good meal

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
Nodding slightly, Chu Liangrao said, "It's hard work on you, go down and rest."

"Yes." Ding Lan retreated obediently, and bowed to Huo Tainan who had just bathed and changed.

Huo Tainan, who was dressed in a fresh suit, waved his hand to show off, and then walked towards Chu Liangrao and asked, "You chose it so soon?"

"It's thanks to Ding Lan's eyesight, but I'll let the masters in the store take a look at these tomorrow and pick them out." Chu Liangrao said, picked up the square handkerchief again, and said, "You Look, it's still double-sided embroidery."

"I think it would be better if you embroidered it for me." Huo Tainan said.

"Aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open?" Chu Liangrao put away the handkerchief, stood up to let Huo Tainan sit down, and stretched out his hands to help him massage, "You are tired today, I will give you a good massage. "

"Well, it's comfortable." Huo Tainan narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, and said, "My wife's bones are really broken after pressing like this."

"Poor mouth." Chu Liangrao said with a smile.

Huo Tainan opened his eyes, looked at Chu Liangrao's face and said, "Ah Rao."

"Huh?" Chu Liangrao brushed his loose long hair to his chest and asked, "But did it hurt you?"

"I have rough skin and thick flesh, how can I be hurt by your little fist, but does your hand hurt?" Huo Tainan took Chu Liangrao's hand in front of his mouth and blew, and by the way, he said loudly Baji kissed on the back of the hand.

"You..." Chu Liangrao said shyly and angrily, "Why are you taking advantage of this opportunity?"

Huo Tainan said as if I was a hooligan who I was afraid of, "You are my wife, why are you taking advantage of me?"

Chu Liangrao thought about it, so he simply didn't bother with him, and just pulled back his hand, but he couldn't pull it out, so he said, "How can I help you if you don't let go?"

Hearing this, Huo Tainan pulled her into his arms and let her sit on his lap.

"Ah", Chu Liangrao gave Huo Tainan a light hammer and asked, "What's wrong with everything?"

"I just miss you." Huo Tainan said honestly.

Leaning her head on his generous shoulder, Chu Liangrao said reliantly, "I miss you too."

The soft voice revealed deep meaning, Huo Tainan's Adam's apple moved up and down, and his body felt a little hot.

Feeling strange, Chu Liangrao hurriedly stood up and said, "Husband is hungry? Do you want to have supper?"

Before Huo Tainan could answer, she hurried out of the room and got into the kitchen.

Seeing Chu Liangrao escape, Huo Tainan couldn't help but laugh, he must be hungry, but... What he wants is not supper.

Chu Liangrao made a bowl of egg-skin wontons and served them with a few golden corn omelets. Just looking at it makes people feel appetizing.Not to mention the scent, Huo Tainan, who wasn't hungry at all, smelled it and followed, his eyes gleaming.

Seeing Huo Tainan's delicious food, Chu Liangrao was a little bit greedy, but she didn't indulge herself, but ran into the house to practice yoga.

After eating a bowl of chaos and two cornbread, Huo Tainan returned to the house very satisfied, and leaned on the couch to watch Chu Liangrao practice yoga gracefully.Chu Liangrao was not affected, and breathed slowly in conjunction with the stretching movements, and his soft body also posed according to his mind.

Although it was not the first time to watch it, Huo Tainan was still fascinated by it. After Chu Liangrao finished, he said: "Your kung fu is really good."

Chu Liangrao dipped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, and asked, "What's wrong? Tell me?"

"You look good." Huo Tainan replied honestly.

Indeed, the movements made by yoga are soft and beautiful, and double yoga can also enhance feelings.Thinking about it, Chu Liangrao rolled his eyes and said, "You can do it together, how about I teach you tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Huo Tainan said with a serious face: "I practice boxing on weekdays, so I don't need it. This set of kung fu is soft and soft, so it's not suitable for a rough man like me."

Are you afraid that yoga is too gentle?Chu Liangrao shook Huo Tainan's arm and said, "Good husband, why don't you stay with me?"

Being shaken twice by Chu Liangrao, Huo Tainan's heart softened, but he still didn't agree, he just declined and said: "Let's talk about it when the time comes."

Seeing that this trick didn't work, Chu Liangrao flattered Huo Tainan and squeezed his shoulders and beat his back to bring tea and water.As for Huo Tainan, he remained as unmoved as Mount Tai. Although Chu Liangrao's cute appearance had already made his heart itch, he did not waver.

This is useless?Chu Liangrao pursed her lips, thinking that this time she was going to use a big move!

Thinking about it, she lowered her head, leaned into Huo Tainan's ear and exhaled softly, and said, "Could the husband have the heart to see the lady alone?" As she spoke, she blinked her eyes, full of energy.

Such a charming Chu Liangrao was rarely seen even by Huo Tainan, and his ecstatic eyes made his mouth dry.

Seeing Huo Tainan's change, Chu Liangrao struck while the iron was hot, and called out softly: "Husband..."

"You girl!" Huo Tainan couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately hugged Chu Liangrao by the waist.

