Chapter 225

It was already evening, and Lao Zhu brought Zhu Biao and others back to the palace. Empress Ma hadn't found Lao Zhu for a long time today. Seeing him come back with two basins in his hand, she said, "Where did you get the basin? It's worth your money." Take it back yourself."

"Sister, we got two pots, let Yu Yi make some soup for us tonight, soak our feet, it's very comfortable." Old Zhu shook his hand behind his back, indicating that Zhu Biao can go back.

Zhu Biao turned around to leave when he heard Empress Ma's voice: "Biao'er, come to your mother's place for dinner tomorrow."

"Your servant has made a note." Zhu Biao turned and left the Qianqing Palace, he still had to worry about the affairs of civil servants and science and technology officials.

In Nanjing City, the lanterns have been lit one after another, there are groups of painted boats on the Qinhuai River, and wanderers on both sides of the strait talk about poetry and prose.The warm wind has made the tourists a little drunk.

Prime Minister's Mansion, Li Family.

There are two dishes and a bottle of wine on the table. Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong drink and talk.

Hu Weiyong's cheeks were flushed from drinking, his drunken eyes floated, he raised his glass and said: "Xiangguo, when I was in Zhongshu Province today, my opinion was rejected by Yang Xian, and he contradicted me in public."

"Then how did you do it?" Li Shanchang put the food into his mouth and looked at him, "Tell me."

"Me?" Hu Weiyong put the wine glass heavily on the table and said, "What can I do? I praise and praise him, and I am disgusted by myself. It's just that we want to watch him surpass Xiangguo?"

"Does Yang Xian believe it? According to his personality, he will believe it naturally. If he believes it, he is frivolous." Li Shanchang poured a glass of wine.His face was serious.

"I didn't say anything." Hu Weiyong raised his neck and drank his wine: "Xiangguo, will your majesty send those members of the Academy of National Scholars to Zhongshu Province in the future?"

"Your Majesty's expectations for the National Academy of Scholars, I can feel, are even better than ours." Li Shanchang nodded and drank the wine.

"Weiyong, wait and see what happens, we need to be patient."

"When will we endure to be the leader? It used to be Yang Xian, and now we have added those science and technology officials from the National Academy of Scholars. Could it be that we just watched the Zhongshu Province be taken over by them. Tolerate until Liu Bowen and the others ride on our heads .

It seems that Liu Bowen is relying on the scientific and technological officials to gain His Majesty's appreciation. The Weaving Bureau's income is equal to half of the imperial court's tax in just a few months. Those agricultural officials are praised by His Majesty. "

"It's still the same sentence, forbearance." Li Shanchang sat upright and said these two words.

"Small intolerance can lead to big plans. Everyone makes mistakes, and evidence is needed, understand." Li Shanchang pointed to Hu Weiyong: "Seize the key point and hit it once."

"Xiangguo, do you have to endure it until the Zhedong party's knife rests on your neck?" Hu Weiyong looked at Li Shanchang indignantly: "Xiangguo!"

"Yes, Ren, as long as we can keep our breath, we will have a bright future. There is a saying that when the water is full, it will overflow, and when the moon is full, it will lose money. If anyone wants to perish, let him go crazy." Li Shan looks like an old monk. Sit down.

Hu Weiyong nodded, it seemed that he was still too impatient, and Xiangguo was the master.

"Come on, Xiangguo." Hu Weiyong poured the wine and said to Li Shanchang: "My elder brother has a daughter waiting in his boudoir, why don't I keep a matchmaker and marry Xiangguo's nephew."

"You mean Cunyi's son Li You." Li Shanchang asked.

"Xiangguo, it is Li You."

Li You is the younger brother of Li Shanchang, the son of Li Cunyi, the prime minister of Taipusi, and Hu Weiyong had this idea.

"It's a good thing, let's talk about it tomorrow." Li Shanchang stroked his beard and nodded.

"Well, I'll go to my brother's house tomorrow to talk about this matter. It will be a good thing for our Li and Hu families to get married then." Hu Weiyong poured him a glass of wine.

"Yes, it's a good thing." Li Shanchang raised his glass and drank it down.

After Hu Weiyong saw that Li Shanchang agreed to marry him as in-laws.Immediately, he smiled happily. He was tying Li Xiangguo to a rope, and he would not abandon himself.

Then the two talked about the upcoming Enke North Field. What Li Shanchang meant was that it would be even better if he could win over this group of students, and the court and China could do more things.

The days passed quickly, and the Enke North Competition in April went smoothly, and those students thanked His Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince under the rankings after winning.

Afterwards, some of their students bought some things and sent them to Shen's Inn to express their feelings.

Zhu Biao heard that Enke North Field was held very well, so he arranged for Yang Xian to congratulate the students.

Time passed quickly, and it was mid-April in a blink of an eye.

"Biao'er, Xu Da will go to Beiping Mansion in a few days. The First Army of the Ming Dynasty will be handed over to him temporarily. As for the girl from the Xu family, we think she is talented in marching and fighting. Let her go to practice, you I can't bear it."

Letting Xu Miaowei follow Xu Da to stay in the army of Beiping Mansion for a year or so seems to be a very difficult thing, but in fact Zhu Biao understands the good intentions of old Zhu.

"My son is naturally willing, Miaowei likes to be in the army." Zhu Biao said.

"Now the Salt Bureau and the Weaving Bureau are on the right track, and the mining factory is also very good, but we still have some concerns. We want to recover Sichuan." Old Zhu said.

Zhu Biao asked: "Father the emperor wants who is the best."

"Chang Yuchun and Tang Shengzong." Lao Zhu said, "In June this year, the north can be considered to be able to harvest some wheat, and the immigration strategy needs to be discussed at another time.

The people are quite stable, and those small countries around them should also be beaten, and we will find a way to accept them if we can. "

Zhu Biao nodded. Now many things are going on simultaneously. Lao Zhu can't wait to regain Sichuan.

After the father and son finished speaking, they got up and went to Queen Ma.

The meal was ready, although it was a little simple, but the chef's cooking was delicious, and the three of them ate quietly.

Empress Ma glanced at Zhu Biao, and said to him: "Biaoer, Xu Da is going to Beiping Mansion in a few days, and that girl Miaowei will go with her. If you are free these days, you should go and see her too. Your future bedside person."

"That's right, let's talk about you. Now that you are a big brother, when will we have a little grandson, why don't you care about it?"

The husband and wife took turns talking about Zhu Biao.

"By the way, yesterday, Li Shanchang said that Li You, the son of Li Cunyi in the Taipu Temple, was going to be married, and he became a relative with Hu Weiyong's family." Old Zhu spoke with deep meaning.

"Chongba, Li Xiang followed you when you were suffering. The last scientific examination made Song Lian sick for a few days." Empress Ma said.

"Sister? I remember, we happily called him Mr. back then." Lao Zhu said so, but he remembered that time in his heart.

He, Li Shanchang, turned around and became Guo Tianxu's guest, and a few women bought him off. This thorn in his heart would hurt him from time to time.

Seeing Lao Zhu in a daze, Empress Ma touched his arm and said, "What are you thinking, the food is getting cold, why don't you eat it?"

"We didn't think about it. The food doesn't taste very good today." Lao Zhu said to Empress Ma while chewing the food.

Zhu Biao glanced at Empress Ma and tasted the dishes on the table. The imperial chef cooked them very well and the taste was delicious, but there was nothing wrong with the taste.

Old Zhu must be in a bad mood.

Then Zhu Biao stood up and said, "I'm full, so I'll go back first."

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(End of this chapter)

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