Chapter 931

And it was the sadness and disappointment again and again that wiped away all Wang Daming's feelings.

Now, facing this cousin, Wang Daming is only irritable and impatient.

So why did he go to help her again?
His own home was in turmoil because of this Wang Shan before, and now that life is finally getting better, does he want to experience that kind of thing again?
Wang Daming didn't want to, so this time, he made up his mind that he would never help Wang Shan.

With a decision in his heart, Wang Daming felt a lot more relaxed, with a feeling of enlightenment.

Wang Daming raised his head, there was no despair in his eyes, instead there was a kind of determination in it.

He looked at Song Lili and said seriously, "Lili, I've made up my mind. This time, I won't help. I'll tell my family."

"You're right. I hope Wang Shan's conscience will find out that this is simply impossible. Since this is impossible, why should I help her again?"

"Even this time, my family blamed me. I won't change my mind again."

Wang Daming thought that his wife and children had suffered too much for him.

This time, he should think about his wife and children.

As for the family members, if they want to love Wang Shan and love Wang Shan, then let them do it.

Anyway, this time, Wang Daming will not compromise again.

Song Lili was very pleased that Wang Daming was able to make such a decision, which would avoid a lot of trouble in the future.

So she laughed happily, "It's fine if you decide. Now that you have decided, then go and do it well."

"Now, you have the ability to support your family and children. Even if your parents don't support you, they have no influence on you."

Don't blame Song Li for saying such indifferent words, because in her opinion, Wang Daming's parents shouldn't ask Wang Daming like this at all.

Since his parents have done things they shouldn't have done, what's wrong with Wang Daming working hard for the life he wants?
To say something disrespectful, I want a harmonious family, a loving father and a filial son.Then parents must ensure that what you do is really fatherly kindness, only then can the son be filial.

This is in sequence.

Since Wang Daming's parents made their own choice, there is nothing wrong with Wang Daming making his own choice.

If Song Lili was standing in this position.Then she will choose to follow her heart and ask her heart whether she will help or not.

Now, Wang Daming also has his own decision.And this time, he seemed to follow his own heart and choose his truest thoughts.

I hope this time, it will not be anticlimactic, and the thunder and rain will be a little less. In the end, Wang Daming chose to compromise again.

I hope this time, he can fight to the end and fight for what he wants.

"If there is anything that needs my help, then just say, what I can do, I will definitely help you." This is the support Song Lili can give Wang Daming.

Wang Daming needs to do the rest by himself.

After the two of them finished talking, they returned to the place where everyone was chatting and continued the previous topic.

However, at this time, Wang Daming felt much more relaxed, and the smile on his face was no longer as reluctant as before.

There seemed to be a hint of gloom in his eyes before, but now he has returned to the familiar Wang Daming, with a hearty smile, like a sunny boy.

People with sensitive minds have already noticed the changes in Wang Daming.

Zhang Qinghua looked up at Song Lili, then turned around and continued chatting with Song Jianshe.

However, he already had a judgment in his heart, and he could probably guess that it was because Lili had persuaded Wang Daming, and he himself had made a decision.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Qinghua's mouth.He also hoped in his heart that Wang Daming could persevere to the end this time.

Because, maybe this time, he will be able to solve this problem completely, and he will never have to face Wang Shan's harassment again.

However, it depends on how far Wang Daming can do it.

Everything he does will determine what his life will look like in the future.

That night, everyone still chatted until very late before breaking up.

But this night, some people's moods have changed, and there is a big difference from before.

It's just that these changes are all internal, so very few people can see them.

When there were only Zhang Qinghua and Song Lili in the room, Zhang Qinghua asked, "Has Wang Daming made a decision yet?"

Song Lili was not surprised either, why did Zhang Qinghua know this, because Zhang Qinghua himself had a strong observation ability.

So it is entirely possible to guess something from Wang Daming's body language.

Song Lili nodded, "He made a decision. He chose not to help Wang Shan this time. It's just that he chose a path that is difficult for him now. I hope he can persevere."

After persevering, what he will obtain in the future will be results that he himself could not have imagined.

Song Lili and his wife both had the same question in their minds.

It also has to be said that this is a tacit understanding between the two of them.

It can also be said that it is not that the family does not enter the family, no wonder they can live in harmony for so many years.

Sometimes it is called that when faced with some problems, the two of them can be cold-blooded.

But Song Lili didn't think it was wrong for her to do so.

And when he gave advice to his friends, he also followed his own thoughts.

After Wang Daming made his decision, he told his wife Yu Lihong when he went home at night.

"I'll call home tomorrow. We can't help with Wang Shan's matter, and I don't have the ability to find a job for Wang Shan."

"So, let him go back in two days." Wang Shan's stay here has no other purpose except to cause trouble for her family.

Wang Daming no longer wants to see Wang Shan at home.

He was looking forward to the reunion of his family with great difficulty, and a peaceful and beautiful life. He didn't want to be beaten to pieces because of Wang Shan.

He still wants to live a good life, and he still wants his son and daughter-in-law.

Yu Lihong was a little worried, "Is this really okay? Parents must not agree?"

Over the years, Yu Lihong has seen clearly how much that family member loves Wang Shan.

So, you don't have to think about it, you can know it.The family did not agree at all.

If Wang Daming doesn't help this time, their home will be bombed.

(End of this chapter)

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