Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 964 Cousin Is Coming 4

Chapter 964 Cousin Is Coming 4
If others are really envious, it seems to be justifiable.

So she nodded very rudely, "I thought about it, and I found that what you said is quite right, but Fangfang, you don't envy me, do you? Your life is similar to mine."

Since Song Fang cut off contact with her husband's family, her life is also going well.

There were no father-in-law or mother-in-law to press her down, and Chu Ci also listened to her at home, so Song Fang's life was not bad.

There was no envy or hatred towards Song Lili on Song Fang's face, because she had a good life herself, so naturally she would not envy Song Lili.

"My life is okay now. I don't have any big things at home. I just do some housework every day. After I finish it, I don't need to do anything. I can live comfortably."

There is no way for the in-laws to find work for them.Her natal family will not find work for Song Fang either.

So Song Fang's life is also very comfortable.

The two sisters were talking, they suddenly looked at each other, and realized once again that the two of them are really living a good life now.

"By the way, I should have told you about Zhang Zeyu coming to the capital, right?" Suddenly, Song Lili asked Song Fang.

Because she didn't seem to remember, did he tell Song Fang about this.

And Song Fang's expression also gave Song Lili the answer, "Zhang Zeyu is coming? When is he coming? Why don't I know?"

Song Fang's repeated questions also made Song Lili a little guilty. Did she forget to tell Song Fang about this?
Then, Song Lili stabilized her mind and controlled her expression, just not wanting Fangfang to see him guilty.

Very calmly, he showed an innocent expression to Song Fang, "Didn't I tell you? I remember I said it, did you forget?"

Song Fang shook her head affirmatively, "No, you never told me, this is the first time I've heard about it."

"If you told me before, I would definitely remember." Song Fang thought her memory was not bad.

If you have heard of this before.She will definitely remember.

Song Lili continued her efforts, "How is it possible? I must have said this matter, even if I didn't say it. Didn't Da Da and the others tell you? They also knew about this matter."

Song Lili quietly gave herself a compliment in her heart, it was very good, it was a success, Fangfang should not blame herself.

Song Fang was speechless. The whole family knew her feelings. When it arrived, she was the only one who was still in the dark?
He rolled his eyes at Song Lili directly, "You all know about it, I'm the only one who doesn't?"

"If you didn't suddenly think of it today. Would it be that I would not know that they are coming to the capital until they arrive?"

"Sister, why are you unreliable now. Why didn't you tell me about such a thing?"

Although there is not much love between Song Fang and Zhang Zeyu.

However, it's a matter of relatives. If Zhang Zeyu came and she didn't know anything, it would be embarrassing.

"No, don't worry, I will definitely call you the day before Zhang Zeyu's arrival, because I plan to invite them to my house for dinner, and I will definitely have you by then."

So the embarrassing situation that Song Fang thought of did not exist at all.

However, after all, Song Fang was not informed of this matter, so Song Lili was still very guilty in her heart, and did not dare to argue with Song Fang.

Song bared his teeth at Song Lili angrily.After snorting, Song Lili was finally let go.

Anyway, things have become like this.What else can I do but forgive my sister?

Even if this topic is over, the two sisters did not talk about it again.

How your own life is going, you can be clear in your heart.

Moreover, the topic of the two sisters is not suitable for other people to hear.Because many people will feel that the two of them are showing off.

This is another characteristic of people. Many people, when they are inferior to others, will misinterpret what others mean, thinking that what others have brought up in front of them is showing off, not just a casual mention.

Song Lili is well versed in human nature, so she naturally understands this truth.Song Fang is not bad either, so naturally he knows no less than Song Lili.

The two sisters gave each other a look of understanding, and let go of this topic. They didn't plan to continue talking, but talked about how to spend this year's New Year.

This year was the first New Year for Song Jianshe's family in the capital, and Song Lili was afraid that they would not be used to it here.

He was even thinking about whether to let them stop and go straight back to Hongqi Village for the New Year.

Because when they came to the capital, they didn't intend to stay in the capital forever, so all the things at home were entrusted to the neighbors to take care of them.

Because they planned to go back at that time.Now that he has decided to stay in the capital, the things at home must be dealt with.

We can't always ask the neighbors to help take care of it. In that case, the neighbors will also complain and be unhappy.

Song Lili told Song Jianshe her concerns, and Song Jianshe also felt that they should go home today.

At the very least, after the family is settled properly, they can develop in the capital without any worries.

And Xiaxia Niu, her natal family also needs to talk about it, but she can't just stay in the capital without making a sound.

What Song Yongren thought of was Song Lili's uncle's house, which also needs to be told, and let them know.

The whole family thought it would be nice to go back to Hongqi Village for the New Year.

After all, they have only been in the capital for a few months, and they have not fully adapted to life in the capital.

Especially during the Chinese New Year, every family is reunited, so they will subconsciously return to the place they are most familiar with.

And the home they recognize now is still in Hongqi Village.

Therefore, the family felt that it would be better to go back to Hongqi Village to celebrate the New Year.

Song Lili thought their decision was pretty good.

They spent the New Year in Hongqi Village this year.If you come to the capital again, you will not be anxious.

After adapting well in the capital for a year, when the Chinese New Year is next year, they will no longer have the feeling of returning home like an arrow.

At that time, they should have a sense of belonging to the capital, at least they can regard the capital as their second hometown.

Even if they celebrate the New Year here, they won't feel uncomfortable, and they won't feel empty. This is Song Lili's consideration for them.

After all, it is normal to be away from home for the first time, to be homesick, and to think about everything you are familiar with.

Song Lili had experienced this kind of feeling before, so she naturally understood everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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