that Song Fang is a woman who can't give birth to a son.Let him lose face in front of others.

Said that if Song Fang couldn't have a son, she would divorce Chu Ci. Their family needs a son to inherit such a large family business.

When Chu Ci's mother said these words, she never thought of avoiding the child.So the kids heard it all.

Song Fang felt distressed at this time.He loves his children very much.There is such a grandmother.

And at this time, he felt that he couldn't bear it either.If he endures it this time.Does it also make the child feel that it is wrong to be a girl?

Do you think he came to this world because he was not liked by others?

Fangfang didn't want her children to have such thoughts.So he had to directly say Chuci's mother.

"Mom, I don't think there's anything wrong with not having a son. Girls are also part of this family. Why don't you like it?"

As for other words, he did not refute.He just refuted it.Why are girls not liked?
However, even this small point made Chu Ci's mother angry.He pointed to Song Fang's nose and said.

"Oh, you are amazing, aren't you? You have learned to talk back to your mother-in-law now?"

"Do you know. You are my son's daughter-in-law, so you must be filial to me. Not only can you not give birth to a son, but you are also unfilial to me. How could a village girl like you marry into our family?"

"You said what method did you use to get Chuci to marry you? And when you returned to the city, you didn't even give up."

The words that Chu Ci's mother said later were all insulting words, and Song Lili was to listen to them.The veins on the forehead are coming out.

But he still endured it and listened to Chu Ci's narration, narrating what happened that day.

Maybe it's because what Chu Ci's mother said was too ugly.It may also be that Song Fang's tolerance too many times has accumulated a lot of anger in his heart.

So this time, he spoke directly and confronted Chu Ci's mother. After the two of you said something to each other, they quarreled to the point where they couldn't handle each other.

Chuci's mother pointed at Song Fang's nose and told him to get out of her house, saying that Song Fang's identity was not recognized here at all.

Song Fang was very angry, she grabbed the child and wanted to go back to the room to pack her luggage.He wants to go back to the capital.

Since they are not welcomed by others here, there are naturally people who welcome them.There is his own sister in the capital.My sister likes herself.Then he also likes his daughter.

It's just that Song Fang didn't want to quarrel, so she endured again, but Chu Ci's mother felt that this was a provocation to herself.

After chasing Song Fang, he went upstairs and grabbed Song Fang's arm from behind.

Song Fang wasn't prepared for Chu Ci's mother coming suddenly, so she rolled down the stairs.By the way, bring the child down.

It's just that Song Fang subconsciously protected the child and made him stop on the stairs, and then he didn't take care of himself at all.Without any protection, he fell directly into the hall on the first floor.

Then this time.It was not until the family knew that Song Fang was pregnant, so they sent him to the hospital.

After being sent to the hospital, there was no rescue at all.The child was not saved in the end.

At this time, Chu Ci's mother began to be dissatisfied again, saying that Song Fang's life was not good.So she was pregnant with a child and couldn't protect herself.

Chu Ci is in a state of desperation at this time, she has to take care of her wife.And go to see if his child is okay, his mother can't help him at all.

And his dad has been following the fuck.So, if they don't want to help, her dad is useless.

At this moment, everything fell on Chu Ci like a mountain.It made him feel like he couldn't take it anymore.

There is no major problem in the child's inspection, just some scratches.Just take some medicine and go home to apply it and smear it.

The problem is Song Fang's here. Because he delivered it late, he didn't keep the child, and it caused great damage to her body.

He lost a lot of blood, so he needs to rest for a while.

And in the short term, the child may not be able to conceive again.

Song Fang, who is now considered an older pregnant woman, made his body weak immediately.He can only rely on the nutrient solution in the hospital to maintain it every day.

(End of this chapter)

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