good meal

Chapter 406 You Are Sick

Chapter 406 You Are Sick
How did Chu Liangrao know Huo Tainan's careful thinking, she was really hooked, and took advantage of the truce to explain the pedicure to Huo Tainan in detail.

Just talking about her is not enough, she asked Huo Tainan to bring an unused brush and borrowed Huo Tainan's feet as a model, she explained very seriously.

"Like here, if it hurts when you press it, it means your kidneys are not good." As he said that, Chu Liangrao pressed it hard in retaliation.

And Huo Tainan said as if he didn't feel it, "It doesn't hurt."

"It doesn't hurt?" Chu Liangrao didn't believe it, thinking he was faking it, so he pressed it a few more times.

Seeing her pressing hard, Chu Liangrao asked, "Should I call out?"

Looking at his appearance, it doesn't look like he is suffering, but he is clearly enjoying it!Chu Liangrao realized that he had been duped, so he simply threw away the brush, rolled up the quilt and sulked.

Huo Tainan hurriedly shouted: "Good lady, it hurts because of my husband, it really hurts, ouch. My lady, what should I do?"

Chu Liangrao almost failed, but he still turned over and said with a serious face: "Your unresponsiveness is also a disease, just give me a beating and you'll be fine."

Huo Tainan's complexion changed slightly, leaning against Chu Liangrao, he acted coquettishly: "My husband knows that the lady is the best, how could the lady be willing to do it, the lady will definitely not do anything to me, right?"

These words seem to be begging for mercy, but in fact they are aggressive methods. He is a martial artist who is really afraid of being hit, and taking Chu Liangrao's small fists as an example, even if he uses a lot of strength, it is just for him. Just a massage.

Chu Liangrao was almost fooled, but he just snorted lightly and ignored Huo Tainan.

The sound of the two talking and joking spread outside the house, and Mama Du was very worried. The laughter was naturally a good thing, but did the princess laugh too much?If you want to move your tires, how can you get it?

Just when he was worried, the voices in the room suddenly stopped, and after a while, Huo Tainan came out to ask for water to wash up.

Mother Du only thought that the two of them had had enough of arguing and wanted to rest, so she didn't think much about it, and just asked Lilac to bring the water into the room.

Ding Xiang put down the basin and left the house to wait at the door.

Huo Tainan picked up the handkerchief and gently wiped it for Chu Liangrao, Chu Liangrao muttered, "Do you know about restraint?"

Kissing Chu Liangrao's little mouth, Huo Tainan said: "My lady is too attractive, I can't help my husband."

This made Chu Liangrao have nothing to say, well, she was indeed the one who sparked the fire just now, but she never thought that her collar would suddenly open when she was playing around...

Pursing her lips, she pointed Huo Tainan's chest with her hand and said, "Don't do this in the future, it hurts your body."

"I would like to listen to my lady's instruction," Huo Tainan said sincerely.

However, Chu Liangrao knew that no matter how many times he persuaded him, it was useless. Huo Tainan's self-control was wiped out on the bed, and his exhortations were just useless efforts.

Maybe it was because she was tired from making trouble, Chu Liangrao washed and fell asleep with the pillow on her face.

Huo Tainan got up and went to the study.

As expected, there were already people in the study.

Huo Tainan frowned slightly, and said: "This is my home after all, should you also go through the door in the future?"

The visitor showed no shame: "This subordinate is abrupt, and I hope the county horse will forgive me."

During the meeting under the lamp, Huo Tainan's expression became serious again, and he asked, "Your Majesty has really decided?"


Huo Tainan couldn't help being silent.

Walking out of the study, he raised his eyes to the sky, only to see that the clouds in the sky covered the bright moon, which looked very gloomy.

Shaking his head slightly, Huo Tainan went back to the house.

Seeing that Chu Liangrao was still sleeping soundly, his face was coated with a soft light again, and he fell asleep without mentioning it.

When the sky was bright, Huo Tainan got up and was putting on a shoe when he heard rustling sounds behind him, his waist felt hot and he was hugged.

"Why are you up so early?" Chu Liangrao asked.

Hearing Chu Liangrao's clear voice, as if she was already awake, Huo Tainan patted the back of her hand and said, "I'll go to the palace."

Chu Liangrao still didn't let go: "Has something happened in the palace?"

Turning around, Huo Tainan looked at Chu Liangrao's face and said: "Ah Rao, Your Majesty has decided to let Princess Yinhua get married, and the new bride will send a dowry in half a month."

Chu Liangrao was slightly taken aback and said, "It's really Yin Hua..."

"There are a lot of things to prepare for the princess's wedding. Your Majesty intends to let me escort you. I'm afraid I will leave for a month later."

Hearing this, Chu Liangrao's heart skipped a beat, and her sense of loss deepened, but she still smiled softly on her face: "It's your husband's ability to be reused by His Majesty. Just do your job well and don't worry about me."

"Ah Rao..." Huo Tainan's heart ached, he gently stroked Chu Liangrao's cheek, and said, "I'm so sorry."

"I'm not a child anymore, I will take care of myself, but you, you must take care of your health." Chu Liangrao sat up reluctantly, "Nothing is important, as long as you come back safely."

For a while, Huo Tainan was speechless.

He hoped that Chu Liangrao would make trouble with him unreasonably and tell him not to leave, instead of holding back his emotions like this, and cheering up to comfort himself.

Relatively speechless, Chu Liangrao stood up and said, "What are you still doing? Did you want to eat as much as you want the first day?"

Her tone was relaxed, and she could hear a little bit of reluctance.

But Huo Tainan felt more and more unhappy, he grabbed Chu Liangrao and said, "Ah Rao, I'm not leaving, I'll go and tell His Majesty."

"You want to go on strike before taking office?" Chu Liangrao pouted slightly, and said, "You can't do this, you have to set a good example, so our children can learn well."

This reason is somewhat convincing, but Huo Tainan was still reluctant to let go, he hugged the person in his arms tightly, and said: "Ah Rao, I want to take you away together, Haijiaotianya."

Rubbing Huo Tainan's chest, Chu Liangrao raised his head, stood on tiptoe, kissed Huo Tainan on the lips, and said: "We still have a lifetime to get along, no matter the day or night."

These words seem to be comforting Huo Tainan, and they are also comforting herself.

But apparently, it didn't work for anyone.

After hugging for a while, Huo Tainan hurriedly washed and changed clothes, and left the house without even taking care of breakfast.

Chu Liangrao sat down and embroidered flowers after breakfast, this time, she decided to embroider a heart and let Huo Tainan take it away.

If it takes half a month, she should be in time.

After picking out the thread, she began to embroider seriously.

Chu Liangrao, who was so focused, carried a layer of contagion, no matter who walked into the room, he couldn't help but lighten his movements.

With every stitch and thread, Chu Liangrao carried an almost pious heart, as if he had put all his heart and soul into it.

Ding Lan couldn't help being infected, she helped tidy up the ball of thread, and didn't mention it from time to time as usual, just waited quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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