Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 885 Return 3

Chapter 885 Return 3
Among the two employees in the store who came back from abroad, the boy had a good idea and was supported by many people, so he was promoted as a team leader.

On the contrary, that girl, her thinking is regular and no different from others, so he is still an ordinary employee.

Song Li seemed dissatisfied with him.However, he didn't care about these things. He gave the opportunity, but he didn't seize it himself. This had nothing to do with Song Lili at all, and he would not take the blame on himself.

The breezy spring is over, and the hot summer is here.

And at this time, Song Lili suddenly received a call from Song Yongren, saying that he would come if he wanted after the autumn harvest was over.Together with Song Jianshe's family.

at this time.Song Lili suddenly felt that all her previous entanglements were useless.sometimes.No matter how much you think about it, it's not as good as a sudden news, just like this time.If the family is coming, can you stop it?

So yeah, it's better to let things take their course.This is Song Lili's idea.Then he readily agreed?
For so many years, the family members have traveled back and forth from the capital, and only Song Jianshe's family has never been here.

Anyway, let them come this time too.So Song Lili didn't bother with her previous thoughts.

Now that you have agreed, just prepare the room for them in advance.

and.Song Yongren has already walked through it once.So I'm not afraid that something will happen to him on the road.He is clear about the general things.

Besides, there is still a lot of time.You can plan slowly.

Last year, their family went back to Hongqi Village to celebrate the New Year.After going back, I had a good chat with my relatives at home.

However, Song Lili is not very interested in these.Because he doesn't seem to have any feelings for those people.I don't think we can go together.

However, the happiest person should be Zhang Shengtian, after all, he has lived in Hongqi Village for decades.The feelings there are still very deep.

A few children don't care about it, because most of their growth time is in the capital, and they are all in this courtyard in the alley.

Maybe Xiaochen has more memories of Hongqi Village, and the other two... sorry, I forgot what it was.

I only know that it is my hometown, but this is just a synonym.

But it is worthwhile to make Zhang Shengtian happy.

The second happiest should be Lin Xue, after all her natal family is there.His relatives are also there, and it is natural for him to be happy.

However, some not so good things happened during this period.That is Lin Xue's relatives, I heard that he made a lot of money in the capital.

Then all the seven aunts and eight aunts came, and they all wanted to ask Lin Xue to help introduce jobs or arrange jobs.

Lin Xue has expanded with his shop in the past two years.After opening a branch.Feeling a little flustered, she agreed to everything.

After agreeing, I found that these people had no place to arrange.I just wanted to discuss with Song Lili if I could arrange to go to a hot pot restaurant.

Manager Song directly rejected his request, he told Lin Xue at the time.

"I hate this kind of thing, haven't you noticed? My hot pot restaurant never arranges people I know well. Like Xia Jun, I love these two people. I didn't arrange them in my restaurant. Why should I Arrange for your relatives?"

He spoke at this time without any scruples about the relationship between the two sisters-in-law for many years.Because of this matter, it seems that Song Lili drew on the edge of the frame, and Lin Xue has already touched it.

He said, "If you want to arrange work, then why don't I arrange my eldest brother in my hot pot restaurant, because it is difficult to manage such people."

"It's not too serious. I don't want to use money to support a group of uncles. This matter is what you promised and you can solve it yourself."

It's not that no one from Song Lili's side came to ask him to arrange work, but Song Lili also refused.

Even the grandson of his uncle's family, he didn't let go.It's just to help find a job, why let Lin Xue arrange it now?

Lin Xue didn't expect Song Lili to say such words. She was so embarrassed for a while that she couldn't keep the smile on her face. After saying goodbye stiffly, she went back to her room.

Since then, I haven't spoken to Song Lili for several days.

Song Lili didn't care about these, so Lin Xue ignored him, and he didn't care too much, nor did he think about easing the relationship between the two of them.

She just wanted to tell Lin Xue clearly that he would not allow or accept such things in the future.

This is her own business, don't drag her into it.

After a few days, the relationship between the two people seems to recover a little bit, and it seems to be different from before.

However, Song Lili didn't care.As we grow older, many problems are opened up.He didn't have so many scruples.

He doesn't care about what other people think, nor does he care about other people's feelings, he just thinks that as long as he lives comfortably.

So, after everyone returned to the capital city, Lin Xue stopped coming to the alley, and only looked for Zhang Shengtian when she came, and left after saying what she wanted to say.

After several visits, Zhang Shengtian discovered this problem.He was still talking about whether the two had a conflict, and he didn't know why the feeling was different from before.

Song Lili just looked at Zhang Shengtian indifferently, and then told him "they didn't have a conflict." It was just that there was a disagreement.

Song Lili didn't take this matter to heart.

Her branch has been opened half a year ago, and the new store has gradually stabilized in the past six months.And the business is also very good.

It seems vaguely that the business of the other three stores is better.

So Song Lili felt that this branch of the hotpot restaurant was relatively successful this time, and that when it opened a branch in the future, it had to take more factors into consideration.

Only in this way can we have more customers.It can also guarantee the benefits of hot pot restaurants.

Summer is almost over and autumn has come.Song Lili was there counting the days, seeing when Song Yongren and the others came here.

He had already planned where Song Yongren would take them to play after he came this time.

But calculating the time, it seems that there is still more than a month before the autumn harvest.After the autumn harvest is over, there are at least two months.He can plan slowly, so he is not in a hurry.

It's just that Song Lili forgot about it when she got busy, until he realized that her plan was not finished yet.Most of autumn has passed.Song Yongren and the others are coming soon.

But he still hadn't figured out where he was going.Where would it be better to take Song Yongren to play this time.

(End of this chapter)

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