Chapter 48
Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was neither loud nor soft, and all the officials were shocked when they heard it.

Even if the crown prince is kind and talented, he has never dealt with state affairs, and it is enough to let him listen to the government, so why ask the crown prince's opinion on this matter.

He has no experience, so he can express his opinion, but His Majesty actually asked him to decide this matter.

Although the Crown Prince has decided on the Ming Dynasty Resident Register, state affairs are not trivial matters.

Zhu Biao glanced at these people, they didn't say anything, but in fact their expressions and faces had already betrayed themselves.

Seeing a group of people arguing for themselves, all asking for money, Zhu Biao didn't talk nonsense.

He got up and saluted Zhu Yuanzhang.Then he said: "Since the father has placed high hopes on his son, the minister has the courage to briefly express his own opinion. If there is anything wrong, please tell the father."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and motioned him to speak up if he had any opinions.

Just as he was about to speak, Li Shanchang coughed lightly and said, "Your Majesty, everyone knows that Mr. Liu is from Prince Zhan's residence. I think this matter will embarrass the Prince."

Li Shanchang seemed to be thinking about Zhu Biao, but in fact he did it on purpose.If Zhu Biao let Yangzhou transfer money.Then hundreds of officials will think it is biased.

Even if Yangzhou needs silver, it is unclear.

Zhu Biao said with a smile: "I would like to thank Prime Minister Li for your gratitude, but from what I see, the Northern Expedition is a major event. The recovery of the Han family and the unification of the Ming Dynasty are imminent. We should conquer and recover the north as soon as possible. If the time drags on for a long time, it will definitely make the north The flames of war are raging, and it is difficult to restore vitality. In the next few years, the Ming Dynasty will only be seriously injured.

The matter of the Northern Expedition should be resolved quickly and should not be delayed any longer.Restoration of Yangzhou is also a major event. Restoring the people's arable land and carrying out production will make Daming come alive as soon as possible, and everything will start to run.

The war should be carried out quickly, and the lack of food, grass, soldiers and horses, the Ministry of War must clearly state your number needs.

As for Yangzhou.Before Yangzhou was in ruins, when there were only a dozen families and a few trees left, it was fine to be alone.

Now the restoration of Yangzhou can also be resolved, and the matter of money will not be contested with the Ministry of War.

Prime Minister Li, do you think Gu's analysis is right? "

For the Northern Expedition, Zhu Biao hoped that he could break through directly, so that the North could quickly enter his plan.

The Minister of the Household Department hurriedly came out and reported the road to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Your Majesty, there is a shortage of silver deposits, and there are not many cash coins that can be taken out."

Zhu Biao also knew that in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, there was a shortage of money and food, and he was not very rich, so he said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Father, don't worry. For the army, food, grass, soldiers and horses are necessary and indispensable for victory."

"Then Biaoer, do you have a good way to tell me?" Zhu Yuanzhang knew the money and food in his treasury. Although what Biaoer said just now was credible, it was not easy to implement.

Hu Weiyong said with a smile: "I have the guts to say that this money and food is not so easy to collect, it is not an easy task, Your Highness has to do what you can."

Zhu Biao stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at Hu Weiyong and said, "Your Majesty Hu, don't worry, I'm sure that I dare to say that in the hall now."

Zhu Yuanzhang who was next to him felt unhappy when he heard someone questioning his son, but he didn't express it. He said to Hu Weiyong: "Since the prince is sure about this matter, then leave it to the prince."

Li Shanchang came out of the class and said: "I will report to Your Majesty."

"Say." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"The transportation of grain and grass consumes a huge amount, and it must also cost too much." Li Shanchang reported.

Historically, grain grain in the early Ming Dynasty included Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Huguang, Henan and Shandong.

In the future, the economy along the coast of the water transport will have hundreds of thousands of people eating water transport. The more interests involved with the officials, the more they will be opposed by the ministers in the future.

Zhu Biao felt that it would be better to mention the matter of shipping to Lao Zhu today.

Facing Lao Zhu, Zhu Biao said: "It is also feasible to transport grain by water, but because of years of wars with the Yuan court, some parts of the canal have been blocked and some conditions have occurred. If we transport grain by sea, it will save a lot of time.

In addition, a few days ago, the emperor asked the Jiangbei and Jiangnan navy to escort. If the north is to be developed in the future, Haiyun's son thinks it is necessary. "

The Minister of the Ministry of War glanced at Li Shanchang, then at Zhu Yuanzhang, and asked for instructions.

"Your Majesty, this method of Your Majesty can be implemented in the future, but for now, to be on the safe side, we still need to replenish food and grass by land."

Shipping?When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he frowned and thought.

The civil and military officials did not have much opposition to Zhu Biaoti's shipping, because the canal had long been out of service since the Yuan court battle.

In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was no time to carry out water transportation and sea transportation. Now I say that the possibility of implementing it is very high.

When the water transportation has a scale and then develops, the officials who touch the interests will not be so easy to talk about.

Water transportation and sea transportation are parallel, and the probability is also higher.

"The minister seconded the proposal. I believe that the sea transportation mentioned by His Highness can be considered in the future. When General Xu conquers the capital, when connecting the northern economy and restoring people's livelihood, water transportation is indispensable. At the same time, sea transportation can also be used in parallel. Your Highness's approach is very wise." Mu Ying came out and said.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Liu Bowen: "What do you think, sir?"

Liu Bowen replied: "At that time, the food supply of the Yuan court and parts of the north was mainly from the south of the Yangtze River.

The grain in the south of the Yangtze River was transported to Zhigu by sea, and then to Dadu by river.The grain grains transported to Dadu amounted to more than one million shi in the Zhiyuan and Dade years, and later increased to more than 350 million shi.The highest amount of annual transportation in the Yuan Dynasty was more than [-] million stones, which shows that water transportation is very important.

If water, sea, and land are implemented, the north-south economy will definitely be accelerated and the Ming Dynasty will be unified and prosperous. "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "We agree with the prince's idea, we agree!

If any Aiqing still has different opinions, he can write memorials.Who else is playing now? "

Zhu Yuanzhang asked several times, and when he saw that no one was out of work, he said: "Today we heard the good news of the Northern Expedition, and we were very moved, so we decided to go to Bianliang and then join Xu Da.

During our absence, Liu Bowen, Muying, and Li Shanchang, you all helped the prince well, remember. "

"The minister leads the decree." Liu Bowen said.

"The minister leads the order." Li Shanchang hesitated for a few seconds and said.

There were still ministers who wanted to express their opinions, but they were all interrupted by Zhu Yuanzhang: "The prince's ability, all the lovers, have also seen it. Let's talk about this matter, so it's settled."

All the ministers were very surprised that Zhu Biao said just now that Yangzhou was restored, and that Yinzi came to find a way.

Even Li Shanchang sneered in his heart. Although what he said was good, the construction of Yangzhou was not just a few words, and it could be restored with a few thousand taels of silver.

This His Highness is too exaggerated, if that's the case, just wait and see his jokes, it can't be solved with courage and mouth, it needs to use vain money and vain food. OK.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "In the future, we will take Hu Weiyong and others to the north, and the matter of raising money in Yangzhou will be handed over to the prince."

(End of this chapter)

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