Chu Liangrao's face turned pale with fright, in order to stabilize her center of gravity, she put her hands on Huo Tainan's chest, pushed her face forward, and kissed Huo Tainan's chin.

Feeling the soft touch, Huo Tainan hugged the person in his arms tightly, patted Chu Liangrao's buttocks with one hand, and said as if teaching a child: "I know how to stir up trouble, this time I have to give you some Lessons can't be taught."

Although it didn't hurt this time, Chu Liangrao looked aggrieved and said, "How can I have it?"

"Still said no?" Huo Tainan raised his eyebrows.

"Cough." Chu Liangrao stuck out his little tongue and said, "Well, it's an extraordinary time, is it an extraordinary means?"

Seeing that Chu Liangrao could tell one thing after another, Huo Tainan had already laughed in his heart, but his face was still rigid.

Chu Liangrao leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and said, "You shouldn't be angry, right?"

"Is your husband the kind of small-minded person?"

"It's obvious that I'm angry." Chu Liangrao said, raised the corner of Huo Tainan's mouth with his hand and said, "Smile, good boy."

With a weird smile on his face, Huo Tainan said helplessly, "You." Gently putting Chu Liangrao on the bed, he said, "I really don't know what to do with you."

In this way, the rain is over, Chu Liangrao laughed, put his arms around Huo Tainan's neck and said, "I knew you were the best."

After the two fell in love, Huo Tainan hugged Chu Liangrao in his arms and said, "It's a good thing that the business in the store is doing well. This time, if there are some hard-working maids among these maids, we might as well recruit them. If it's a big deal, we'll sign the deed of sale first. If the person is honest, he will be released from slavery."

Huo Tainan's suggestion was very pertinent, Chu Liangrao thought about it, twisted his long hair with his hands and said: "It's just that they are not from embroidered mothers, and they all learned the rules of serving others, I'm afraid they will be too restrained, On the contrary, it’s a bad thing.” After all, this shop of his own is an innovation, and Chu Liangrao is very careful about the selection of personnel.

"Your concern is indeed a problem, but it's too early to make a judgment right now, why don't you take a look?"

Chu Liangrao responded lightly, and then found that her index finger was wrapped around two people's hair, she raised her hand and said, "Look, this is a married couple, right?"

Looking at the slender fingers covered by black hair, Huo Tainan lost his mind for a while, then raised his hand to hold Chu Liangrao's fingers and said: "Well, in this life, you are my wife."

Chu Liangrao, who was so beautiful in his heart, wanted to hug Huo Tainan as before, but when he stretched out his hand, the hair of the two of them was pulled so painfully.Chu Liangrao had no choice but to start cutting her hair, while Huo Tainan admired her bitter and bitter little face.

Fortunately, the hair of both of them is extremely smooth, so it doesn't take much effort to tidy them up.

After finishing it, Chu Liangrao turned his back angrily, not looking at Huo Tainan, muttering in his heart: This bad guy!Don't know how to help at critical moments, just know to watch the excitement, too bad!

Just when Chu Liangrao was full of complaints, Huo Tainan hugged him from behind, the warm arms made Chu Liangrao's body soften a little bit, and the original childishness disappeared.

"Ah Rao..." Huo Tainan shouted, his magnetic voice was somewhat hoarse.

"I'm here." Chu Liangrao replied.

"I'm happy for your husband." Huo Tainan said.

This... should be Huo Tainan's most serious confession. Compared with missing, this sentence really carries a lot more weight.

Chu Liangrao, who tried hard not to laugh out loud, turned around and said against Huo Tainan's chest, "I like you too, do you know that?"

How could he not know?Huo Tainan had the idea to confide.

The two talked for half the night, and in the end they didn't know who fell asleep first. Fortunately, Chu Liangrao had already ordered the matter, so they wouldn't be delayed because of getting up late the next day.

After selecting qualified candidates, Chu Liangrao sorted the orders into categories, set dates according to the background of each company, and asked Zhu Xiucai to come to explain them one by one in advance.

Fortunately, these big families are very reasonable and have no objection to the date of the order. So far, Zhu Xiucai is relieved.

At the moment when it was supposed to be in a hurry, the store was still orderly, which reassured the embroiderer who was a little panicked. Soon the first batch of orders came to fruition. Seeing the clothes she designed turned into finished products, Chu Liang Rao has a great sense of accomplishment.

Seeing that everything is going in a good direction, how do you know that there are new problems in the store.

On this day, Zhu Xiucai entrusted someone to bring a letter to Chu Liangrao, saying that Princess Mingyang had placed a big order, and he didn't know whether to accept it or not.After all, Princess Mingyang is the mother of the princess, if this is pushed, I'm afraid it will cause some trouble.

It was a rare few days when the weather was calm, and unexpectedly at this time, Mrs. Gu came to make trouble for herself again. Chu Liangrao was speechless for a while, and only told Zhu Xiucai to just decline as usual. Anyway, Mrs. Gu didn't know that she opened the store , could it be possible to overwhelm her with filial piety?
(End of this chapter)

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