Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 916 Song Jianshe’s Answer 4

Chapter 916 Song Jianshe’s Answer 4
Since Song Yongren supports him, there is no need to worry about many issues that he was worried about before.

Now, he just needs to put all his energy on what he will do in the capital in the future.

It has to be said that this is a result that surprised Song Jianshe.

After the father and son chatted for a long time. , Song Jianshe left Song Yongren's room and returned to his own room.

Because he still wants to talk to Xia Niu about this issue.

However, he was not worried that Xia Niu would disagree, because Xia Niu had such a meaning before.

So, he just talked about his decision, and then the husband and wife discussed it.

If they really stayed in the capital, what kind of work would they be able to do in the future to support the family.

Song Jianshe, who left, walked with ease, and seemed to have a kind of vitality in his body.A kind of expectation for the future, and a spirit of wanting to work hard.

This feeling is very weak, but it really appeared in Song Jianshe.

It's just that, it's night now, and no one noticed this subtle change in Song Jianshe's body, and he himself didn't notice it at all.

Song Lili didn't know how Song Jianshe told the rest of the family, and he didn't care about this issue anymore.

Anyway, she already knew the answer, and she was waiting to see if Song Jianshe had any plans for her future.

But no matter what Song Jianshe's plan for her future looks like, Song Lili must have a plan for her future.

Her hot pot restaurant has already opened three or four branches, and now the people in the shop are actually suggesting to her that she can start planning the next branch.

So, Song Lili decided to consider this possibility.

Although she has invested in a lot of industries, the only hot pot restaurant she followed up the whole process by herself.

In Huang Zhen's place, she doesn't care about everything about clothing now, and just waits for the dividends every year.

As for Wang Daming and Daqing's affairs, they were on track.

The two of them can now completely take care of themselves, and they are already considered veterans in the business field, so they don't need Song Lili's help at all.

Similarly, he just needs to wait to get the dividend every year.

There is no need for her to spend extra time on these two sides, and the hot pot restaurant is easy for her to manage.

So she wondered if she should consider opening another branch.

Anyway, she doesn't feel how busy she is now, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with opening another branch.

Moreover, Zhang Shengtian and Song Yongren went out to play around the capital every day, and she was the only one at home, and she didn't want to stay at home alone.

No one talked, and it was boring.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Song Lili decided to go back to the hot pot restaurant to see if there was anything she needed to deal with.

Even if she has nothing to deal with, staying in the store is better than staying at home.

Because she suddenly discovered that she seemed to be the only one who was idle, and everyone else in the family had their own things to do.

Instead, it made her feel very boring, and she also had an idea of ​​wanting to go out to work.

So he also went to the hot pot restaurant, and there was no one at home.

When she arrived at the hot pot restaurant, Song Lili heard a piece of news for her.Neither good nor bad.

But for other people in the store, they should be quite surprised, surprised to hear the news.

That is, one of the two employees who were sent out to various countries, the girl actually offered to resign.

Song Lili gave the two of them a chance before, and the boy seized the opportunity, and he has already been promoted and raised his salary.

Girls don't have it, so they still work in their original positions.

It may be that after going out for a trip, her heart became bigger, so the current position can't meet her needs at all.

Therefore, the female employee offered to resign.

Because this person's situation is quite special, the store manager did not make a decision alone, but told Song Lili first to see what Song Lili's final decision was.

After Song Lili heard this, she didn't feel much troubled in her heart.

Or in this case, she should have a little premonition in her heart.

So, after a moment of silence, she said, "Since she wants to resign, then she agrees."

"The employees we want are employees who are willing to create value for us, not employees whose mind is no longer in the store."

"Since he already has the idea of ​​leaving. Then let's get together and get together, let's agree, and don't stop him, or the other party may feel uncomfortable in the future."

And on her side, maybe she won't get any benefit.

After all, work is also about what you like and what you want, as long as one party is not happy, then there will definitely be problems.

Song Lili actually didn't want to see such a thing happen in her shop.

After hearing Song Lili's words, the store manager said that he understood how to deal with this matter.

The store manager didn't say anything to Song Lili to keep the female employee.

Because in everyone's opinion, the ability of that female employee is actually not very good.

Even if she went out to work elsewhere, but when she came back, she was still the same.

Unlike the male employee, after going out, it seems that he really learned a lot.

It can be seen from what happened last time.

So now that the employee resigns, no one thinks about the need to keep her.

This matter did not leave any trace in Song Lili's heart at all.In her opinion, it was just a small thing.

After the store manager left, she went back to her office, found a piece of paper, and spread it out in front of her.

Take out a pen and start thinking, thinking, the possibility of opening another branch next.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, she still didn't write a single word.

Because her thoughts are quite chaotic now, she doesn't know where to start writing first.

Although she has a lot of thoughts in her mind, she hasn't figured it out yet.

Therefore, that piece of paper was still placed there as it was.

After thinking about it for a long time, Song Lili decided not to think about it.

Opening a branch is not something that happens overnight.Since you can't figure it out now, save it for next time, when you have a chance, think about it.

There will always be a time when everything is sorted out.

Therefore, Song Lili very Buddhistly gave up her plan just now, and instead sat in the office and started to be in a daze.

Watching the staff coming and going outside, watching the customers coming in and out of the store.

Before you know it, time has passed.

(End of this chapter)

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