Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 883 The Return

Chapter 883 The Return
Under the care of several people, Song Fang's body gradually recovered.I can also be active.

At the hospital, the doctor also said that Song Fang's body needs to be recuperated slowly in the future.

So after thinking about it, Song Lili still decided to let Song Fang be discharged from the hospital.According to the doctor, it is meaningless to be hospitalized now.

Because Song Fang's body is not in the hospital, it can recover, it needs tonic in the later stage to make his body recover slowly.

But Song Lili wasn't too worried.Just buy those things that are good for his health and cook them for him.It will still work.

Only this time Song Lili firmly disagreed, and Song Fang lived in their own home.Because he was afraid that Chu Ci would not take good care of both parties.

He acted particularly strong this time, no matter what Song Fang said, he just wouldn't let him go back to his and Chu Ci's home again.

So in the end Song Fang had no choice but to live in the alley, while Chu Ci lived in their home alone.

Song Fang takes her children to cultivate her body here every day.As for the business in his shop.This period of time was under Song Lili's management.

If it weren't for the fact that the closure had too much impact, he would have wanted Fangfang to close the store, and then take a good rest for a few months before opening a store for business.

However, he knew that these were impossible things.

Fangfang has her own considerations, he will not interfere too much, but as long as his body is involved, Song Lili will not compromise.

Song Fang's body gradually got better.Song Lili also started to busy herself with her own affairs.

Although he has only been away for about ten days, the affairs in the store still need to be dealt with.

The most important thing now is to quickly get the store.Those things that have piled up are dealt with.Let's talk about the next thing later.

But because he left for a relatively short time, there were only a few things accumulated.After two days of processing, it was all over.

And he also has time to get along with Song Fang at home.

As for Song Fang's future plans, Song Lili didn't even ask.They are all in their 30s.Is it necessary to ask so clearly, he must know how to do it in his heart.

Moreover, Song Lili believes that Fangfang must have an idea in her mind, and he knows how to deal with this matter is the result she wants.

Song Lili just needs to adjust the bodies of both parties well.

Because of Song Fang, the food at home was better during this time.A month later, Song Lili found that everyone in the family seemed to have gained weight.

It was also because Song Fang's body was so short before that she was the only one who couldn't see that she was getting fat.

Even Song Lili herself felt that her belly was full of flesh.

Then this morning, he suddenly announced that he told everyone in the family to get up 10 minutes early every morning and go out to exercise, otherwise the family will become fat in the future, and it would look so ugly.

Although he said it in a joking tone when he spoke.But he expressed his seriousness very clearly.

the next day.The first person to implement the plan was Zhang Qinghua.He thought the proposal was very good.Because if he is fat.He felt that Song Lili would definitely dislike him.So let's exercise consciously.
As for Xiao Chen, he is the least fat one, probably because he is growing his body now and needs a lot of energy support.

Although he doesn't gain much weight, he is also obedient and gets up a little earlier in the morning to exercise his body.

The least active one is Xiaohui. He likes to eat delicious food, but he doesn't want to exercise much. In the end, it was Xiaochen who dug him out of the bed.

After digging it out, he carried it outside and stood outside. How can there be any reason for a person to suffer?
After Xiaohui stood up, he began to move left and right.

Song Lili was there watching her wriggling like a caterpillar.His eyes were still half-closed, and he didn't know if he was awake or asleep.

However, he didn't ask Xiaohui to go back to sleep again. Since he woke up today, he should stick to it in the future.

Xiaohui, who is still in a daze, doesn't know what he missed.So every morning after that, he was in great pain, because he had to get up 10 minutes earlier, so he would lose 10 minutes of sleep, and he felt that he had lost too much.

But there is no way, everyone in the family is like this, he feels that he has no human rights at all.

He wanted to resist, but found that he couldn't resist, and could only be slaughtered by them.

Especially when he was enslaved by his mother, he dared not speak out, and could only wrong Bala's training every day.

Then, without knowing when, it became a habit of his.A habit that persisted for a long, long time.

People who have been home for a long time almost forget that they had such a period of exercise before, but Xiaohui still persists.

It's just that at that time his persistence was no longer a matter of 10 minutes.Rather, it is several times as long as 10 minutes.

However, at that time, he had already liked this feeling, so he would no longer find it hard.

After Song Fang's health was well maintained for three months, Song Lili agreed with him to move back to her home, and Song Lili gradually let him handle the business in Song Fang's shop by herself.

After all, this is Song Fang's own shop, and it is impossible for him to help Song Fang take care of it all the time. She still has her own things to do.

Zhang Qinghua has also gone to work.He used up all the vacations he had accumulated before, and it is estimated that there will be very few vacations in the future.

Everything is going well with Daqing and Wang Daming, and the two of them are becoming more and more proficient in doing business.Many things can be solved by themselves, and Song Lili doesn't need much help.

As for Huang Zhen, there was no need for Song Lili to make a move at all, he just had to wait for the dividends.

Song Lili thinks this is the easiest investment for him to make money.

Then he put all his energy on the hot pot restaurant.This is his first career.It is also a career that he will continue in the future.

So Song Li will plan carefully every time, and only after careful consideration will she do what she has planned.

Thinking of the previous meeting with store managers, they felt that the time was right to open another branch.Song Lili also put this matter in the plan, he thinks it's not too early to think about it.

So recently, he has been holding a notebook every day.Write and draw there.Naturally, he is preparing for his new branch.

There were three store managers watching in the store.They can handle daily affairs by themselves, and Song Lili has more time to pay attention to the children.

Then he found out what happened to Xiaochen last time.It seems more calm.

(End of this chapter)

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