Chapter 951
After returning home, Song Jianshe was still making furniture in the yard. He had been making chairs for the past two days, and only the last two were left.

Looking at the chairs gradually taking shape in the yard, Song Lili thought, now is the time to ask about the furniture market.

See if anyone wants the furniture designed by Song Lili.

"Brother, can you finish it tomorrow? Are you going to find the buyer yourself, or should I go with you?"

Song Lili still habitually asks Song Jianshe for his opinion, and she is also consciously cultivating it.Song Jianjian has the ability to handle these things independently.

Because in the future, Song Jianshe will handle these matters by himself, and Song Lili will not be able to do it for her.Song Jianshe must know and deal with these things.

It's best to be able to do things with ease so that Song Li can stop worrying about her.

Song Jianshe stopped what he was doing.After thinking for a while, he said to Song Lili, "You wait for me for a day. After I make these two chairs tomorrow, I will go with you."

Song Jianshe doesn't want to rely on his sister.It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he doesn't want to put all these burdens on his sister's shoulders.

In Song Jianshe's heart, he is the man of the family, so these responsibilities should be borne by him.

He couldn't let his sister worry about these things carelessly.

In Song Jianshe's heart.He felt that his sister should be protected by him.

So when Song Lili asked him, he decided to go with Song Lili without any hesitation.

It's just that he thought about whether to finish the last two chairs, so there was a little pause.

Song Jianshe also wants to complete these things independently, and doesn't want his sister to follow him around all day.

Otherwise, seeing his sister busy all day for him like that, his heart will be very distressed.

Song Jianshe still has a little dark idea.That is, after he has enough ability to make money, he will protect his sister.Let my sister's future life become more and more smooth.

So, he is working hard, working hard to become stronger.

Song Lili didn't know about Song Jianshe's thoughts, but she was satisfied with Song Jianshe's decision.

If Song Jianshe didn't want to go out for a run, then Song Lili would still feel a little disappointed.

Even trying to find a way to persuade Song Jianshe to follow her.

Right now, Song Jianshe said that she had such an idea, and she didn't need to say anything more, so this matter was decided so happily.

After the siblings discussed it, Song Lili went back to her room. She didn't know anything about furniture and couldn't help.

Moreover, Song Yongren and Zhang Shengtian, who helped Song Jianshe, couldn't get in at all. It's better to go back to the room to read a book, or do your own things, and don't disturb them outside.

Outside, the two fathers chatted and handed Song Jianshe tools or wood from time to time. The atmosphere among the three was also very good.

As for Xia Niu at home, Song Lili doesn't want to talk to her, and doesn't want to communicate with her.

And Xia Niu didn't want to get close to Song Li, so the two of them would not interfere with each other, and would not disturb each other.

Song Lili likes the current way of getting along very much.Without too much communication, there will be no unnecessary quarrels.It also reduces conflicts a lot.

So she thinks of herself these days.Still had a good time.

And she didn't have much to do at home, and there were several other store managers to help with things in the store, so Song Lili didn't need to worry about it at all.

Now, Song Lili only needs to do a good job with Song Jianshe, and there is nothing else.

Song Yongren helped Zhang Shengtian take care of the children in the family, so Song Lili couldn't trouble the children at all.

As for other things, they are just trivial things.

It has been a long time since Song Jianshe and his family came to the capital. During this period of time, they have already figured out the way of getting along between the two families, and the atmosphere has long been harmonious.

After Song Lili returned to her room, she still thought about the next thing carefully, and planned what she should do, so as to protect Song Jianshe's interests to the greatest extent and allow him to quickly find his confidence.

Don't look at Song Jianshe is busy every day now, but his heart is not at ease, and he looks very anxious every day.

Song Lili knew what he was worried about.But, just like what Song Lili said before.

Before seeing the results, it was impossible for Song Jianshe to let go of his heart.

What Song Lili needs to do is to let Song Jianshe see the real benefits.

In other words, let him see the furniture he made, which is actually very popular.There is no unsellable result that he thought.

Only in this way can Song build confidence to the greatest extent, so that he will no longer have any worries.

And the most direct way is for him to get the money in his hand. This is the greatest guarantee for Song Jianshe's information.

Song Lili knew very well that money was the greatest source of confidence, so she had to think carefully about how to sell these three sets of furniture at the best price.

Half an hour later, Song Lili had an idea in her heart, and she had more confidence.

However, these are just her thoughts.He didn't tell Song Jianshe, nor did he think about discussing it with Song Jianshe.

These thoughts in Song Lili's mind came about after Song Jianshe couldn't sell her stuff.

If Song Jianshe had the ability to let others fancy his furniture, then Song Lili wouldn't have to make a move.

Anyway, Song Jianshe can handle it, and isn't Song Lili's purpose just to exercise Song Jianshe's ability?So why did Song Lili intervene?

After thinking about all this clearly, Song Lili left the room and watched Song Jianshe make the furniture. She felt that she still needed to understand the production process, so that she could introduce this set of furniture to others in more detail and strive for better results. conditions of.

Song Jianshe didn't feel anything about Song Lili's arrival.

Anyway, these days, when anyone in the family is free, they will stand in the yard and watch him make furniture.

After a long time, Song Jianshe himself got used to it, and didn't feel anything unusual at all.

Song Jianshe was actually telling himself in his heart that he should hurry up and make all these furniture, so that he could earn the first sum of money.

In the future, I will never have the idea of ​​taking advantage of my sister.

Song Jianshe thought, if he sells well this time, he must pay his sister for food.

Forget about the rent, if you even count the rent, you will have a split with your sister, but you must pay for the food.

The whole family eats and drinks at my sister's place.Song Jianshe felt that he did not have such a thick skin.Let the younger sister support the family for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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